Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1845: Killing golden pills is like slaughtering a dog

The silver armored golden crow man, a golden core power, was trampled to death by Ye Tian, ​​and his body, spirit, and golden core were all trampled to death.

All the people who saw this scene, whether they were the monks in the field or the onlookers in the distance, were dumbfounded and could not believe it.

That is a golden core power, known as eternal and immortal, known as invincible.

If he died under Ye Tian's magic weapon, everyone would not be so shocked. After all, the magic weapon recovers, and it is common sense that everyone can kill the golden pill.

However, the tragic death of the Golden Crow man in silver armor at Ye Tian's feet was shocking.

This shows that even if he doesn't use the magic weapon, he still has the ability to kill the golden core.

Condensing the pill to kill the golden pill, how untrue it is, how it sounds like a fairy tale!

Da da!

Countless people's teeth were trembling, and their backs were chilly.

"I knew you could." Shuiyue Saint Lanmeng's two black jewel-like eyes were a little moist, murmured. The Sect Master Shuiyue standing next to her had a strange expression.

"This is just the beginning, he may not be able to win. But there are still three golden cores." Sect Master Shuiyue said coldly, still not having much hope for Ye Tian's victory over the powerful enemy of the Inner Gate.

"I believe he can win, he will definitely win." Lan Meng said slowly, with a firm tone.

Her expression was like a lover who was waiting idiotically, waiting for a great hero to come and take her away under the colorful clouds.

Sect Master Shuiyue only shook his head and stopped speaking.


The old man of the Golden Crow let out a earth-shaking roar, heartbreaking, and his chest filled with anger.

The silver-jacketed Golden Crow man was his own son, and his parents were killed face-to-face. It's strange that his old man didn't run away.

Like an ancient fierce beast awakening, the aura of the golden crow old man's body is increasing sharply every minute and every second, and the fluctuations in his body are surging out like waves, making the world become unstable, as if it is about to collapse. Bad, the breath of death is overwhelming.

All the people in the audience were all horrified, and they felt that their souls were torn apart. If there was a steel knife scraping the bones, every inch of flesh and blood would be peeled off. The pain was unbearable.

"Hahaha, Tiger Soul Warrior, not bad, not bad. Worthy of being the great power of the ancient Yuan Ying, the sword of the invincible God of War Chi You, is perfect for me. In the hands of a beast of you, it is simply a secret cast of a pearl." True Monarch Beichen said loudly. He smiled, holding a tiger soul sword, so excited that he couldn't control himself.

With all the efforts of Jiu Jian Zhenjun, he survived from the tiger soul sword of the violent earth bear.

Because the Tiger Soul Sabre was knocked off a bit under the continuous collision of the flying sword, and the violent earth bear itself was severely damaged by the flying sword, and its body was floating like fallen leaves, and its control of the sword was greatly reduced, so that the sword and the true king of Beichen were also greatly reduced. Missed, cut a big rift on the ground.


The mountain shook again, and the terrible bear fell to the ground, smashing a big hole, all covered with blood holes, blood gurgling, although there is still vitality, but extremely weak, it can no longer fight.

After the Tiger Soul Sabre collapsed and flew out, it was actually snatched by True Monarch Beichen.

"Good buddy, don't worry, I won't let you be dusted again. I will take you to kill all over the world and drink the enemy's blood." True Monarch Beichen tapped the sword and let out a croaking sound, Jie Jie said with a smile. , It looks ghastly and terrible.

Thousands of Thunder True Energy poured out from his body and rushed into the sword, trying to erase the mark left by the violent bear inside, so as to truly control the sword.

He is a golden pill, and can control magical weapons better than a condensed pill.




A group of North Ming elders and disciples rushed, or magical spells, or swords, spears, swords and halberds, and they launched various attacks.

"act recklessly!"

True Monarch Beichen only slightly shook the sword in his hand, and a fierce tiger appeared, huge and boundless, and swallowed all the attacks into his abdomen with one mouth.

Immediately after True Monarch Beichen slashed out again, in an instant, an incomparably terrifying force surged out of the sword, like a peerless Heavenly Monarch Ling Chen.

The mighty sword light training is like a hanging sky across the sky, extremely dazzling and bright, splitting the void, and beheading a group of cultivators in Beiming.

"No, run away!" The old man Jiu Jue yelled, and quickly dodged to retreat.

Mengyao was also shocked. After cutting out a purple lightning blade, he used Ye Tian taught him to flash his shadow.

However, in the next moment, a heavy and mighty coercion fell from the sky, revealing a strong death energy, sealing the void, making her struggling, and she couldn't move forward.

"Hahaha, a bunch of ants, let me die! Today I want to borrow the blood of everyone in your Beiming Sect to slash my sword." True Monarch Beichen let out a thunderous roar, the gold in his body Dan ran crazily, full of fighting spirit, infinite thunder light lingering around his body, piercing through the sky, at this moment as terrifying as a demon god.

At the same time, the old Golden Crow and True Monarch Nine Swords also attacked, attacking Xiang Ye Tian together, and didn't give him time to save the monks.

The two Thunder Gates had disappeared from behind Ye Tian. Just as True Monarch Beichen said earlier, the Thunder Gates could not last too long, nor could they appear continuously. It is a good time for them to turn defeat into victory.

"External force is an external force after all. It can be borrowed for a while, but not for a lifetime. It is a pity that you are not a golden core after all!" Sect Master Shuiyue's eyes flickered, and he gently shook his head with a look of regret.

"He won't be defeated." Lan Meng said stubbornly.

"Chi'er, there is a knife on the word'love', you shouldn't..." Sect Master Shuiyue's voice suddenly became severe, as if criticizing the disciple for not being emotional.

But before she could finish her words, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she saw an incredible scene.

The war knife in the hands of True Lord Beichen was about to strike a group of North Ming monks, and hundreds of lives were hanging in a thread. At this moment, a sudden change occurred. The sword suddenly flew out of the hands of True Lord Beichen. After going around, he hacked and killed True Monarch Beichen.

"This...?" True Monarch Beichen immediately saw a black line on his forehead, his eyes almost didn't pop out of his sockets, and he couldn't react at all for a while.

"There is a great road imprint in the magic weapon, do you mean that you can erase it by erasing it, and you can control it by mastering it?" Ye Tian said indifferently, holding a big hand across the void and pressing it down.

The blazing tiger soul sword, gushing out infinite sword aura, UU reading www.uukAnshu. The com divine mark danced in the sky, and the fierce tiger blade spirit roared for nine days, the mighty power, as if to cut through the world.

At that moment, there was only one sword light that traversed the sky in the void, and as Ye Tian waved his arm down, he slashed away at the head of True Monarch Beichen.

"Damn it!"

True Monarch Beichen roared, his body was full of stressful magic weapons, forming a series of light curtains, colorful, gorgeous, and guarded as golden soup.

But under the Tiger Soul Sabre, all the protections could not even be supported by a single finger, and they were all broken open.

"Ah, don't kill me!"

Immediately afterwards, in the screaming screams, True Monarch Beichen was slashed to open the Heavenly Spirit Cover, smashed into the sky, and turned into a **** mist in the sky.

The second golden core fell, and the audience was terrified!

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