Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1848: Beat the dog

The old man of the Golden Crow was so scared that he was so scared that he dared to fall in love with him, holding his head in spite of his image, after all, his life was more important than anything else.

Although Ye Tian had only achieved such a result with the help of the power of the gods, he also had to admit that Ye Tian himself was powerful, after all, he swept all the powerful enemies of their inner hidden gate with one person.

For many years, he has never felt such a threat of life and death, because no one has ever forced him into such a situation.

Ye Tian's horror was far beyond his imagination.

"I am the supreme powerhouse of the hidden fairy gate, Shushan Jianzun, the Mother of Yaochi, Vast Sky Ancestor, etc., but that's all, right?" He was shocked in his heart.

It is simply unreasonable that such a talented genius can be born in a dilapidated place where the great ideas are declining.

"Could it be that the earth is approaching the end, the gift of the dying will of heaven and earth? Blessing all the fortune on him, so that he can save the world in the future?" The old man of the Golden Crow was thinking wildly while running desperately.

The two fire lights formed two golden crow wings behind him. Under the violent fanning, his whole person turned into a fiery red light, not knowing how many times the speed of sound flew.

However, behind him, the figure of a young man was faster, like a glimpse of light, every step he took, there was a distance of hundreds of meters, almost shrinking to an inch like a peerless supernatural power.

In just a moment, this young figure chased after the old man of the Golden Crow not far behind.

"Old thing, you can't escape, stretch your neck out and give you a decent." Ye Tian drank low, with a bright purple sword in his hand, he wanted to beat the dog.

All spectators in the audience were shocked.

Such a powerful Golden Crow old man, the great real monarch of the late generation of Golden Core, was beaten up by Ye Tian. The scene should not be too contradictory, like a filming, very unreal, it should be the other way around.

Those sects who have not tried to deal with Beiming are all very grateful that they are free from the risk of the death of their clan.

Wan Fazong, Qingyun Jianmen, and several other sects, many elders and disciples, saw with their own eyes that the elders or head teachers in their clan were trampled to death by Ye Tian, ​​but they could only smash their teeth into their stomachs. Swallow, dare not say a word. They were even more worried that after the war, Ye Tian would kill their sects and slaughter them one by one.

"Gudong, that's the supreme giant of the hidden door..." Sect Master Yue Yun swallowed wildly, shocked. She despised Ye Tian before, only to feel a pain in her cheek.

"I just said, he can." Lan Meng said crisply, her small **** were tall, two flawless faces finally burst into a smile, and the watery beautiful eyes were even more peculiar. , Flooding like autumn waves.

"Little girl, you are too simple to think. The true strength of the hidden door is only a drop in the bucket. He is such a trouble, the hidden door will definitely not let go. If one is not good, my entire hidden door may even be connected. The secular world will be affected. Unless he has the strength to sweep the Inner Gate. However, there are golden pills like rain and great power, and there may even be the law and Dao left by the ancient Yuan Ying. Do you think it is possible?" Sect Master Yueyue whispered, worried.

As soon as she said this, the smile on Lan Mengqian's face finally diminished again, like a flash in the pan, and stiffened again.

Although Lan Meng has never been to the Inner Gate, there are too many legends about the Inner Gate in the Outer Gate, a kingdom of immortals, a small upper world, the strong like rain, just send a powerful person to sweep it. The entire hidden door.

No matter how strong Ye Tian is, she doesn't think she has the strength to sweep the hidden gate. Unless he cultivates a golden core, there is a slight possibility.

However, how easy is it to make a golden core?

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, a loud noise came from the battlefield in the distance, Ye Tian smashed his sword repeatedly, and the old man of the Golden Crow was almost smashed and fell from the air, embarrassed.

"Golden Crow Dharma Body!"

"The sun **** pupil!"

"Chi Yan captures the dragon and captures his hand!"

"Fire Spirit Orb!"

One by one, the supreme faculties, magical powers or secret techniques of the Golden Crow clan burst out from the Golden Crow old man.

As a great true monarch of the late Jindan period, he lived for hundreds of years. The golden crow old man's cultivation skills are profound, his true essence is powerful, and his secret skills are so many that he can hardly imagine.

As soon as he stared, he rushed out of two pillars of fire that opened up to the sky and burned the sky.

His golden crow's wings shook, and when the clank sounded, there were thousands of sharp killers spreading out.

He commanded it, and the giant claws of the Golden Crow fell from the sky like a big mountain.

His fire scorpion spear stabs swiftly, and the void is pierced.

However, Ye Tian saw the tricks, no matter what great magical powers the old golden crow used, he slashed with a single sword, all kinds of killer moves were like paper, they were completely broken.

The old man of Golden Crow wanted to cry without tears, and the old blood spit out mouth after mouth, almost vomiting out the bile.

Ye Tian's true essence is so terrifying that he can continuously mobilize the magic weapon, just like a madman, never tireless, crushing him to death.

"Made, I knew I had brought out the artifact of my clan." The old man of the Golden Crow felt resentful in his heart.

Ye Tian has a magic weapon in his hands, like Yuan Ying possessing his body, able to suppress him, making him fight very hard.

However, he fought and retreated, getting closer and closer to the old ground of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, and the void passage was in sight.

As long as he rushed into the void channel, he was safe.

In addition, Ye Tian waved the magic weapon continuously, it was impossible not to drop his breath.

He had already used the Xuanwu Yuan Pill just now, and now he used the second lotus seed Earth Xing Yuan Pill.

After the breath on his body climbed to a peak height, it began to drop like a roller coaster.


With another sword, the old man of the Golden Crow was smashed down from the air by Ye Tian's sword again, and he collapsed a large mountain, and countless rocks fluttered up like he was hit by a meteor.

This sword even his sacred fire flame spear was cut, and a striking sword mark was left on his body.

"Little beast, do you really think I can't help you?" The old man of the Golden Crow rushed out from the ruins with a gloomy expression to the extreme. He was covered in blood, and his body was also embarrassed to the extreme.

"I said, UU reading stretched out his neck to give you a decent! Today you are in a disaster." Ye Tian snorted coldly, murderously, like a glimpse of light, rushed in an instant, and cut out with a sword.


A glowing sword glow, like a sky across the sky, rises up into the sky.

Ten miles of clouds, in front of this sword, like a piece of tofu was cut open, revealing a huge crack.

The sword light pierced through the void, and almost in the blink of an eye, it smashed into the top of the head of the golden crow old man with the force of smashing Huashan.

"Is it over?"

Countless spectators were shocked, knowing that the Golden Crow old man was about to end.

But at this moment, the golden crow old man suddenly burst into a black light.

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