Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1846: Golden lotus

Another golden core was beheaded in the blink of a finger, and all spectators were frightened, including the ancestor Xuan Zichen of Ten Thousand Fazong, their eyes widened and dumbfounded.

"Control two divine weapons at the same time? How did he do it? He is just a condensed pill. How can he be so shocking?" Qingyun New Sword Master said in a daze, a little dizzy, almost not scaring himself to death.

He seemed to be able to predict the ending. Ye Tian won a big victory, and then asked him to settle accounts after Autumn. He knelt down and begged for mercy, and was slapped to death.

"Is it because of that violent bear?" someone else wondered.

"No, it has nothing to do with the violent earth bear, nor is he actually outputting mana to spur the tiger soul sword. Look at that floating mountain." Xuan Zichen said slowly, two old eyes that were no longer gleaming towards the top of the North Underworld Immortal Sect Looking out of a floating mountain.

Everyone also looked up and saw that the floating mountain was glowing, the runes were shining, buzzing and shaking, and the surrounding void ripples, like a perpetual machine, with a steady flow of mana output. , Poured into the tiger soul sword from the air.

On this floating mountain, there is a magic circle left by the Xian Jiuli God Sect, which is specially used to control the tiger soul magic weapon and is part of the guardian formation.

When Ye Tian came to the **** prison of Jiuli Sect, this great formation that controlled the gods broke out once. Later, he captured the Jiuli Divine Sect, and this circle was also opened.

Because the magic weapon is too difficult to control, it is difficult to use the full power of the earth immortal alone, and it is even difficult to even spur the resurrection of the gods.

It is different if there is a large formation of magical soldiers, which can rely on the power of the large array to spur the recovery of magical soldiers, which is far better than manpower. And people only need to control the big formation.

Wan Fazong also has a similar big formation, urging their Zhenzong divine weapon Nine Fire Flame Dragon Chariot.

At this moment, Ye Tian controlled the Tiger Soul Battle Knife by controlling the Floating Mountain Divine Soldier Array. It didn't need to consume much mana, just relying on the power of divine consciousness.


After killing True Monarch Beichen with a single stab, the Tiger Soul's sword came back again, sharp and unmatched, wandering through the air, like a dragon, slashing away at True Monarch Nine Swords.

"Child, do you dare?" True Monarch Nine Swords was furious and roared.

The nine-handed flying sword rushed out, the sword light was cold, the sword aura was overwhelming, like nine divine dragons coming out of the abyss, tearing the sky up, shaking the tiger's soul sword hard.

These nine flying swords seem to be separated, but in fact they are connected to each other, forming a large flying sword formation, so powerful that they can cut golden pills.

"The first sword!" Ye Tian only sighed softly, his palms shook lightly, and the Tiger Soul Battle Sword slashed out.

The sword constantly draws energy from the great formation of the gods, as if it is integrated with the world, borrowing the mighty power of the world, the sword light is so heavy, so flaming that people can’t look directly at it, turning into a shining beam of hundreds of feet long. Knife mang.

The sword beams across the sky, like the heavenly sword in the hands of the ancient gods, slashed out with a single knife, and the sea of ​​clouds for ten miles was torn apart. From below, it looked like the sky was broken open, and hundreds of feet of sword light broke through the void and went down.

A powerful aura was instantly locked on the body of True Monarch Nine Swords, giving him the illusion of being stared at by a beast, and he could not escape anyway.

His heart was extremely shocked, and he couldn't think that Ye Tian, ​​a small condensed pill, could be so capable.


The true monarch of the nine swords roared wildly, the mana in his body surged, urging the nine flying swords.

Bang bang bang!

The nine flying swords are like nine divine dragons, colliding with the Tiger Soul Sabre one after another, and every blow erupts with earth-shattering noises. The Tiger Soul's sword is as powerful as a broken bamboo, and the nine flying swords of the True Lord of the Nine Swords are smashed into the air one after another, just like a kindergarten kid being hung and beaten by an adult strong man.

"Thief, when I don't exist?" The old golden crow roared, and rushed to kill him instantly, like a **** or devil, with his hair upside down, and his killing intent was endless.

He was surrounded by raging flames, the golden crow's blood was revived, and his whole person became a three-legged golden crow.

The golden crow's wings were a hundred feet wide, and the wings flapped, setting off a monstrous fire, with the might of burning the sky, like a nine-day divine phoenix, terrifying infinitely.

The world has become unstable and almost collapsed.

"Dead!" the old golden crow roared.

The Baizhang Golden Crow danced for nine days, and came with the sky fire, covering Ye Tian underneath, protruding two small iron claws, and constantly pressing down to catch Ye Tian's body and burn it to ashes.

At this time, Ye Tian was also moving the giant spirit body. Although it was a little smaller than the Baizhang Golden Crow, it was also several tens of meters tall, like a Titan giant.

The Baizhang Golden Crow pounced, but he didn't escape, but he reached out with two big hands and grabbed the two iron claws of the Golden Crow.


For a moment, Ye Tian felt a huge pressure, like Taishan fell down, his body can still support, but the ground under his feet sank, and soon fell into his knees, and it was still sinking.

The two iron claws of the Golden Crow are even more divine, and the surging force is enough to burst the hill. Can you imagine what kind of oppression Ye Tian endured?

At the same time, the Golden Crow was blazing and roasting and burning Ye Tian.

Click, click!

The earth continued to collapse, and Xuan turned into magma under the burning flames, surrounding Ye Tian's body.

When the parent and child were killed, the golden crow old man was furious, and a golden core in his body seemed to be undergoing a nuclear reaction, with monstrous divine power surging every minute and every second.

Ye Tian's body tensed and resisted with all his strength. This is an extremely powerful existence, even above the **** king Taizhou on the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain. Although the golden core is not high in quality, only the second-rank, it has been astonishingly cultivated to the later stage, and can be called the second-rank golden core great true monarch. .


Suddenly, Ye Tian spit out a mouthful of blood, although not much, but some people saw it.

"He's vomiting blood, he must be dying," Xuan Zichen said loudly, his eyes widened, and suddenly two gleams of light appeared.

The faces of other acquaintances standing with him immediately showed a faint smile.

Qingyun New Sword Master, who had been very nervous, also sighed in secret.

Even the Golden Crow old man's expression changed, seeing the dawn of victory, he only felt that he had a chance to win.

"There are so many young tianjiaos since ancient times, but they can't reach the level of Jindan, they are nothing. Even the genius in the early stage is useless, and in the end it is a trash of dung." The old Jinwu said coldly.

"Haha, are you? Then you mean, when you were young, you were trash?" Ye Tian smiled.

This is just the hidden wound he left when he passed through the void passage, not the real injury to his Golden Crow old man. If he knew that this bruise made many people blindly happy, he would have to laugh out his teeth.

"Senior Golden Crow, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him quickly!" True Monarch Nine Swords said loudly.

If it wasn't for the old man of the Golden Crow to suddenly act on Ye Tian, ​​he would still be injured even if he was not killed by the Tiger Soul's sword.

After all, Ye Tian couldn't be distracted. Against the Golden Crow old man, the Tiger Soul Sabre was negligent and let the Nine Swords True Monarch escape.

"A clever tongue, dare to speak up. The so-called genius is just a joke in my eyes. I want to kill you, just like slaughtering a dog."

In the voice, Ye Tian obviously felt that the pressure of the Golden Crow was heavier, enough to sink an aircraft carrier to a depth of 10,000 meters.

"Give me to die!" The Golden Crow old man let out a roar, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a big oven between heaven and earth, and the powerful fluctuation of divine power almost broke the heaven and the earth, shaking for a while.

However, suddenly, the old man of the Golden Crow looked stiff, only to feel that a volcanic eruption-like force burst out from under his body and exploded violently.

This force was so powerful that it surpassed his desperately squeezing the Golden Core, like dozens of billions of tons of nuclear weapons exploded at the same time, making it difficult for him to control himself in an instant.

Everyone in the audience could see that under the old man of the Golden Crow, there was a chaos and turbulent, really like a mushroom cloud raised by a nuclear explosion, with great power.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the chaos, a golden lotus rose from the ground. Although it was a flower, it looked like a sacred tree. The taller it grew, the larger it grew, and it finally turned into a thousand-square-meter size. , Every leaf is like a cloud hanging down from the sky, casting a large shadow.

A golden lotus flower blooms on the top, and each petal is crystal clear, shiny and tender. When the chaos was raging, it seemed to be opening up inside, and as the buds bloomed, life seemed to be born from it, bursts of ancient and vague auras.

The golden lotus that is thousands of meters in size, like a sacred tree towering between the heavens and the earth, dangling chaotic energy, what a terrible scene is this?

"Damn it!" The old golden crow roared, and the golden crow's body was held up by a thousand feet for life, and it was too late to retreat, and was washed away by the chaotic energy.

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, as if watching a miracle.

Even the True Monarch of Nine Swords was dumbfounded on the spot, very cold.

Ye Tian stood proudly in front of Qianzhang Jinlian with his hands in his hands, and his whole body was blooming with golden brilliance, even his hair was dyed golden, and the roots were shining like jade silk, like a **** who opened the world.

"This is the breath of Condensation Pill, completely different from just now. This golden lotus is the essence of Yuan Pill, and it is also different from the method of Xuanwu just now. Strange, did he cultivate two Yuan Pills? How is this possible?" Jiu Jian Zhenjun felt horrified in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more terrible he felt.

He was almost certain that Ye Tianxiu had produced two Yuan Pills, but he had never heard of them, had never seen them, and couldn't believe them for a while. They were too far-fetched.

The Golden Crow old man was also extremely shocked, and was able to guess that there were two Yuan Dan in Ye Tian's body.

I think he is a golden core, and he is the great king of the late golden core, so why is he afraid of Ye Tianxiu's two yuan cores?


He opened his mouth and vomited, UU reading www. is a monstrous sea of ​​fire, like a torrent from a mountain torrent, burning away the chaotic golden lotus.

However, Jin Lian surged out of chaotic energy and rushed out all the flames, not hurting Jin Lian at all. On the contrary, the strands of Chaos Qi are like knives and swords, with the power of piercing gold and breaking iron, and every time it washes on his body, it brings a lot of wounds.

"I don't believe it!" The golden crow old man roared, his figure shook, and the more powerful bloodline divine power exploded, expanding from one hundred zhang to two hundred zhang, and slammed into the chaotic golden lotus.


The world trembles, and the dazzling glare is shining, like a wild ancient beast fighting, its breath shakes the sky and the earth.

However, the chaotic golden lotus was unhindered, but the golden crow old man flew out, and his body was washed by chaotic energy with dense scars, as if he had been slashed by thousands of heavenly swords.

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