Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1923: Identity exposure

The bright light was bright, and the battle platform was bright, as if a big day had risen.

The shock wave swept out like a tsunami, uninterrupted, with a deafening rumbling sound.

After the two collided, they didn't immediately separate, but fought together, fighting hand-to-hand with fists and feet.

The Jinwu tribe is naturally strong and dominant in close hand-to-hand combat, and even the domineering combat body can't stand up against it.

Bang, bang, bang!

Sounds like the beating of a heavenly drum one after another, just listening to it makes the scalp numb, if there is no steel and iron bones, how can such a sound be made during a collision?

I couldn't see the faces of the two at all, I could only vaguely see two dazzling figures, the speed of their fists and feet moving as fast as a shooting star, and every blow made the platform shake.

In just a few fingers, the two collided thousands of times, and the energy released was absolutely comparable to a nuclear explosion.

Fortunately, the life and death platform of Yaochi was strong enough, only a few cracks were shaken out, and there was no serious damage.


After the last blow, the two staggered, rushed past, stood 100 meters apart, temporarily closed their hands, and looked at each other.

The dazzling light quickly became dim, and the heavens and the earth returned to clearness.

All around was silent, all the onlookers were silent and watched carefully, and there was shock in their expressions, whether it was an older person or a young strong person.

His Royal Highness Jin Crow III did not use the power of the golden core, only the physical body and Ye Tian hardly shake, because Ye Tian is only innate, if he uses the power of the golden core to win, he always feels a little incapable of victory.

If he can win with his body, this battle will be a battle of extraordinary significance in his life.

It is a pity that, on the whole, this confrontation was evenly divided, and he was using the power of his physical body to the extreme. He wanted to crush Ye Tian with one effort, but he didn't take advantage.

"What is this guy's physique? Can he fight the golden crow body?"

The crowd of onlookers was astonished. Some of the young strong men were even colder from head to toe. They only felt that they were too far apart from the two on the battlefield. They were in the same era, which was simply a kind of sadness.

If they were to go up and fight against the two on the battlefield, no matter which one was, it was likely to be killed by a punch.

What is bloodline Wushuang, what is peer invincible, the two on the battle stage gave a good interpretation.

The group of Tianjiao who Ye Tian slammed in the Southern Territory last time, several of them also came to the scene, and at the same time they thought of the Demon King who could control the Thunder.

That being, his physical body was so powerful, he beat His Highness the Golden Crow Fifth to vomit blood, and the other Southern Territory Tianjiao were as vulnerable as paper.

If it weren't for the difference in appearance between the two, they might even mistakenly think that they are the same person.

"I just flexed my muscles and bones. If you only have these strengths, you still have time to kneel down and beg for mercy. Otherwise, I will let you know the fate of offending my Golden Crow tribe." His Highness Jin Wusan said with frightening eyes and coldly.

Everyone in the audience was shocked. They were clearly shaken. After hundreds of tricks, they just moved their muscles and bones?

For the next battle, everyone responded with great expectations, and they all watched with wide eyes, lest they miss any details.

"Really? I only used less than 50% of the power. I hope you don't let me down too much." Ye Tian said lightly, standing proudly like a **** king, full of golden brilliance.

"His Royal Highness, this person should not be underestimated, do not leave behind, use the power of the golden core, and quickly punish him!" said a Golden Crow protector, who was crushed by Ye Tian's palm before. The old Jindan clan stands with Prince Jinwu.

He fought Ye Tian and knew how terrifying Ye Tian's physical body was.

Of course, not only the physical body, Ye Tian's true essence is also unparalleled.

"He must die today!" Prince Golden Crow said, expressionless.

By his side, not only the Golden Crow people, but also a group of strong men from the Southern Territory stood beside him. There were more than ten Jindans in total.

This is a powerful force. As long as Prince Golden Crow gives an order, these people will act on Ye Tian without any scruples.

"Master!" Xiao Yueer looked at the battle platform nervously, her two small hands clenched into fists, very nervous.

"Little sister, what's your name?" The sage Yaochi asked crisply with a sweet smile on her face.

Yaochi’s climb to Xiantai could leave an image. She could hardly believe what she had just seen. After the image was played back, there were actually two figures that passed the 33 steps.

In addition to copying the image, climbing in Sendai can also reveal the physique.

Ye Tian's body was in chaos and mist, and the golden light was dazzling, she couldn't see any physique.

On the other hand, Xiao Yue'er showed a divine bird, extremely noble, and her feather feathers showed seven colors, bathed in firelight.

She thought of Phoenix, but she was not sure because she had never heard of this physique.

After hearing what she said, Mother Yaochi was shocked, so she went to see it in person.

At this moment, the Mother of Jade Lake was standing by the Shengxiantai, her white jade hand gently stroked, and the powerful mana surged out.

The old Shengsendai immediately shined brightly, showing many images like a movie.

Anyone who steps up to Sendai will be branded no matter how many steps they step on.

Two of them stunned the Virgin of Yaochi. A young and handsome young man walked with his hands on his back, walking up step by step, as if walking up ordinary steps, and it was easy to finish the thirty-three steps.

Behind the handsome young man, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl was also better than strolling in the courtyard, and walked all the steps in one breath.

These two figures were not the faces of Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er after they had changed their faces, but their true faces, which were seen through by Shengxiantai and branded.

Ye Tian and Xiao Yue’er’s true appearances are not known to the Mother of the Yaochi, but the saint of Yaochi is a little familiar. They have seen portraits in the holy city, which are currently being pursued by the Jinwu people in the Southern Territory and other Southern Territory sects. The subject was once in the Eastern Territory. He was beaten by Huo Cult and had no temper. Later, he beat a group of Tianjiao in the Southern Territory, and even several Tianjiao fell because of this.

However, it is not the identity of the two that shocked the Virgin Mary and the Saintess of Yaochi. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is the bloodline and physique of the two people reflected in Seosendai.

"What kind of physique is this?"

Seeing Ye Tian's misty chaotic energy and the ray of golden light blooming, Mother Yaochi muttered to herself that she could not recognize this physique. Not only did she surpass her common sense, it was not even recorded in ancient books.

A fire-bathing phoenix appeared on Xiao Yueer's body. Although this physique was also rare, it had some traces to follow. It appeared in ancient books as the divine vein of the true phoenix, and the blood vein contained the attributes of the true phoenix.

"This little girl turned out to be the bloodline of the True Phoenix, so it's no wonder that she was able to walk through this Mount Xiantai." Mother Yaochi was shocked, even breathing quickly.

If this invincible bloodline is cultivated well, it may even break through the shackles of heaven and earth, and prove that the realm of the Nascent Infant, and become a truly invincible and powerful person in the world.

She didn't understand Ye Tian's physique, but she was also against the sky when she wanted to come.

"When are these two god-defying evildoers in my fairy gate? Who are you?" Mother Yaochi was surprised, but felt that these two people may not be simple, and there may be more heaven-defying characters behind her, so she dare not underestimate it.

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