Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1847: Beheaded

"Damn little beast, you actually hurt me!" The old man of the Golden Crow roared wildly, feeling his lungs exploding.

This is the first time since his Jin Dan became successful, and he was injured so badly in the hands of a small Ning Dan. This is something he will never accept.


True Monarch Nine Swords swallowed wildly, his expression changed drastically, and some wanted to withdraw.

At this moment, Ye Tian's low voice suddenly came:

"Second cut!"


Suddenly the Tiger Soul Divine Sabre hanging in the air shined brightly, the clank sword rang through the world, and suddenly killed the Nine Swords True Monarch again.


Tianyu was cut open with a knife, and there was a turbulent flow of the void, and the sword energy soaring into the sky gathered into a thousand-zhang sword gang, surging out a more terrifying aura than before, faintly shattering the world.


True Monarch Nine Swords was shocked, he didn't dare to love war at all, and he didn't even care about the image of the immortal of the Inner Gate. He ran away, facing the direction of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, where there was a void passage to return to the Inner Gate.

He never imagined that such a monster would be born at the Outer Hidden Gate, which was so powerful that it was unreasonable.

However, the speed of the Tiger Soul Sabre was too fast, and the Qi machine locked on him remotely, as if it could travel through the void, and instantly traversed the thousands of feet of the void and appeared above his head.

"Damn it!"

True Monarch Nine Swords looked solemn, the mana of the golden core in his body surged, and he raised his hand and threw a talisman seal.

This talisman seal was in the shape of a sword. It was golden in color and densely engraved with many mysterious runes. As soon as it was thrown, an endless sword aura surged out like a tide.

Qiang Qiang!

The sword aura was like a rainbow, very dazzling, invincible, and almost split the void.

In the end, this endless sword aura condensed into a peerless great sword, which ran across the sky, and it was thousands of feet long, and it seemed as if all ten squares of Tianyu could be split by this sword.

A vast breath came from the Qianzhang Great Sword, and it was faintly able to fight against the Tiger Soul Sabre.

"This is the Heavenly Sword Talisman left by a half-step Nascent Soul from my ancestor. It is made of pure gold evil spirits. It can be used three times to transform into three Heavenly Swords. The golden core power can kill you. . I think how can you break it?" True Monarch Nine Swords said loudly, but he was a little lacking in confidence, because at this moment, he was facing a magic weapon.

Ye Tian's face was calm, he took control of the Tiger Soul Sabre, and slashed away.

This knife has no vast sword energy or brilliant light, only a condensed thousand-zhang knife gang.

The blade was condensed without firing, and it was sharp and unmatched, passing through the void, leaving traces, as if Tianyu was being cut open.

"Broken!" True Monarch Nine Swords let out a earth-shattering roar, using the power of the golden core to control the great sword transformed from the Heavenly Sword Talisman, facing the depressed Tiger Soul Sabre.

The Heavenly Sword Talisman refined by the half-step Nascent Soul is so amazing, although it can't be compared with the divine weapon, it surpasses the ordinary holy weapon, and the breath is terrifying.


The more surging golden core mana was poured into the heavenly sword talisman, and the heavenly sword was more radiant, and even had a gleam of translucency.


In the next instant, a sword and a sword volleyed and slashed each other, and countless gods burst out, each of which was sharp and unmatched, enough to penetrate the main deck of the aircraft carrier.

The ground with a radius of several thousand feet was flooded with the light of swords and swords in an instant, turning into a death Jedi.

What surprised everyone was that the Heavenly Sword Talisman had withstood a blow from the Tiger Soul God Soldier without breaking.

"Cut it again!" True Monarch Nine Swords roared wildly, his whole body exploding to the extreme.

This blow was about life and death. He no longer had any reservations, and exploded with all his strength. His eyes were like torches, his breath shook the sky and the earth, causing the void to tremble.

His whole body is erupting sword aura, filling the space of ten meters around, forming a sword field. Any creature stepping into this field will be instantly killed and shattered into blood mist.

Ye Tian's eyes were cold, still maintaining calmness and calmness, like a nine-day god, with a big hand raised, facing the emptiness, and looking down at sentient beings and ants. A thousand-foot-long golden lotus behind him stands between the heavens and the earth, taking root in the earth, every minute and every second, it can draw a huge amount of energy from the heavens and the earth, and continuously send it to the Tiger Soul Magic Sword.


Suddenly, the great sword formed by the Heavenly Sword Talisman broke and was cut off by the Tiger Soul Divine Sword.

After all, this was just a sword talisman, and it was incomparable with a real magic weapon.

True Monarch Nine Swords retreated violently, fell into the forest, smashed several hills, and destroyed large tracts of forests.

"No!" True Monarch Nine Swords was horrified, because the tiger soul sword followed like a shadow, and continued to behead him.

But at this moment, a loud sound like the beating of a heavenly drum suddenly came over, making everyone hear it.


The golden crow transformed into a golden crow roared, with a huge mouth open, as if it had turned into a black hole, with a huge whirlpool in the mouth, from which the terrifying absorption power came out, as if it was about to swallow the world into the mouth.

The flames in his belly are like a sacred furnace, which is a small space. Once foreign objects are sucked into his mouth, they will undergo the refinement of the sacred furnace.

Just because there is a small space in the abdomen, the Golden Crow is also like a Vermillion Bird, with a natural ability to devour it. It is said that the most powerful Golden Crow can even swallow the sun in one bite.


As the golden crow old man opened his mouth, it felt like a magnitude 18 hurricane blew up between the world and the earth. Not only did it blow flying sand and rocks, but even the towering trees were uprooted, and even the mountains were peeled off layer by layer, and cracks appeared. In the end, they were fragmented, and they all flew towards the golden crow's mouth, like a long whale chanting water, unable to deal with it.

In the stunned eyes of countless people, the Qianzhang Chaos Golden Lotus behind Ye Tian was sucked away by the huge mouth of the Golden Crow, and then even Ye Tian flew out.

In an instant, Ye Tian disappeared from the heavens and the earth, and was swallowed into the belly of the Golden Crow along with the chaotic golden lotus technique.

"Okay!" There were bursts of exclamation from the crowd watching the game in the distance, and some even danced.

The new sword master of Jiuli, the ancestor Xuan Zichen of the Ten Thousand Pharaohs, and several other great abilities who tried to make a move just now, all breathed a sigh of relief, their scalp numb with excitement, and couldn't help wanting to cry. I was really terrified just now .



The people in Kunxu Beiming were all sad and weeping.

The golden crow old man turned into a human form, and quickly sat cross-legged, trying to refine Ye Tian into his body.

"Nine Swords, why don't you come and help me to refine this officer?" The old man of the Golden Crow shouted to the True Lord Nine Swords who fell into the distant mountains.

Hearing his voice, Xuan Zichen and others' eyes lit up.

If you don't perform at this time, when will you wait?

"I have been the bitter demon king of the outer hidden door for a long time, thank you for the immortal of the inner door to exterminate demons. I will help you!" Xuan Zichen was the first to rush out again.

"And me." Then Qingyun New Sword Master also stepped open his legs.

Then several other great abilities also rushed out.

Just when a group of people rushed in front of the Golden Crow old man, suddenly, the Golden Crow old man's complexion became stiff, he spouted a mouthful of old blood, and a palpitation breath filled his body.

"Being so eager, do you really think you can kill me?"

Immediately afterwards, a voice came from the old man of the Golden Crow.

Hearing this voice, Xuan Zichen and Qingyun New Sword Master, the outer hidden gate great powers, were all panicked, almost not being scared to pee.

"What are you doing in a daze? How about outputting mana and refining this man with me?" The old golden crow yelled, sitting cross-legged, and quickly stabilized his mind.

His body shook for a while, and a big bag bulged in his belly, as if he was about to burst.

Xuan Zichen and the others didn't dare to neglect, they quickly output mana and poured them into the golden crow old man, tempering them altogether.

The old man of the Golden Crow was full of radiance, and his body really seemed to have a large furnace, and his flesh was red and hot like a soldering iron.


Suddenly, another loud noise came from the body of the Golden Crow old man, causing the Golden Crow old man's body to sway for a while, spit out a mouthful of blood again, his eyes were staring at Venus, and he was dizzy.

With the strength of Ye Tian's golden body, does he say that refining can be refined?

Bang, bang, bang!

Ye Tian kept swinging his fists, and the old man's belly was banged like a big drum, causing him to turn his body upside down, and his pain was extremely painful.

"Get out of here!"

As a last resort, the old Golden Crow opened his mouth and vomited wildly, trying to vomit Ye Tian out.

"Who do you think you are, let me come in and I will come in? Let me go out and I will go out?" Ye Tian yelled coldly, using his great magical powers to upset the small space in the old man Golden Crow.

The flames there, the lava rolled, and all vitality was wiped out. The innate couldn't hold on for a moment at all, and even the golden core could be burned alive, but Ye Tian refined the lava battle flag and built a fire-traveling elementary core without fear.

Regarding the talent of Huo Xing, he was even above the Golden Crow old man, capable of transforming into a Vermillion Bird.

Although the Golden Crow's blood is precious and naturally powerful, it is still a lot worse than the Suzaku, and it can even be said that it is not on the same level at all.

"Nine Swords, don't you come to help me?" The old man Jin Crow was very mad and shouted to True Lord Nine Swords again.

True Monarch Nine Swords was smashed into the air just now, ignoring the injuries on his body, driving the flying sword, is rushing to him.

"Fine, I won't play with you!"

As Ye Tian's voice landed, a sound of clambering swords rang out from the belly of the golden crow old man.

The Golden Crow old man wanted to stop it, but his belly was cut open, revealing a long sword mark.

You know, Ye Tian has a magic weapon in his hands.

If this sword hadn't been cut from the body of the golden crow old man, it would surely cut him in half. But so, it also hurt him badly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian rushed out from this sword mark.

Xuan Zichen, Qingyun New Sword Master, and the others were all dumbfounded on the spot. Their expressions were so ugly and ugly, they all wanted to draw hundreds of big ears.


Just when they hesitated, Ye Tian made another move, but instead of attacking them, he blasted towards True Monarch Nine Swords.

True Monarch Nine Swords drove the Flying Sword just right, just in time to see Ye Tian rush out from the belly of the old Golden Crow.

This time, Ye Tian didn't even use the Divine Sword, but lightly punched it out, and the mountain shook.

A golden fist print was ten feet tall, like a chariot of an ancient god, crushing the void, and the endless space was torn apart in front of this fist.

A golden avenue appeared in the void, one end connected to Ye Tian, ​​and the other end connected to True Monarch Nine Swords.

"Not good!" Real Monarch Nine Swords roared, and quickly called out nine flying swords.

The nine flying swords instantly turned into nine circular apertures, revolving around the body of True Monarch Nine Swords. Each flying sword was filled with a huge amount of sword aura, continuously superimposed, and instantly gathered into a sword blade storm.

The blade storm was like a tornado, guarding the entire body of the Nine Swords True Monarch impermeable to the wind, like a copper wall and iron wall, water splashed in, and needles could not penetrate.

However, in the next instant, something that shocked everyone happened. The blade storm protection formed by the nine flying swords was instantly torn apart by the fist marks.


The nine flying swords were also beaten to pieces, all of them smashed on the spot.

The fist strength was like a raging wave, more terrifying than the turbulent flow of the void, after tearing open the blade storm, it blasted on the body of Jiujian Zhenjun.

True Monarch Nine Swords didn't even say a word, and was directly blown up by the volley.

This fist smashed and rotten, and instantly destroyed the golden core body of the Nine Swords True Monarch. At that moment, the sound of crackling sounded like a cannon. I don't know how many ribs were broken, how many internal organs were torn, and finally exploded into a cloud of blood. Even Jin Dan, with the spirit, was not spared, and fell on the spot.

One punch, the true monarch of Nine Swords fell!

"Ye Tianren, I..." Qingyun New Sword Master stammered, thinking of something nice to say to please Ye Tian. But after thinking about it, I didn't know what to say, so I knelt down with a plop.

When Xuan Zichen saw that the situation was not good, he drove off, running towards the distance like a mourning dog.

The rest of the outer hidden gates stared at Qingyun New Sword Master, then at Xuan Zichen, and then each had a choice in their hearts, either kneeling on their knees and begging for mercy, or running away altogether.


Ye Tian just let out a cold snort, then stepped on it.

That big foot, golden light bursts, like the great foot of a giant spirit god, with the sound of thunder and thunder, the new sword master of Qingyun, Xuan Zichen, and others, and even the old man of the golden crow, are all stepped on at the same time. At the foot, it will be crushed to death with one foot.


Ye Tian's huge feet have not yet arrived, but the downward pressure has already arrived, like mountains and seas, extremely heavy, condensing the void into iron plates, and the ground rumblingly sinks and collapses, forming a huge footprint pit.

Suddenly, Xuan Zichen and the others realized that they had been locked up, as if they were stuck in a quagmire, and they couldn't break free at all.

Xuan Zichen was a little better. He urged the Yuan Dan in his body to explode with all his strength, and his body was able to move a little bit. The other congenital earth immortals were frozen on the spot, unable to lift a finger.

There is not only the pressure of the golden feet hanging down, UU reading also has the Void Avenue controlled by Ye Tian, ​​which can confine the void.

"Master Xuan, help!"

Bang, bang, bang!

The giant feet hadn't really stepped on them, and there was an earth fairy that could not bear it, and it exploded directly, like a popped watermelon, exploding into a cloud of red blood.

In the end, when Ye Tian's golden feet stepped on the top of everyone's heads, only Xuan Zichen was still relying on a Yuan Dan to support him, screaming in pain, and screaming bitterly.

But no matter what he said, Ye Tian remained unmoved, and stomped him severely, stomping him into a pile of blood. A Yuan Dan wanted to explode without time, and was trampled to pieces.

And the old Golden Crow rushed out of Ye Tian's golden feet before a few breaths, like a wild horse that had run off the rein, had rushed hundreds of feet away, facing the direction of the old place of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

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