Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1927: 4 artifacts

The sun **** plate rushed out, the light shining for nine days, facing Ye Tian's suppression, the endless **** flame shaped like a golden crow, scrolling the world.

Legend has it that this is the warrior of the Golden Crow ancestor on the Golden Crow, who was sacrificed in the sun and slaughtered endless creatures.

At this moment, everyone in front of the stage of life and death trembled. This was the fear from the depths of the soul.

The strong golden core can still be calm and composed, the congenital monks are all trembling legs, as for the monks below them simply kneel to the ground and worship.

Not only the people in front of the stage of life and death, but even the millions of people in the entire holy city, felt the breath of terror, and their hearts trembled with inexplicable fear.

The sun **** plate is too terrible, like a big day, it can break the world and dry the ocean.

"Prince Golden Crow, you have enough, don't you want to stop?" Mother Yaochi was furious, her pretty face was a bit ferocious.

The prince Jinwu used magic weapons in Yaochi, which is a great disrespect to Yaochi.

Because the divine soldiers are too terrifying and destroy the world at every turn, a carelessness may cause a large number of accidental injuries and bring disasters to the sacred place of Yaochi.

"Madonna, count my Jinwu tribe owing you a favor to Yaochi. When I kill this son, I will apologize to you." The Prince Jinwu said, with a tall body, full of power and indifferent eyesight in the field of vision.

Not only him, but also several Jindan clan elders, are also working together to urge the Sun God Pan.


Suddenly tens of thousands of divine lights rushed into the sky in the direction of Yaochi's back mountain. One thing rose and fell in it, turning into a stream of light, piercing the sky, shaking out waves that ruined the world.

"That is…?"

"A pagoda!"

People exclaimed and saw a pagoda rushing from the back mountain of Yaochi. The whole body was golden yellow, with great light, and it was 33 stories high.

"Yaochi's Zhenzong artifact, Xiwang Tower." Someone recognized this tower and said loudly, shocked.

The West King Pagoda has a great origin. Legend has it that it was cast by the hand of the mother of the West King, the first Virgin of Yaochi.

Queen Mother Xi is also the Nascent Soul who is proving Taoism by this tower.

"Run away!" I don't know who yelled. The crowd watching the battle suddenly became chaotic, and fled in all directions, so as not to be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

Prince Jinwu's eyes were blood red, like crazy, he had no scruples, really anything could happen.

Although some Sect Master level powerhouses can maintain their composure, they secretly offer various protection methods.


The sky is shaking!

The 33rd floor of the West King Pagoda slammed directly on the Golden Crow Crow's Sun God's disk, bursting out with the power of destruction like Mars hitting the earth. There were endless marks between the sky and the earth, and the red clouds were so piercing that people couldn't open their eyes.

This is a duel between the gods and soldiers. Any single blow can burst out with the power of nuclear explosion, which can break through the earth in a radius of tens of miles and hundreds of miles, turning it into a piece of rubble.

Just the aftermath of the shock pierced the protective circle on the stage of life and death, and a dome light curtain was riddled with holes, exposing Ye Tian.

The Sun God's plate moved thousands of feet across, razing a big mountain in Yaochi to the ground, and the innumerable flowers and trees were destroyed, which was even more terrifying than a comet's blow.

The West King Pagoda in Yaochi also flew upside down for more than a thousand meters. Fortunately, it flew into the void, shattering several large clouds, and rolling up a tsunami in the sky.

"Come again!" The Golden Crow prince burst out, determined to kill Ye Tianzhen.

This family has always been strong and has never scrupulously acted.

"Prince Jinwu, are you really going to irritate me? Even your ancestors dare not be so unscrupulous in my Jade Lake." The Mother of Jade Lake was really angry, and rushed to the sky, her graceful body was full of destruction. The power of heaven and earth grabbed the West King Pagoda in Jade Lake in one hand.

"I just want to kill this person, and I have no ill will towards Yaochi." Prince Jinwu didn't appreciate it, and several clan elders only looked forward to it.


The sky shook and the earth shook, and the sun **** disk rushed from a distance, almost crushing the sky and the earth, turning into a three-legged golden crow, shuttled through the void, and the endless brilliance illuminated the sky.


The Blessed Mother of Jade Lake took action, and the West King Tower suppressed it, making a sound of harmony, like an ancient **** born, its power overwhelming the past and the present, the void was shattered, and chaotic auras rushed out.


Suddenly, a sword sound came out, shaking Jiu Xiao.

A cyan divine light suddenly appeared, hanging above the head of the Shushan Sword Master, possessing an unmatched murderous aura, which made everyone unable to help but want to worship.

Shushan magic weapon, Qinghong sword!

At this moment, everyone was terrified, and another magic weapon was born.

The Green Rainbow Sword, like a cyan horse training, has an inexplicable charm of the Great Dao, as if it can break through the heavens and the world.

This is the second magic weapon of the Shu Mountain. It is intact. The first is the Ziying Sword, but it is broken, and it is kept in the Sun Moon Sword Palace of the Wai Yinmen.

If Yuan Ying does not come out, the new magic weapon is almost impossible to reproduce.

In order to forge this green rainbow **** soldier, it took thousands of years before and after Shushan, cultivating, warming up, worshiping, chanting,...


The Green Rainbow Sword flew out and turned into a blue pike, dancing in the sky, releasing a frightening aura, intercepting it in front of the Sun God Disk.

Seeing the Sword Master Qingxuan taking action, Immortal Master Haotian couldn't help but sighed slightly, saying: "Prince Golden Crow, you have done too much. Even if you are so angry, you shouldn't use magical weapons in the Yaochi. If you do. The Yaochi Holy Land was destroyed, can you afford the consequences?"

While talking, Immortal Master Haotian also took out, took out an ancient mirror, which seemed inconspicuous, but shone a dazzling divine light on the floor.

When the light comes, time seems to stand still, and everything in the world is imprisoned.

This is the Haotian Immortal Sect's Zhenzong artifact, the Haotian Mirror!

Everyone's eyes were straight, and they didn't expect another artifact to be born.

Several artifacts are gathered together and displayed together, which is rare in history.

Xiwang Tower, Qinghong Sword, and Haotian Mirror, under the joint suppression of these three divine tools, the Sun God Disk was finally temporarily controlled and could not be suppressed.

But Ye Tian on the stage of life and death was under the pressure from the four divine tools, and the whole person was not good, as if a mountain was pressing on him, trying to shake him into flesh.

Fortunately, there is also a magic weapon in his body, helping him to share the coercion, otherwise this force may really bring disaster to him.

"Well, your three big sects are working together to bully our ancestor is not there?" The Golden Crow prince roared, his mana surged, shaking out monstrous power fluctuations, and he was still trying to spur the Sun God Disk.


The fire of the Sun God Pan was violent, shaking violently, making Tianyu tremble, and might break the shackles at any time.

However, how can the other three artifacts wait for a while, their divine power is like waves, forming three imprisoning forces, locking the sun **** disk in them.

If it is the ancestor of the Golden Crow tribe, it is unlikely that he wants to confine the Sun God Pan, but the prince of the Golden Crow and a few elders of the Golden Crow tribe are really nothing.

Just when the four great artifacts were in a stalemate, a horrible aura swept across from the south, and there was a divine light rushing into the sky, dazzling and dazzling.

Even the golden core changed its color, and the soul couldn't help trembling.

"The gate of Xianxu is open!"

A shocking news came from the holy city, and everyone could not calm down.

"What? The gate of Xianxu opened? When? Where?"

"Just now, ten miles south of the holy city."

The opening of the gate of Xianxu was undoubtedly an explosive news, which made everyone excited and excited.

Although it was predicted that the domain gate of Xianxu should also be opened in these few days, it was still exciting, because the domain gate opened every sixty years, and for this day, the entire hidden gate waited sixty years.

The holy city is in great chaos, savage beasts rushing, horses neighing, thousands of monks, and ordinary people, regardless of whether they are qualified to enter the fairy market, are swarming out of the city, rushing to the fairy market gate ten miles away. .

According to rumors, through the domain gate, you can see a corner of the fairy ruins. For many people, it's very novel and want to go and see it.

Moreover, the gate of Xianxu domain only opened for one hour. If you miss this hour, don't even think about going in again in this life, because after sixty years, the age will exceed the limit.

After arriving outside the city, there is no restriction of the holy city magic circle. The monks deploy various flying magic weapons, or control brutal beasts, and rush to the domain gate at the fastest speed.

"Go ahead first." Shushan Sword Master said to Qingxuan Jianzi.

"it is good!"

After looking at Ye Tian on the stage of life and death, Qingxuan Jianzi led all the disciples under his sect, as well as many disciples of the Southern Region, to rush to the domain sect.

"Brother Ye, I hope to see you in Xianxu." The Haotian Godzi smiled brightly and left.

Soon, people were almost gone, and only some Jindan-level powerhouses were left.

"Prince Golden Crow, don't you stop? If you miss the hour, you will regret it for life." Mother Yaochi said to the Prince of Golden Crow, kindly persuade him.

Prince Golden Crow was moved. He really didn't want to miss the Trial of the Fairy Ruins. He waited for this day for too long.

Moreover, the three top gold cores held a magical weapon to stop him, and it was really difficult for him to kill Ye Tian here.

"Prince, you go first, the Xianxu trial is important. There are old slaves here watching, and this little beast will never be allowed to escape." An old Jinwu clan said, Hefa Tongyan, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is an old Jin Dan.

In addition, some tribesmen persuade.

After groaning for a while, Prince Golden Crow finally stopped and took back the Sun God's plate.

"Leave his soul, burn it in the fire of the sun god, and wait until my trial is over, and then make a decision." Prince Golden Crow said coldly, looking terrifying and terrifying.

After that, he left, with his tribe and the many arrogances of the Southern Territory.

On the stage of life and death, Ye Tian was about to collapse, trembling all over.

"Madonna, please give this son to me and send it away." An old Jinwu tribe said to the Mother of Yaochi.

"Yes, but in my Jade Lake Holy Land, killing is forbidden. If you want to fight, go outside to fight." Mother Yaochi said, her eyes shone brightly.

"Well, I'm waiting for you outside. I don't believe you will never come out."

Several elders of the Golden Crow Clan and Jindan Clan, as well as several Jindan-level experts from other sects in the Southern Territory, are a powerful force and confident enough to kill Ye Tian.

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