Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1880: Show mercy

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Ye Tian blasted another punch, blending into the white tiger's divine form, and punching a white tiger fist mark.


Tigers roared into the sky, shook the sky, opened their mouths, and swallowed the river of sword energy all at once, like a long whale sings water, squirting, and sucking it clean in one mouthful.

"This...?" Qin Yan'er was dumbfounded.

It was the first time she had seen such supernatural powers after living so old, as if she was dreaming, she couldn't believe it was true.

After swallowing the sword energy that Qin Yan'er had split, the white tiger's fist mark became a little bigger, and it was more ferocious, powerful, and unstoppable, like a sky tiger descending from the sky, swallowing all the creatures.

Qin Yan'er slashed several swords, and every sword cut out a sword light that pierced the sky, peerlessly sharp, and wanted to smash the white tiger into pieces.

However, with a single mouth, the white tiger bit the sword mang into pieces, like eating nuts, sweet and delicious.

Qin Yan'er was finally scared, she couldn't cope with just one fist mark, and this one couldn't fight at all.

Although she was in the same innate realm, she felt like she was being crushed by the golden core.

Qin Yan'er dodges and retreats violently, trying to avoid, but the white tiger's fist marks follow him like a shadow, and the speed is as fast as a shooting star, opening her mouth wide, and swallowing her.

"Master, can you not kill Sister Yan'er? Sister Yan'er is different from them. Sister Yan'er is a good person, I can assure you."

At this moment, Xiao Yue'er's voice sounded, begging Ye Tian for mercy.

She and Ye Tian were swallowed by the sea of ​​fire just now, but how could Ye Tian let her be burned to death? At this moment, she was covered by a dome-shaped crystal scale protection, like a fire shield, blocking all the flames outside. , She was unscathed inside.

"Sister Xiaoyue..." Qin Yan'er yelled, her delicate body trembling, and Hua's face paled.

"Xiaoyue was in danger just now, and I didn't see you helping me, so I am ashamed to call my sister?" Ye Tian said sarcastically.

Qin Yan'er blushed suddenly and wanted to ask Xiaoyue for help, so she was embarrassed to say it.

"Master, I beg you." Xiao Yueer begged, she really didn't want to see Qin Yan'er being killed.


A tiger roar came, shaking the mountains and forests in a radius of ten miles.

Sword Qi whizzed out from Bai Hu's mouth, Qin Yan'er fell to the ground all of a sudden, all of her clothes were torn, and her crystal hair was messy.

At the moment Qin Yan'er's life was hanging by a thread, the white tiger's fist mark suddenly disappeared.

Seeing Xiao Yue'er's face, Ye Tian couldn't get rid of it after all.

"Sister Yan'er, are you okay?" Xiao Yue'er ran over quickly with a look of concern.

Qin Yan'er was so scared that she was so scared that it was the first time in her life that death was so close to her, and it was also the first time that she was crushed like this. Her dignity, her arrogance, like a broken vase, shattered to the ground.

"Who on earth are you?" Qin Yan'er's eyes were cold, with a sword-like cold light.

Even if the clothes are not neat, she is still beautiful and specific, with ice muscles and bones, graceful curves, and the towering chest ups and downs, which adds a bit of confusing style. Any man will be moved when they see it.

But Ye Tian is an exception, there is no sadness or joy in his eyes, and there is no wave of emotions.

"Who I am, you don't deserve to know." Ye Tian said coldly.

"Well, you have killed so many disciples of the Lihuo Sect, you know it is a capital crime? Li Huo sect will definitely not let you go. Since you let me have a way of life, I don't make it difficult for you. You go, you can escape The farther the better. Yue'er, you go with your sister, and your sister recommends you to join Lihuo Sect." Qin Yan'er said seriously.

"But, I'm already..." Xiaoyue'er was very embarrassed.

"Nothing but, if you follow him, you will be chased by the Lihuo Sect all over the world. Do you want to live a life like this? Don't blame your sister for speaking badly. Your master is now a dead person. Would you rather be with a dead person? Together, don't you want to be with your sister?" Qin Yan'er's eyes were cold, like a thousand years of ice.

"Humph!" Ye Tian snorted coldly, and said: "A mere trivial sect, a second- and third-rate sect, and even a golden core has not been born, so you don't need to go. With Xiaoyue's talent, enter the so-called top sect They are all talents."

"Li Huo Sect does not have a golden core now, but it will not be long before a golden core will be born, and that person will be my brother Zhang Daochen. I have become a Taoist couple with brother Daochen. After proving the golden core, Daochen Brother will soon become the head teacher of the Lihuo Sect, and I am the wife head teacher. Yue'er following me is a hundred times stronger than following you. I can not only protect her, but also give her a generous life." Qin Yan'er said loudly, relying on men, she didn't feel ashamed at all, but had a proud look, as if it were a kind of ability.

"Haha, Qin Yan'er, right? You look too high on yourself. With her own efforts, Xiao Yue'er can gain a foothold in this world. You don't need to betray your hue and rely on any man." Ye Tian sarcastically said.

"Who do you mean to betray hue?" Qin Yan'er's face flushed. Although she was really a Taoist couple who had married Senior Brother Zhang Daochen by virtue of her beauty, she was especially disgusted with what others said. She claims to be the proud girl of the sky, and she is more than enough to be accompanied by brother Zhang Daochen.

"Furthermore, do you think your cultivation talent is very strong, far better than Yue'er?" Ye Tian sneered again.

Qin Yan'er snorted coldly, too lazy to refute.

In Lihuo Sect, she is recognized as the goddess of heaven, and she is absolutely among the top female disciples, perhaps a little worse than Daochen brother, but she is still young, and she may not have the possibility of proving the golden core in this life.

At present, there are only five disciples cultivated by Lihuo Jiao as a golden core seed player, and she, Qin Yan'er, is one of them.

She cultivated to the pinnacle of the gods when she was in her twenties, and broke through her innate at the age of thirty. This talent, even if placed in the entire inner hidden gate, could rank in the top 100 among the same generation.

You must know that the hidden gate has nearly a hundred sects, and it is only a small second- and third-rate sect in the corner of Huo Sect.

At first, she went to Shushan to exchange and practice for a period of time. An elder in Shushan wanted to keep people in Shushan. Later, several elders from Huo Sect tried desperately to ask for them and asked them to come back.

With her talent, how could Qin Xiaoyue compare?

Seeing her arrogant face at the moment, UU reads with a smile.

"If I tell you, Xiao Yue'er's talent is thousands of times better than you. In the future, I won't say that the golden core is the Nascent Soul Transformation God. It is all right. I don't know if you can still laugh?" Ye Tian suddenly Said.

"Haha, you're enough! You're all adults, and you don't make sense to say these things in front of me. Xiaoyue'er is young and will believe your nonsense. Yue'er, I have already told you very clearly. I followed Sister going to Lihuo Sect, or follow you, a liar master, to travel around the world, do you choose to go?" Qin Yan'er stood up suddenly, running out of patience.

"Sister, my master is not a liar."

"Okay, it seems you have made a decision in your heart. I hope you don't regret it."

Finally, she gave Xiao Yue'er a cold look, and Qin Yan'er flew away, her expression decisive.

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