Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1836: Naval gun power

In mid-air, the terrestrial violent bear holds the tiger spirit sword and slashes down fiercely. The blade is thousands of feet long, and there is also a huge tiger that emerges like a **** tiger in the heavens. It is unmatched and powerful with the sword. The light moved, pressing against the golden crow man in silver armor and the steel battleship under him together.


The tiger roared like a beating drum, resounding through the sky, deafening.

This is the spirit of the sword sealed in the Tiger Soul Sabre, the soul of a tiger that has fought with Chi You.

And the whole battle sword is Chi You's personal sword, a weapon that has been sacrificed for a lifetime, and it contains Chi You's indestructible warfare.

Ordinary monks can't control this sword at all, because they have slaughtered thousands of creatures and their murderous aura is too heavy.

And the violent earth bear is born with an indestructible sword body, violent by nature, and infinite strength, which is the most suitable for this kind of life-killing tool.


The world trembled, violently trembled, the tragic breath spread over the sky, and the cold murderous intent swept the sky and the ground.

If this place is not the heavy land of Beiming, it is guarded by heavy arrays, and if it is changed to other places, the mountains will turn into dust.

The power of this knife is too great, the divine mark is revived, and the law emerges, like a giant spirit **** dancing the sky knife, standing out, smashing through the sky, killing the body through the body, and the soul is standing in the distance. The people who watched eating melon can feel the cold killing intent.


Some people couldn't bear this kind of pressure, vomiting blood, and felt cold all over, and this was just a hint of the aftermath of the sword intent from the Tiger Soul Sabre.


The void was like a piece of tofu, it was easily split open, and a long crack appeared, and a turbulent flow of void scraped out from it. But this kind of void crack is not stable, almost disappearing in a flash.


The moment the knife came out, even the strong enemy of the hidden door on the steel battleship could not calm down.

Shenbing is Yuanying’s war soldier, and can kill the golden core, even if it is rare in the inner hidden door.

Seeing this sword, and the sharp light of the sword, the strong enemy on the steel battleship's inner hidden door was chilled. Not only was the earth immortal terrified, even several gold cores felt the breath of death.

It is not uncommon for a condensed pill to hold a magic weapon to kill a golden pill.


The big hand that covered the sky that the silver armored golden crow man protruded first collided with the blade of the tiger soul sword, and it was cut instantly, making it vulnerable to a blow.

As soon as the giant palm collapsed, Mengyao got out of control and flew out, but after all, she was an earth fairy and soon stabilized her figure.

Dao Mang's domineering power did not seem to lose a trace, and he continued to cut off the silver armored golden crow man and the steel battleship.

The melon-eaters standing in the distance could see that the sky-reaching sword glow was like a big guillotine, tearing through the sky, hanging on the top of the steel battleship, to be cut in two.

The terrestrial bear is too powerful. It moves with the sword, and its thick hair roots are like steel needles, spraying thin sword air. The whole person and the sword seem to be integrated. It is not like dancing a sword at all, but like shaking it. One big stick, one smash, simple, rough and vigorous.

Not only did it wield its war sword, it also made a terrible roar and breathed out a violent bear.

Ho Ho Ho!

The void trembles, and there are countless ripples in the air. In the ripples, there are strands of golden light pulsating, which is the Gengjin Qi exuding from the indestructible sword body of the violent earth bear.

Countless void ripples converge, like a tsunami caused by a hurricane, rushing toward the steel battleship in an overwhelming manner.

Bang bang bang!

Wherever the breath of the storm passed, all rocks and trees on the ground were broken and turned into dust. The dense forests were destroyed, turned into barren land, and even razed to the ground.


At a speed faster than the sword light, the storm's breath of violent bear swept the steel battleship first.

Suddenly, the steel battleship of more than one hundred feet long shook for a while, as if the aircraft carrier encountered a storm and tsunami in the ocean. Many earthly creatures on the deck were unstable and almost swept away. Only Jin Dan can stand proudly, not chaos in the face of danger.


In the next second, countless halo runes loomed up on the steel battleship, intertwined into a guardian array, to resist the violent bear's breath.

However, the warship did not turn the crisis into peace, because the Heavenly Sword Light had already arrived.

This sword light looked like a huge sky tiger, and wanted to swallow the steel battleship in one bite.

"Break it for me!" The violent earth bear roared, uttering a human voice, and went all out, not hesitating to urge the condensed pill, to split the steel battleship with a single knife.

Although it is a spirit beast, it not only has human feelings, but also has human IQ, able to think and know how to be grateful.

It knows that it can't give the other party time to react, it must be done quickly, otherwise it will be suppressed as soon as a few gold cores make a move, even if there are magical soldiers in their hands.

Moreover, who knows if there is a magic weapon in the opponent's hands?

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The protective array raised by the steel battleship, transformed into a dome-like light curtain, under the blade of the tiger soul sword, it was sliced ​​like an onion layer by layer, making a harsh and violent whistling sound.

It's not that the light curtain is not tough enough, but the tiger soul sword is too sharp. It is a great soldier, almost everything is indestructible.

One layer, two layers,...

Seeing the ten layers of protective light curtains on the steel battleship were constantly being cut open, the melon-eaters watching the battle from a distance were all dumbfounded and shocked, worried that the battleship would really be shattered by this knife.

Many of them regard the powerful enemy of the hidden gate as the savior, so naturally they don't want to see this scene.

Only the ancestor of Wanfa, Xuan Zichen, has his beard and two piercing eyes, without the slightest surprise or panic, as if sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Not only did he not panic, his sharp eyes penetrated the heavy protective light curtain of the steel battleship, and he didn't panic when he saw the hidden door monks on the battleship, and he was controlling the naval gun in an orderly manner.

I saw that a monk of the hidden door took out the purple ling spar and inserted it into the groove on the barrel. The miniature magic circle in the groove worked frantically, drawing aura from the spirit crystals.

With the infusion of aura, UU reads www. In the barrel of, a blue light began to flash.

After just a few breaths, the entire steel battleship shook slightly. From the barrel of a main gun on the deck, an olive-shaped light group with a diameter of about three feet was ejected. The whole body was surrounded by electric lights, like a ball. Spherical lightning.

The power of this gun is comparable to a Jin Dan strike!


Everyone's eyes saw a light group flying out of the battleship, the speed was incredible, before they had time to see what it was, they heard a loud bang, and the sky-wide sword light shattered in response.

The light ball burst and turned into a dazzling strong light, a hundred times more intense than the sun's light, and countless ripples swelled in the void, converging into shock waves, devastating and rotten, and impacting in all directions.

At this time, the ten layers of protective light curtains on the battleship were cut through seven layers, leaving only three layers, which was a failure.

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