Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1902: Interrogation

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Young Master (

Just when the entire inner hidden gate was raging because of Ye Tian, ​​and it was too much trouble, Ye Tian had already found a beautiful retreat in the Southern Territory with his imprisoned His Royal Highness Golden Crow Five.

Yes, he is going to retreat again, rest for a period of time, recharge his energy and make himself stronger.

After all, he was too upset this time, and he was regarded as a public enemy by the entire inner hidden door. He would definitely be reported by others when he showed up, and then he would be hunted down all over the world.

He robbed several Tianjiao in the Southern Territory this time, and obtained abundant cultivation resources, enough for him to cultivate for a period of time to restore his cultivation to a small level.

This is a pure place hidden among the cliffs, extremely secretive, with purple rocks towering, the cliff walls smooth, elixir growing, immortal flowers Turui, occasional spirit beasts, silver horses hanging down hundreds of feet, at the bottom of the cliff A small lake is formed, green and clear, and transpired.

"Quickly let go of me, or my Golden Crow will definitely not let you go!"

Inside the crystal ball, there was the roar of His Royal Highness Golden Crow Five.

"I'll make you a great medicine later, and see if you dare to talk to me in this tone." Ye Tian said lightly.

"What are you talking about? Are you going to use me to refine medicine?" The underside of the Golden Crow Hall was horrified.

"Why? Can't it?"

The golden crow, especially the pure-blooded golden crow, is one of the alien species of heaven and earth. It can even be called a divine bird. It is born with an innate body, comparable to the human body, the blood, the soul, and the flesh. It is pure, contains spiritual power, and is born in harmony with the Dao, so it is born strong.

After adulthood, the pure-blooded golden crow can easily prove the golden core and even the Nascent Soul even without practice.

Like this kind of innate race, the whole body, from head to toe, is a treasure, and it is best to use it for refining equipment or medicine.

Although the Golden Crow bloodline of His Highness Golden Crow Five is not pure, if its bloodline is extracted, it is only a trace of pure bloodline, and it can also refine an unprecedented great medicine, the best spirit pill, and even the holy great pill.

"Dare you! You lunatic, let me go."

His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth screamed, really a little scared.

Ye Tian almost killed him before, and it was even more difficult to refine medicine with him.


The crystal ball vibrated violently, and the Five Golden Crows howled frantically inside, struggling violently, and a wave of terrifying force surged out, seeming to burst the crystal ball.


Ye Tian casually photographed an ancient animal skin talisman and pasted it on the crystal ball. A wave of freezing force rushed out, which could almost crack the world, and the Golden Crow Fifth Highness inside quickly became honest.

This is the talisman that Ye Tian found in a Southern Territory Tianjiao Qiankun Ring. There are many snowflake-like runes painted on it. It is a kind of ice and snow talisman. It bursts with full force. Even the innate can be frozen or even frozen. , Should come from the hand of a certain ice power.

Although Golden Crow Fifth Highness was born with a fire system spirit root, because of the heavy damage to his body, most of his mana was consumed, and even a golden core was cracked. He couldn't deal with it at all, and soon he was frozen in the ice.

"As long as you let me go, no matter what conditions you offer, I can promise you. And I promise that the Golden Crow will never chase you and will never become an enemy." Find other ways and offer generous terms.

"Haha, are you? What guarantee do you take?" Ye Tian smiled coldly.

He took out the Dragon Mark Lihuo Treasure Ding, and led out the fire of the lungs from under the veins, posing as if he really wanted to use the Five Highnesses to refine medicine.


On the plain ground, as Ye Tian stomped his feet, a red pillar of fire rose up, as if magma had spurted out.

This is pure earth lung real fire, a kind of flame most commonly used for alchemy, the highest even the sacred great alchemy can be refined.


As soon as the real fire of the lungs of the earth came out, the dragon pattern began to revolve from the fire treasure, and a splendid brilliance appeared, and the dragon patterns appeared on the arms of the tripod, like real dragons circling.

Xiao Yue'er had already hidden away to practice, and Ye Tian gave her a bunch of cultivation resources, enough for her to practice for a month.

She was born with the True Phoenix bloodline, and consumes a lot of resources, far exceeding that of ordinary monks, and even the ordinary second- and third-rate sects can't support it.

In order for her to grow up, Ye Tian also had to take great pains, not only to provide martial arts and martial arts, but also to give her enough training resources.

"I can even sign a spirit contract with you. If I dare to have two hearts, you can kill me at any time."

Seeing that Ye Tian took out the Danding and the ground fire rose, His Highness Jin Wuwu suddenly panicked, and even reported the conditions for signing the Soul Contract, which shows how strong the desire to survive.

Once the spirit contract is signed, it is like betraying the soul, and life and death are in the hands of others. If the master dies, he will die with him.

"Young man, leave me, you still have a way to survive, you can use me as a hostage. If you kill me, you have only a dead end. From now on, there will be no place for you to stand on the rivers and lakes. Although you are very strong, so You can fight the golden cores with your innate cultivation base, but you must know that the golden cores in this world are not the only one. UU reading combined with all the powers, you are not enough to kill a hundred." His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth continued.

"Listening to you, you are still useful." Ye Tian smiled lightly.

"That's not it. As long as you don't kill me, my Golden Crow will be your strong backing, and no sect will dare to bully you."

"Okay, let me ask you a few questions now. If you tell me honestly, I might not be able to let you go." Ye Tian said.

"Huh..." His Highness Jinwu Fifth finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Just ask what you want. If you know, I will tell you."

The first question that Ye Tian asked was naturally whether Penglai’s starry sky teleportation formation was in the Golden Crow or not.

As soon as he asked this question, His Royal Highness Jin Wuwu was shocked, because this question was very unusual.

"Do you want to go outside the territory?" His Highness Jin Crow Fifth asked with deep eyes, subconsciously.

He was even more certain that Ye Tian might be a certain old demon rejuvenating, or rebirth after taking her home. Otherwise, how can he know the existence of the Star Teleportation Array? How will there be plans to go outside the territory?

Because there are not many people who know the Star Teleportation Array.

Only when the peak golden pill and the lifespan are exhausted, will there be a desperate plan to go outside the territory, and take a fight to the death.

Outside the territories, it is far more terrifying than the world thinks, it is dangerous, and it is very likely that it will never return.

Just like the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl back then, she left the earth with ten peak golden cores, but none of them could come back alive.

Therefore, when Ye Tian asked about the Starry Sky Transmission Array at this moment, His Royal Highness Jin Wuwu would be more certain that within his young body, there was probably an old soul living in him, just looking young.

From this, it can also explain why he is so powerful, with one person able to sweep the many arrogances of the Southern Territory.

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