Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1922: Battle of Life and Death

"Why, do you really think that you have passed Climbing Xiantai? You are the proud boy of heaven? If you have the ability, you can show it to us again?" His Royal Highness exclaimed, his eyes staring out of his eyes.

"The little girl meant that both of them passed the boarding of Sendai, not alone. They should be boarded again together." Prince Jinwu corrected.

"What are you guys, why should I show it to you? I said that if I passed the boarding of Sendai, I would have passed it. If I don't believe it, I can't help it." Ye Tian refused.

"If you don't get on board, you will lie, I suggest expelling, everyone should have no opinion?" Prince Jinwu said, looking around the crowd, it is clear that he must rely on the people present to exert pressure on Ye Tian.

Someone agreed, and some looked at each other.

After all, this is the site of Yaochi, and the final decision is the Mother of Yaochi.


His Royal Highness Jin Wusan suddenly smashed an empty jade seat next to him, and said, "A couple of liars, don't deserve to have dinner with me. Our table is full, and I want to go to other places to eat. Right."

"I think your Golden Crow is strong and used to it. Do you really think of yourself as the master here? Do you want to make a decision for the Virgin? If you don't, don't put the score in front of me, and let me go as far as you can. Otherwise, just now. The fate of a **** ten highness is your fate." Ye Tian really didn't want to do anything here. He wanted to ask the Virgin for some news, but the Jinwu tribe was really deceiving people so much that he was so angry that he couldn't bear it.


His Royal Highness Jinwu III shook his body, and said to Our Lady of Yaochi: "Mother, you have also seen it. It is not that I want to spoil your birthday banquet. It is because some people really don’t know that the world is invincible, so they lied to your birthday banquet. Not to mention, I have repeatedly insulted my Golden Crow Clan. If I don't kill him today, I will have no face to face the Golden Crow Ancestor."

"His Royal Highness, how about missing today?" The saint of Yaochi said sternly, very worried. After all, it was the birthday feast of the Virgin, and she didn't want the pleasant atmosphere to be destroyed.

"Yes, unless you can expel these two." His Highness Jin Wusan said with a cold face.


The Virgin of Yaochi looked embarrassed and looked at the Virgin.

"The people who came here are all the distinguished guests of my Jade Lake. Doesn't it mean that you can be expelled? Since the Three Highnesses insist on a battle, the life and death stage of my Jade Lake may not be opened, and give the two a fair chance to fight. I don't know. What is your position?" said Mother Yaochi.


The frying pan in the audience, everyone did not think that the Mother of Yaochi not only did not stop, but added to the flames.

Is this deliberately pulling hatred?

Or do you want to add some blood to your birthday banquet?

Sword Master Qingxuan and Immortal Master Haotian also nodded happily, seeming to be looking forward to this battle.

"It is my long-cherished wish to be able to fight at the Yaochi Life and Death Platform. I hope that someone's strength will not let me down." His Royal Highness Jin Wusan immediately agreed to the fight, and a pair of extremely sharp eyes stared at Ye Tian with a kind of magical nature. power.

"I'm afraid that after killing you, your Golden Crow clan will not be forgiving." Ye Tian said calmly, but he showed a strong belief that he was really not afraid of His Highness the Golden Crow III.

However, he is not afraid of a Golden Crow Third Royal Highness, but if the Golden Crow tribe makes all the shots, he will be overwhelmed.

Moreover, there is more than one Jinwu tribe here, and there are also some sects that the Southern Territory worships under its sect. There can be more than a dozen strong Jindan powers alone. If they attack him together, he can't be stunned. .

People were surprised that he was just an innate, and he was not afraid of His Highness the Three Golden Cores, which made the top princes in the field embarrassed. When thinking that they were still innate, they didn't have the guts to fight with Jin Dan at all.

Of course, all of them are now condensed to perfection, and they have the strength to fight the golden core.

"Do you really think that my golden core is smashed, can you kill me?" His Highness Jin Wusan looked at Ye Tian with contempt. His body was a circle bigger than Ye Tian, ​​and he looked down, revealing his murderous intentions.

But Ye Tian carried his hands on his back and was unmoved.

"Don't treat the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. My Jinwu tribe is not as unbearable as you said. Since you have worries, let the Virgin preside over this battle. You can't trust my Jinwu tribe. You can trust the Virgin, right?" Prince Jinwu spoke, wanting Mother Yaochi to preside over this battle.

He hated Ye Tian and desperately wanted to see the scene of Ye Tian being killed.

As for the possible killing of His Royal Highness, he hadn't thought about it at all, because it was impossible.

"There is no need to worry about Ye Xiaoyou. Since it is the Third Highness who insists on a battle, I believe that the Golden Crow will accept it regardless of the outcome. I have only one request for this battle, not to use the magic weapon." said Mother Yaochi.

She said this to the Jinwu tribe, and the Jinwu tribe brought all the Zhenzong divine tool, the Sun God Pan, on this trip.

The power of the magic weapon is too great, it can break through the life and death stage, and damage the sacred land of Yaochi, so she is not allowed to use the magic weapon.

As for Ye Tian, ​​she didn't think there was a magic weapon because it was too rare.

The Yaochi Life and Death Platform is an ancient dojo, sealed in the towering sacred mountain, with a radius of several thousand feet, wide enough, and strong and immortal, enough to support the battle of the golden core level. It is very difficult to destroy this place without the magic weapon.

The birthday banquet was suspended, and everyone rushed out, like a crowd eating melons, all with excitement. Even the overlords and elders of Megatron are looking forward to this battle.

After all, the congenital retrograde battle against the golden core is really rare in reality. If so, they often end up with congenital failures.

Between the lofty sacred mountains, the clouds are so heavy that people can hardly breathe.

Seeing the Virgin of Yaochi, with a light stroke, a crack appeared in the thick cloud, like a door opening, splitting towards both sides, becoming wider and wider.

In an instant, an ancient and vast aura, like a scourge, came out, containing endless murderous intent, which made people horrified.

In the end, the clouds and fog completely dispersed, and a vast and ancient battle platform appeared. It was built of hard rock. Each piece was extremely huge, surrounded by fences, all of which shone simple and atmospheric patterns, which were obviously imprinted mysterious patterns. , Not a magic weapon, it is better than a magic weapon, it can prevent the aftermath of the battle from impacting.

If you look closely, you will find that the battle platform is densely covered with knife marks and arrow holes, and some places are still stained with blood. At first glance, you can see that there have been too many killings and too long years.

Standing under the stage of life and death, people will inexplicably have a kind of mood swings, as if they have experienced an eternal **** battle in an instant, and really feel the energy of the dead master.

There have been too many great abilities, blood-stained on this stage of life and death.

In the same way, there are many great powers that have made a name for themselves on the stage of life and death.

"Who do you think will win? How will it end in the end?" People talked, caring about the outcome of the battle.

"The ending is clear. It is impossible to win innately against the golden core."

"Although the young man surnamed Ye is amazing, he has just walked out of the mountains, and he has low eyes and hands, thinking that he can be invincible by his peers. If he can insist on ten moves in the hands of His Highness Jinwusan, I will convince him."

This is the voice of many people, and they are not optimistic about Ye Tian, ​​because they are a big difference from His Royal Highness Jinwusan.

"Not necessarily. You may not know that in the previous battle of the city gate, the young man surnamed Ye defeated His Royal Highness Jinwu Ten by three or two tricks, and stepped on her foot. An old Jindan tribe defender of the Jinwu tribe made a move, but The young man surnamed Ye slapped his palms to pieces. It shows that he really has the strength to fight the golden core."

Some people also hold objections and are optimistic about Ye Tian.

On the stage of life and death, the two figures are separated, facing each other far away.


There was a sudden blast in a clearing between the two of them, and a shock wave hit the sky, shattering all the clouds in the sky and washing away the blue sky.

The tide is surging, and the waves are shocking!

This is the invisible field of the two people colliding, and there is such a terrible momentum, which is really shocking.

If it weren't for the stage of life and death, with ancient formations for protection, if it were replaced with other places, even the rocks could be shattered, and countless spectators would fly out.

His Royal Highness Jinwusan was one of the first tianjiao among the younger generation of Inner Yinmen to break through the golden core. Among the ten Highnesses in the clan, he was only slightly weaker than the Great Highness.

"Our Lady."

A graceful figure swiftly arrived, with fluttering skirts and fluttering hair, falling on the side of Our Lady of Yaochi.

It was Yao Xian, the saint of Yaochi. She left for a while and went to Dengxiantai next to the mountain gate to take a look. Now she is back.

She whispered a few words in the ear of Our Lady of Yaochi, and her face instantly changed wildly, as if she had heard some terrible news.

Then the Virgin's gaze glanced at Xiao Yue'er, her pupils shrank suddenly and her expression was solemn. Then she looked at Ye Tian again, with the same expression.

"I'm optimistic about this little girl, I'll go to Sendai to have a look." The Virgin said to the saint, and then got up.

"Sorry, I went out beforehand, and I will be back soon." Our Lady said to the Sword Master Shushan, Immortal Master Haotian, and several other peers, and then really left.

Immortal Master Haotian looked suspicious, stared at the direction of the Virgin, then looked at the saint, and found that the saint was walking towards Xiao Yue'er, smiling, looking like she wanted to please.

"You said, UU reading, the boy surnamed Ye and his little niece, won't really pass ascending the platform, right?" Sword Master Shu smiled, seeming to guess the mind of Immortal Haotian.

The two of them looked similar in age, both looked like middle-aged men.

"Impossible." Immortal Master Haotian shook his head, and said, "If it had been hundreds of thousands of years ago, there would still be such a heaven-defying enchantment. Today, the earth's spirit is gradually declining, and the suppression of heaven is becoming more and more severe, giving birth to this kind of evil. The possibility of the evil evildoers is getting smaller and smaller, and one of them is rare, let alone two appearing."

Sword Master Shushan laughed and nodded lightly, seeming to agree with Immortal Master Haotian.

At this moment, there was a fight on the stage of life and death.


The two figures rushed out almost at the same time and turned into two beams of light, colliding together like a comet, bursting out a strong light that can pierce the eyes of people, and a sound of earth-shattering.

"Really have no scruples, do you just come up and fight melee?"

People exclaimed.

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