Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1879: Fire in the sky

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"Junior Sister Qin, it's fine if you don't make a move. Don't stop me from killing the enemy, otherwise you will be an enemy of Li Huo Cult. This little girl recognizes the thief as the father, and is killed, but also dead." The Li who controls the furnace Brother Huo said, he is also an innate core disciple, and his status is higher than that of Qin Yan'er. He is very young, wearing a purple gown, and his otherwise handsome face is full of hideousness.

Qin Yan'er was going to make a move, but after hearing this kind of remarks from the brother, she stopped. She couldn't bear the infamy of being an enemy of Lihuo Sect.

Besides, Xiaoyue'er is not her real sister.


The overwhelming firelight was like a big waterfall falling down over the sky, submerging Ye Tian and Xiaoyue'er underneath all of a sudden.

"Finally dead!" The remaining Lihuo disciples were excited.

"Xiao Yue'er, my sister has persuaded you just now, but you didn't listen. You can't blame my sister." Qin Yan'er also muttered to herself in her heart, with a look of regret, and found a reason to excuse herself.

However, a group of disciples were excited for only a few seconds, and a figure rose from the sea of ​​flames, blasting the stove in mid-air with a punch, and a more terrifying sea of ​​flames landed, rushing in all directions, almost filling the entire valley. , Even the disciples of Lihuo Sect suffered, and many people were burned to death.


"Brother, help!"

The screams were endless, heart-piercing.

Although they are disciples of the Lihuo Sect, they are not all Fire Spirit Roots. They can control the flames and are hard to die in the sea of ​​fire.

Ye Tian was in the sea of ​​flames, as if entering an uninhabited state, killing the remaining disciples of the Lihuo Sect one by one.

"Is it still a human? Can you destroy the high-grade Lingbao with bare hands?" The brother who controlled the stove was frightened.

He is the root of fire, even if he was swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, he could not be burned to death.

On the contrary, he was able to control the flames, condensing a fire dragon that traverses the sky, and attacked Ye Tian.

The fire dragon was tens of meters long and more than one meter in diameter. It rolled in the air, twisting its body, and reflecting the entire valley red.

"go with!"

The fire dragon cut through the sky, like a long scarlet rope, overwhelming the sky, volleying towards Ye Tian.

"Shit, get out of me!"

Bathed in the flames, Ye Tian strode forward and slammed straight out. The golden fist imprints turned into a firebird, like a phoenix spreading its wings, soaring for nine days.

This is Suzaku Fist!

Ye Tian integrated the divine form into the fist mark.


The fire dragon danced in the sky, and the Suzaku soared into the world.

Compared with the huge fire dragon, the Suzaku fist mark is very small, not as small as one-tenth of the volume, so that it was swallowed by the flame dragon with its mouth wide open.

But then, a shocking scene happened. After rushing into the fire dragon's body, the Suzaku fist mark turned out to be like an invincible divine cone, piercing the fire dragon from the head to the tail, breaking it apart inch by inch.

"Not good!" The face of the senior Lihuo changed drastically, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

The power of the Suzaku Fist is far beyond his imagination, revealing an aura of destruction.

In the electric flint flower, a long sword around his waist was unsheathed, and the sword was horizontally blocked in front of him, just blocking the Suzaku's fist mark.

However, the long sword that had reached the top grade of Lingbao was blocked even for an instant, and was pierced by the Suzaku fist mark, breaking into two pieces.

He was frightened to the extreme, his pupils shrank into needle-eyes, but he had no time to react, and he could only watch the Suzaku fist prints penetrate his chest.

This fist mark is like a meteor passing through the atmosphere, not only has a strong physical attack power, but also has a terrifying flame burning power.

The flame showed a golden color and was filled with chaos. The quality was far above the flame he could control. He had never heard of it and had never seen it before.

"Sister Qin, aren't you going to take action?" He shouted and asked Qin Yan'er for help.

However, he didn't have time to make a move by himself, let alone Qin Yan'er.

In an instant, several protective magic weapons on his body were irritated, and six or seven shields of various colors were unfolded, as if they were wearing six or seven pieces of armor.

Some shields are used for physical defense, which can resist the bombardment of large-caliber heavy artillery in the secular world, and some are designed to prevent flame energy attacks, which can resolve almost all flame energy attacks below the gold core, and some shields can protect swords, guns and swords. Attacks with sharp weapons such as halberds.

But it was of no use. The Suzaku's fist stamp was like a broken bamboo, like a hole through thin paper, breaking through six or seven layers of shields. With a puff, it sank into the chest of the congenital senior.

"Stop it, you're enough, are you really going to be an enemy of the Huo Cult?" Qin Yan'er suddenly yelled.

She was shocked just now, and she suddenly woke up when she heard the words of the senior brother.

Then, she struck a sword at Ye Tian.


The violent energy erupted from the body of Senior Brother Xiantian, the sky trembled, the earth trembled, and a mushroom cloud gradually rose.

In an instant, Senior Brother Xiantian disappeared, and even the blood mist did not appear. He directly gasified into molecular atoms, leaving only a large pit several feet deep in place.

In just a few moments, a dozen disciples of Lihuo Sect were slaughtered by Ye Tian, ​​and only one Qin Yan'er was still alive.

Qin Yan'er was still swinging a sword at Ye Tian without knowing whether he was alive or dead.


The cold sword light, tens of meters long, swept across the air, and the monstrous flame in the valley was instantly divided into two, revealing a long silver-white corridor.

The sword aura slashed through the void and pointed directly at Ye Tian.

Qin Yan'er didn't make a move, and once he made a move, it was earth-shattering.

Her swordsmanship is also integrated with Shushan's swordsmanship, and she kills fiercely.

Facing this sword that opened the mountain and cracked the rock, Ye Tian had no fear at all, and directly pointed out an index finger, pressed it into the void, and pointed it out.

Chi Chi!

A golden finger light suddenly pierced the void, making a sharp sound of breaking through the sky, and then turned into a peerless sword rainbow, slamming on the sword light that Qin Yaner had split.


The void exploded, terrifying waves rushed up, the vitality of the heavens and the earth rolled like a storm, and the remnants of sword energy resembled the flowers of a goddess, rushing out in all directions.

Two innate attacks, UU reading www.uukanshu. How terrible is com, even if its power is not comparable to nuclear weapons, dozens of heavy artillery bombards indiscriminately, turning a valley of birds and flowers into ruins.


The dozens of zhang Jiangong that Qin Yan'er chopped out was cut to pieces at once.

But Ye Tian's **** power was like a broken bamboo, and he was still cutting Qin Yan'er, his power was not weakened at all.


Qin Yan'er frowned slightly when she saw this.

She stomped her foot suddenly, controlled the world, and instantly condensed countless sword qi, and then picked the long sword in her hand, and the river of sword qi rushed to Ye Tian.

"I really don't know how to live or die." Ye Tian yelled, shrouded in golden light, like an invincible killer.

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