Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1901: Public enemy

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Young Master (

After catching His Royal Highness Five Golden Crow alive, Ye Tian stopped for a while in the old place of Penglai, searching for it, but found nothing.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many monks have come here to pay their respects and feel the avenue. If there is any treasure left, it must have been dug away long ago. Even if it is hidden underground, it will be discovered.

Therefore, Ye Tian found nothing, it was normal.

The mountains are towering, the beautiful peaks are ethereal, the elixir grows on the cliffs, and the spirit beast mountain is lurking. It is quite magnificent and beautiful. This is indeed a land of dragons, but it is deserted and not occupied by other sects, which surprised Ye Tian.

Not long after Ye Tian left with his feet, news of the tragic battle spread out, shaking the entire Southern Region.

"What? How is this possible? My group of Tianjiao in the Southern Territory was hanged and beaten? How many died?"

"Are you talking in a dream? Who would dare to attack my Southern Territory Tianjiao in my Southern Territory? It's purely a fantasy!"

"It is said that it is just a small innate, alone fighting more than a dozen young arrogances, looking at the same generation, this is too outrageous, it is absolutely impossible. This kind of record, even some old golden cores may not be able to do it."

When the news came out, almost no one could believe it, because it was too exaggerated, too scary, and too unreasonable. Because just one of the Five Golden Crows in the Southern Territory Tianjiao can sweep all the innate monks in Kunxu, even the elders cannot be opponents, because the five are the golden core powers.

It is now rumored that the Five His Highnesses were tortured and killed by a small innate. How absurd is it? How incredible?

In the next period of time, the old Penglai was no longer silent, and many monks came from all directions to verify it.

Especially those sects where Tianjiao had been severely injured or slaughtered under their sect, there were even a large group of people from Wuyangyang, who moved the crowd.


The earth-shaking roar came from the Golden Crow Zudi, and the sound waves were like knives, shattering the big clouds in the sky. It was an old Golden Crow who was angry.

The Golden Crow Zudi is very close to the old Penglai, and many masters rushed to it in the first time, but they couldn't find a hair or a bone of the fifth Highness of the Golden Crow.

It is very possible that the five His Royal Highnesses are all gone, and there is no bones left.

When they came here, everyone was shocked, the anxious earth, the shattered mountains, devastated, and the scenes they saw were shocking, and they didn't change their color.

Because from the battlefield, the level of destructive power has reached the Golden Core level, but the rumored initiator is only a young innate, which is really incredible and unreasonable.

"Sure that that person is just a congenital little monk, not an old golden core demon?"

Many people have questions.

Then, the news that Ye Tianneng induced Lei Jie went out, causing a lot of discussion in the arena.

Attracting anime gods of thunder, bombarding them indiscriminately, like a **** who controls thunder, it makes people frighten to listen to it.

There are not no sects of the Inner Gate of Thunder Cultivation. There are also many cultivators who provoke the thunder, but no one can do it that can lead down the gods of the sky and reach the level of the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation.

Most of the thunder cultivators can provoke three or five divine thunders at a time.

"This is the technique of the Thunder Gate, which is different from the ordinary thunder technique. It directly touches the ancient realm of Lei Xiao, inexhaustible and inexhaustible!" The Haotian Immortal Sect in the Northern Territory heard the news.

This is a kind of magical technique, and the entire inner hidden gate is only recorded by the Haotian Immortal Sect. Because the Haotian Immortal Sect mastered the thunder method, the ancestor Haotian the Great built the Thunder Gate, and there is a special record in the ancient books.

The Thunder Gate has twelve channels, and if one can be opened, it can be said to be against the sky.

In the history of the Vast Sky Immortal Sect, only Emperor Vast Sky opened a thunder gate alone.

"What a wicked evildoer, does it mean that his peers are invincible when one person overwhelms all the Southern Territories Tianjiao?"

Soon, the news spread from the Southern Territory to the entire Inner Gate, and for a while, the entire Inner Gate was shaken, causing an uproar.

Many sects of the Southern Territory went to the Lihuo Sect in the Eastern Territory to inquire about their crimes, only to find that Lihuo Sect was also a victim. Not to mention that the elders were killed, even the sects were broken, and the losses were heavy.

As a result, this revenge cannot be stopped.

All the spearheads were directed at Ye Tian alone.

According to many people's descriptions, Ye Tian's portrait soon came out, ninety-nine percent similar, plastering the streets and alleys of the inner gate.

However, no one knew him at the huge hidden door, as if he had popped out from a crack in the stone, which was really puzzling.

"Who is that guy? Is it really the evildoer of my inner door? Why doesn't anyone know him?"

"No matter who he is, he can't stay here. Once he grows up, he will be invincible in the world, which is a great evil."

"At all costs, dig the ground three feet, and find him."

"My Golden Crow clan offers a lot of rewards, and those who provide thief news will reward one hundred spiritual crystals; the killer will reward 10,000 spiritual crystals, and they can go to my Golden Crow ancestral land to practice for one year. UU reading provides no less than ten. Scroll of Ancient Scriptures; those who catch alive will reward 20,000 spiritual crystals, and they will be directly absorbed as a disciple of the Golden Crow tribe.

As soon as the Jinwu tribe's reward came out, the entire inner hidden gate was in an uproar.

As we all know, the inner hidden gate has never recruited outside disciples to ensure the purity of the Golden Udo lineage and bloodline. The ancient scriptures of the Jinwu people are also very tightly guarded and are not known to the outside world.

It is the dream of many human monks to be able to practice in the Golden Crow.

In addition to the Jinwu tribe, many other sects in the Southern Territory also offered huge rewards.

After some operation, Ye Tian became the target of the public, like a piece of sweet pastry, coveted by countless people.

His turmoil this time was really too great, and his record was really amazing, making the entire inner hidden door tremble.

In the remote ancient years, there were geniuses of heaven who were able to kill enemies across realms at a young age, kill golden cores innately, and kill Yuan Ying with golden cores. These are not legends, but true history.

But now, the times are different, the world has changed drastically, and few such characters have been born. Now Ye Tian did it. No matter what method he used, there is a fact that he alone fought against the many arrogances of the Southern Territory, and no one helped him.

A fact is placed in front of everyone, Ye Tian is not only invincible at the same realm in the Nei Yin Sect, but also invincible among his peers, even the golden core of his peers.

This made the saint sons and daughters of the Great Church, the true heirs of the direct line, and so on, the characters of Tianjiao were very uncomfortable, and they tickled their teeth with hatred. Each of them is a Tianjiao figure, outstanding among their peers, and prides themselves on being no weaker than anyone. It is really angry to be crushed by someone now.

Fortunately, the gate of Xianxu is about to open. In the year of trial, all Tianjiao who can survive will make great progress in combat power and grow into the mainstay of the future.

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