At this time, a fierce battle was raging on the stage of life and death.

"It's over, it doesn't make sense to be entangled, anyway, you will eventually die!" His Royal Highness said coldly, stroked his hands, propped up a fireball that was like a natural fire, which was a dazzling golden crow and enveloped him.

A terrifying breath surging out like a vast sea.

People exclaimed that His Highness the Three Golden Crows is about to use the power of the Golden Core.

The lion fights the rabbit, also with all its strength!

This is a wise approach.


The dazzling fire light rushed up, and the third hall of the Golden Crow was full of flames, and suddenly launched a fierce attack on Ye Tian.

At this moment, he was like a **** who controlled the flames. The monstrous flames rushed out of his body, and the sky was set on a prairie fire, burning the void, surging forward, and swept towards Ye Tian.

In the monstrous fire, there were even more uncountable golden crow fire spirits humming and roaring sternly.

This is the real fire of the sun, a kind of sacred fire of heaven and earth, even far away, you can feel the blazing heat on the face, and if you don't defend it, you can even scorch your hair.

There are protective runes on the stage of the battle of life and death, where the flames flowed through, but a lava stream was also burned out, gurgling.

The real fire of the sun is said to be able to burn all the sky, but Wujin steel can easily melt, ordinary water can not be extinguished at all, but it will encourage the fire.

"The young man surnamed Ye is more fierce than auspicious. Innately fighting with the golden core is simply a dream." The saint child of the Ziwei Cult shook his folding fan and said lightly.

"Not necessarily!" Qingxuan Jianzi said sternly.

He had seen Ye Tian's true skill, and he didn't even let the wind shake with Jin Dan, knowing that Ye Tian was not so weak.

"Does Brother Qingxuan think that the young man surnamed Ye can defeat the Three Highnesses? Can he create the feat of innate rebellion against the golden core?" God Son Haotian looked over.

He and the son of Ziwei hold the same view, Ye Tian will eventually lose.

"Everything is possible, you will know when you look at it," Qingxuan Jianzi said.

At this time, the saint of Yaochi squatted down beside Xiao Yueer and asked in a low voice:

"Your name is Xiaoyue'er, right?"

"How do you know?" Xiao Yue'er was suddenly startled.

"I also know that your uncle is actually your master. You are from the Southern Territory, right?"

"You you, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yue'er's face paled for a while, and she had a very bad premonition because her identity had been recognized.

"Don't worry, I won't tell you who you really are. My sister is a good person." The sage of Yaochi smiled, very charming.

Neither Ye Tian nor Xiao Yue'er has any interest in Yaochi. Therefore, Yaochi can't make the first move. Instead, they can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. They may be able to reap the benefits of the fishermen.

At this time, they saw in the field that Ye Tianbao looked dignified, not evasive, and had an ethereal temperament, as if he was in harmony with the avenue.

If it is normal, it would be easy to break the real sun fire of the Three Kings of the Golden Crow, use the Xuanwu realm to summon a sea of ​​blood, and directly extinguish the real sun fire of the three Kings.

However, he had used this trick before, and if it was used, his identity would be revealed, because there were also people from the Huo Cult in the field.

In addition, he has a lot of magical powers also used in Lihuo Cult and Southern Territory. There are many eyes staring around him, and he dared not use it hastily.

Originally, he had no certainty of victory against the golden core, but now his hands were bound, and the fight was even more difficult.

"It must be a quick fight, otherwise the longer it takes, the greater the possibility of revealing the stuff." Ye Tian thought in his heart, and ended the battle with thunderous means.


Ye Tian rushed directly into the monstrous sea of ​​fire, only protecting his body with a crystal scale.

With the help of the cover of flame, his figure disappeared from the sight of everyone in an instant, drowning in the sea of ​​fire.

In the eyes of everyone, this is clearly an act of seeking death.

Even if people are not burned to death by the real fire of the sun, they will bind their hands and feet inside, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

But in the next second, everyone's pupils shrank, and Ye Tian reappeared, and for an instant he traversed the space of one hundred meters, passed through the sky and sea of ​​fire, and appeared in front of His Highness the Three Golden Crows.

He is like a ghost, and the distance is like nothing to him.

"How could he be so fast?"

"Did you use the Lightning Talisman? Or did you shrink your ground into supernatural powers?"

People exclaimed, all the eyes were about to come out.

This speed surpassed the limit, not to mention that the golden core in the field could not do it, even the ghosts and fears could not do it.

Under the cover of flames, no one knew that Ye Tian had used flashing magical powers and walked through the void.

All he wants is surprise.

His Royal Highness Jin Wusan was shocked, and quickly retreated violently. At the same time, he waved an ancient shield in front of him, calm and heavy.


But it was useless at all, and the ancient shield was blasted with a punch by Ye Tian.

Next, there were several body protection magic weapons issued under stress, but they all became fans under Ye Tian's golden fist.


On the tip of Ye Tian's fist, there was a sparkling brilliance, and several orderly chains danced like a snake, but sharper than a war spear. It was a kind of void magical power that Ye Tiangang had mastered.


Ye Tian finally stamped his fist on the chest of His Highness Jin Crow Third, and the scarlet blood splashed all around, and His Highness Jin Crow Third's chest was penetrated, and the front and back were transparent.

The Golden Crow Body is very powerful. If there is no help from the Void Order God Chain, Ye Tian will at most dent the chest cavity of the Third Highness, which is difficult to penetrate.

"Ah!" His Highness Jin Wusan screamed, heartbreaking.

Ye Tian was extremely cold and shook hard, shattering half of the chest of His Royal Highness Three Golden Crow. The whole figure seemed to be split in half, and a large amount of blood spewed out.

No one thought that this would be the result. His Royal Highness Jin Wusan was beaten half of his body with a punch by Ye Tian, ​​bloody and terrible.

This is a contest between two physiques, which is stronger and weaker, has been revealed at this moment.

"Golden Crow Body, but so!" Ye Tian said coldly.


Bleeding, UU reading www. The broken body of Jinwusan flew out, bringing a large rain of blood.

There was deathly silence, and everyone seemed to stop their heartbeats.

"How could this happen? The Third Highness was actually smashed by life!"

"The golden crow body dominates the world, how can it be defeated?"

After the dead silence, there was a tumult in the audience, and everyone couldn't calm down.

Even the Jinwu people wanted to rush up and beat Ye Tian together, but they heard a voice:

"No, I'm not dead yet, the battle has just begun!"

It was His Royal Highness Jin Wusan, dragging his broken body, and stood up from the ground with difficulty.

His whole body was shrouded in raging flames, every strand of hair was glowing, and a thick blood rushed into the sky covered by the heavenly spirit.

A golden pill in his body shines brightly, and every second is surging out a huge amount of divine power to repair the wounds on his body.

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