Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1835: Blizzard attack

The tall man remained silent, and there was no earth-shaking breath exploding from his body, but he was extremely frightening, like a dormant tiger, faintly convincing the world.

The higher the cultivation base, the more he can feel his horror, as if there is a divine furnace in his body, eternally immortal.

Amazingly, this is a golden core power!

While talking, he slammed out a big hand and grabbed Mengyao several hundred feet away.


The moment the big hand protruded, the void seemed to rise in a round of sun, with dazzling brilliance.

The man in silver armor also surged in divine light, as if he was about to burn, and a faint shadow of a three-legged golden crow appeared.

This is a vision born of his blood, indicating that he is a member of the Jinwu tribe.

This race is extremely powerful, even above the Primordial Fire Ape, it is nothing to swallow magma, and it can even swallow the sun and fire spirit, and can come and go freely in the stars.

Among the three golden pills that Ye Tian killed last time, there was one of the Golden Crow tribe, who was honored as the prince of the Jin Crow tribe. Now it is normal for the Golden Crow to seek revenge.

In other words, this steel battleship is owned by the Golden Crow tribe, and the number of monks who come to take revenge is also the Golden Crow tribe. In addition, there are some monks from Haotian Immortal Sect and Shushan Sword Palace.

True Monarch Lei Xiao and Sword Fairy Furuhe who were killed by Ye Tian two years ago came from these two sects.

And the two monks who fell in the void passageway were one from the Golden Crow tribe and the other from the Haotian Immortal Sect.

That is to say, all the five golden cores came from these three sects, and the same is true for the monks on the steel battleship today.

"Brother Wu Dao, save her a life first, let me search for the soul and see how true or false what she said."

Next to the silver-armored Jinwu men, a middle-aged man wearing a robe painted with mysterious thunder patterns and holding a tens of thousands of years of lightning strikes the wood, and his whole body throbbed coldly.

This is a golden core elder from the Haotian Immortal Sect, the Taoist name is Beichenzi, and he is called True Monarch Beichen, and his cultivation is even higher than True Monarch Leixiao.

The Taoist tradition left by Vast Sky Immortal Sect for Emperor Vast Sky, majoring in thunder method and daring to name it after Immortal Sect, is enough to show its power.

You know, in the central galaxy world on the other side of the starry sky, the sect must have at least one Immortal Venerable Crossing Tribulation before daring to call it Xianzong, otherwise he will be ridiculed and even beaten by the real Xianzong.

Although the Great Emperor Haotian was known as the Great Emperor, he was really just a Nascent Soul.

While talking, True Monarch Beichen raised a big hand, and gathered countless ray silks in his palm, like steel needles, he was really ready to search Mengyao's soul.

"Fine, my old life was saved by Ye Tianren. Now the sect is in trouble, I can't shrink it, it's a big deal."


On the ground, Li Chundao stomped his foot suddenly and rushed up into the sky.

"The immortal of the inner hidden door, don't do it, and listen to me, she is innocent. We have something to say." Li Chundao shouted while flying into the air.

"Elder Li..."

Luo Feng clenched his hands into fists, and Weng Ming's voice was heard from the sword behind him.

"Stay well, don't come over." Li Chundao said to him.

"Old head Li, you are embarrassing me!" Old man Jiu Jue smiled bitterly.

Although Ye Tian had the kindness to know him, but it was life and death. He knew very well that instead of waiting for death or going to death, it was better to run away to get a little bit of life.

Now Li Chundao is actively "going to death". If he escapes, the old face will have nowhere to rest, so it's a bit embarrassing.

"An ant, did I let you talk?"

True Monarch Beichen yelled angrily, facing Li Chundao, directly waved his robe out, as if he was swatting a fly.


There was a great shock in the void, and a huge force came out of the ocean, like the palm of a giant spirit **** dancing, excluding the void, pushing the mountains and rivers horizontally, and the world seemed to be pierced.

As soon as Li Chundao rushed out of the mountain guarding formation, he was swept away by this domineering force, and then the whole person flew out like a kicked ball, and his clothes were completely covered by the wind. Tearing, vomiting blood again and again. In the end, it flew out for several thousand feet, and smashed a big hole in a piece of mud, life and death unknown.

The power of a sleeve is so overbearing!

Both the Beiming disciples and the crowd watching the battle from a distance were all dumbfounded, and the scene was dead silent!

If Li Chundao is only a divine realm, and being taken away does not mean that the golden core is powerful, then Mengyao is now under the palm of a man of the silver armor and Jinwu tribe, her body is imprisoned, and the power of the earth fairy that can shake the heavens and the earth. Being suppressed is enough to show the power of Jin Dan.


The dozen or so layers of light film in the mountain protection array trembles violently like cloth, and a huge palm print pit is printed out by the palm of the air.

At this moment, Mengyao's face was as gray as death!

She knew that this group of powerful enemies in the hidden sect would never play cards according to common sense. Not only would she die, the entire sect might be destroyed, and all efforts would be destroyed.

The weak eat the strong, this world has always been like this!

"Sister Mengyao!"


The disciples of Beiming shouted, all eyes were splitting.

However, the ant's cry can't make any difference.

No one cares about the life and death of an ant.

The old man Jiujue wanted to rescue him, but hesitated, his reason and impulsiveness seemed to be two villains fighting, and it was difficult to distinguish the outcome for a while.


Just as the silver armor and golden crow man closed his five fingers and was about to hold Mengyao in his palm, suddenly a dense forest riot in the back of Beiming Mountain caused a violent sound, causing the mountains to shake.

"You all **** it!"

First, there was a roar that shook the sky, like a beating Tiangu, spreading out dozens of miles away.

Then, I saw a behemoth rising up into the sky, like a hill, completely dark and full of thick hairs, which made the void dim.

"It's the Grim Bear, it's shot!"

The Beiming disciple was excited and exclaimed loudly.

"Don't do it!" Mengyao wanted to shout loudly, but the sound was like a mosquito.

It was she who told the Grim Bear not to take action, so Bei Ming might still have a way to survive.

Now the tyrannical bear couldn't help but make a move, and the powerful enemy was furious, and Bei Ming was really finished.

The tyrannical bear is more than ten feet tall, really like a mountain, with muscles like iron, and its thick hair is harder than a steel needle, and it is so powerful that it can explode the mountain with one punch.

This is a pill-condensing beast, full of blood and energy, surging like a tide, making the sky riot, the mountains and rivers trembling, extremely powerful.

At this moment, all the spectators in the distance took a breath.

After more than two years of absence, the Grim Bear became stronger, like a **** of death walking out of hell, trying to destroy this world.


The tiger spirit sword slashed out, slashing at the man in golden crow and silver armor and the steel battleship under him.

The sound of the knife resounded, shocking for nine days.

A blade of light, as long as thousands of feet, came out like a bolt of lightning.

With the knife in his hand, the aura on the violent earth bear rises instead of falling, becoming stronger.

It breathes in, breathes, and moves, faintly in harmony with the heavens and the earth, affecting this piece of sacred land and absorbing the power of the heavens and the earth.

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