Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1926: Not abide by the agreement

On the stage of life and death in Yaochi, blood rained, and the tragic breath swept all over the world.

The physical body of His Royal Highness Jin Wusan was shattered inch by inch, turning into a cloud of blood mist, which did not disperse for a long time.

This is a Gedai hero, who has proved the golden core at a young age, and will definitely become stronger in the upcoming trial of the immortal market, but now he has reached the end of his life, everything becomes empty and becomes someone else. Stepping stones on the road.

It was dusk, a **** day slanted to the west, the sky was getting dim, and the cold wind blew by, making people feel goose bumps.

Ye Tian was alone on the stage of life and death, bathed in blood, his clothes stained with blood, and his complexion was neither sad nor happy.

The sage of Yaochi, the **** of Haotian, the sword of Qingxuan, the sage of the beginning, and so on, all the top princes of the younger generation changed their faces and could not keep calm.

Because at this moment, Ye Tian's displayed combat power surpassed them.

Changing to any one of them can draw a tie at best, and it is impossible to kill the Three Highnesses.

This caused their Dao Xin to be hit hard.


After a brief silence, the scene arose, and there was an earth-shattering roar. Not only the people of the Jinwu tribe, but also some strong men in the Southern Territory were also furious.

They regard the Jinwu tribe as the upper sect. Although they are often oppressed by the Jinwu tribe on weekdays, they are generally related to each other and share their interests.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another silhouettes rose into the sky, and the murderous aura swept across the sky, turning into a monstrous torrent, sweeping towards Ye Tian.

The huge battlefield of life and death was horrified, and the temperature dropped tens of degrees in an instant.

The people of the Golden Crow tribe are dripping their blood. There are ten of the Golden Crow tribe’s highness, two of whom have fallen. This is the third and the only three who have proclaimed the golden core. It is the unbearable pain of the Jin Crow tribe. Unbearable loss.

If all these ten Highnesses grow up and all prove the Golden Core, the strength of the Golden Crow tribe will rise to an extreme, and it will even be able to secure the first place among the four top sects and aspire to the strongest power in the inner hidden fairy gate.


A Golden Crow Guardian shot, raised his hand and threw a golden small cauldron, blasting towards Ye Tian.


Xiaoding zoomed in extremely quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it expanded to a height of one hundred meters. Like a mountain, thousands of flames fell down, and the flames turned into a whirlpool, sending out a great absorption power, to absorb Ye Tian, ​​and then practice. Melt away.

"I have a decisive battle with the Three Golden Crows. Before the battle, I had already agreed that life and death are up to my fate. If you don't be held accountable, can you not afford to lose?" Ye Tian looked at a group of rioting Golden Crow experts and said coldly.

"What kind of identity is your Royal Highness the Three Golden Crows, you a humble ant dare to kill him, and you will be atonement for a hundred deaths, and you will be killed today, and your blood will be sacrificed to your Highness." .

Ye Tian stood on the spot, slammed out a big hand, and grabbed the Baizhang Dading that was falling down.


In the palm of his palm, the fragments of the void flickered and simmered, transforming into a palm world, sending out a stronger suction power, the void rumbling, continuously collapsing and shrinking.

The Baizhang Dading was first held in the void by Ye Tian's big hand, and then it kept getting smaller, and finally turned into a big palm and fell into Ye Tian's palm.

This is an application of the Void Avenue he cultivated. It can not only grab a piece of space in the air, but also transform a world in the palm of the palm, allowing his Chaos Golden Light Palm to advance to a more powerful level.

People exclaimed that this was an old golden pill of the Golden Crow tribe who was making a move. The Baoding that was thrown was a sacred weapon, but Ye Tian held it up when he raised his hand. It was really frightening to take it as his own.

"kill him!"

A roar resounded across the sky, and a **** claw in the void probed down, covering a large area of ​​the void, revealing the coercion of a Jindan-level powerhouse to kill Ye Tianzhen.

Ye Tian directly smashed the small cauldron that had just been imprisoned, like a mountain that was thrown out, and the oppression was trembling in the void, and a violent sound was heard.


With a shocking blast, the **** claws crumbled into the air, but Xiaoding was shot and flew out, smashing a deep pit on the stage of life and death.

"Everyone is still stunned, what are they doing together to take revenge for the Three Highnesses." An old Golden Crow clan roared, squeezing all the powerful Southern Territories to take action together.


In the sky riot, there were six giant golden core hands protruding out, each of them was a kind of supreme palm, or flames, or ice crystals, or thunder,..., the cage world, huge, It can shatter mountains and cut off rivers.

There are more than a dozen magic weapons flying out, the sun is shining, the murderous intent is earth-shattering, and the whole life and death stage is dazzling.

Click, click!

The emptiness seems to be unbearable and does not break apart.

"It's a fair fight between my Highness and the Third Highness. Have you really ignored the previous agreement?" Ye Tian was furious, and at the same time he was frightened.

Such a majestic attack crushed the world, he couldn't bear it at all, unless he used the divine soldier Ziying sword.

However, when the Ziying Sword came out, it involved a lot.

You must know that there are people from Mount Shu in the field, including the sword master who does not know how strong it is. Seeing Ziying Sword, you may even recognize that it is the Ziying Sword that was fostered in the old place of Sun Moon Sword Palace. Sword, thus knowing that he came from the hidden door.

Then the deaths of the two groups of people sent by the Inner Sect to the Outer Yin Sect were likely to depend on him.

At that time, he wouldn't have offended the Jinwu Clan, and the Haotian Immortal Sect, the Shushan Sword Sect, and a large number of followers behind them, a hundred lives would not be enough.

Therefore, Ye Tian would not use magical weapons as a last resort.

"If you didn't hurt the killer, I might not leave you a way out. Now you can only apologize with death." The Golden Crow Guardian roared, determined to kill Ye Tian.

"Do you really want to force me to use a big move?" Ye Tian's face was cold, and he was making the final decision in his heart.


At this moment, suddenly a majestic female voice spread all over the country.

The Mother of Jade Lake suddenly made a move. With a light wave of her white jade hand, a magic circle on the stage of life and death opened, forming a huge protective light curtain, like an inverted bowl, sealing the stage of life and death inside. Ye Tian was also in it.

Bang bang bang!

All kinds of attacks that destroy the world and the earth came back and forth, shaking the ground, shaking the sky and trembling, but they couldn't penetrate the protective light curtain.

The foundation of Yaochi is visible!

"Madonna, are you really going to make an appearance for this person? Don't hesitate to offend my Jinwu tribe? This is a big deal, so you have to think about it." An old Jinwu tribe asked coldly, not without threats.

"I just want to maintain the minimum fairness and justice. Now that the battle is over and the victory is divided, why are your Golden Crows aggressive? Have the dignified Golden Crows fallen into this situation? Can't even lose a fight?" The words of Our Lady of Yaochi are majestic.

"What kind of thing is he, I don't know that the wild species that came out of that bump is worthy of being compared with my third brother? He died a thousand times, ten thousand times, it is not enough to atone for his sins." Stepping forward, looking at Ye Tian coldly, his words were cold and his eyes were full of contempt.

This is His Royal Highness the Sixth Golden Crow, and also a young generation's arrogant. He is a strong man with long red hair, and his eyes are as bright as golden lanterns. He is holding a bronze spear, and his fighting spirit is surging, murderous and full of coldness. anger.

"What are you talking about? Who is the wild species?" Ye Tian said angrily.

"I said you, the wild species that came out of the bumps, isn't it? Get out if you have the ability, and I will fight you!" His Highness Jinwu Six provoked.


Ye Tian raised his hand to grab a spear on the ground belonging to His Royal Highness Jin Wuwu, and held it in his hand.

Then he bends down like a full bow, his muscles are tense, his power is surging, and he threw the spear violently.


The spear trembles, as if given life by Ye Tian, ​​the five-colored thunderbolts jumped out, wrapped around the tip of the gun, like thunder dragons lying around.

The protective light curtain of the Life and Death Station only intercepts attacks from the outside in one direction, but the attacks inside will not be intercepted. That's why His Highness Six said that Ye Tianchu would come to a fight.


As soon as the spear was pierced, there was a sound of harmony between heaven and earth, and the avenue was vast, and the vitality screamed between heaven and earth.

This gun directly tore the void, because it was blessed by Ye Tian with the Void Avenue, and walked through the void, and instantly traversed a distance of thousands of meters, and appeared in front of His Highness Golden Crow Six.


It was too late for everyone to think about it, a **** light splashed, and His Highness Golden Crow Six let out a scream, the chest cavity was immediately pierced, and then the flesh was torn apart and shattered into a cloud of blood.


"His Royal Highness."

The whole audience of the Golden Crow people and a group of Southern Territory experts shouted, all panicked to the extreme.

"Mother, you see, it's not that my clan is strong, but someone didn't put my clan in their eyes at all, thinking that they were ants, and they could kill them at will." The Golden Crow Prince, who had been calm as a mountain, finally spoke and got up angrily.

The light flashed, and a circular divine disc appeared in his palm, the light was blazing, like a round of divine sun, so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

Waves like a tsunami rushed out of the sacred disk, covering the world, and instantly spreading to every corner of the Jade Lake Holy Land, making people throbbing and unbearable.

Prince Golden Crow waved his hand at will, and endless flames rushed out of the sacred plate, swept all directions, and burned the sky.

The hurricane roared, and the masses of heaven and earth's essence seemed to be sucked dry by the sun **** disc in an instant, and the world was bleak, oppressing people to suffocate.

"The Sun God Disk!"

The onlookers exclaimed that Prince Jinwu actually used the Sun God Disk, UU reading really had no scruples and wanted to kill Ye Tianzhen.

The Mother of God Yaochi had clearly stated that she should not use the artifact.

"Prince Golden Crow, what are you going to do? It's so bold to use magic weapons in my Yaochi!" The Mother of Yaochi shouted.

"I just want to kill this person, and hope that the Virgin can open up the net, don't make me embarrassed."


The Sun God Disk was directly thrown out by the Golden Crow Prince, rushing to the stage of life and death, and smashed into the place where Ye Tian was standing.

Boom boom boom!

Above the sun **** disk, the infinite divine light shines, and the power is immense. With one blow, a piece of heaven and earth seems to be exploded, becoming a chaos, full of energy that destroys the sky and the earth.

In Ye Tian's field of vision, everything in the sky and the earth disappeared, only a huge and boundless divine sun, crushing the sky and the earth, shattering time and space, slammed into him.

The Ziying Sword Pill in his body was forced by the coercion, and it was activated on its own, and wanted to rush out to kill the enemy.

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