Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2355: 1 palm annihilation

With the explosion of the four true-shaped thunder beasts, the most terrifying thunder tribulation came to an abrupt end, and it ended so suddenly.


The moment Ye Tian turned his palm, the whole world seemed to be turned upside down.

On the huge golden palm like a mountain, countless Chaos Qi poured down like a waterfall, and every breath was filled with the power of Chaos Law.

The entire void, with Ye Tian turning his hand and slapped his palm, the Heavenly Dao resonated, and countless visions manifested.

It seems that Ye Tian is the master of this universe, and the seemingly light blow has triggered all the forces of the world.

The Great Western Emperor suddenly felt a sense of imminent disaster.

All his mana, supernatural powers, and even the Law of the Holy Infant, which was condensed through thousands of years of hard work, were instantly ineffective, because they were suppressed, as if they had encountered a natural enemy, instinctively trembling and fearful, instinctual dormant go down.

The main power of Yuanying Tianjun comes from the control of the law. Now the law that he majors in is not easy to use. How much can he use purely by the power of the flesh?

"How can this be?"

The Great Western Emperor was inexplicably horrified, his face pale. This is something that has never happened before.

"Even if it is a divine baby, it is impossible to suppress my laws so thoroughly. What kind of evildoer are you?" The Great Western Ancient Emperor roared wildly.

Facing Ye Tian at this moment, he even had the illusion that he was facing God Transformation, invincible and hard to resist.

However, what Ye Tian crossed just now was clearly Nascent Soul Lightning Tribulation.

There is only one result!

"I see. Xian Ying, you really demonstrated the legendary Xian Ying."

According to legend, fairy babies can fight and transform into gods, so that's right!

If it is a fairy baby, it is easy to understand that suppressing his holy baby.

Immortal Infant Immortal Rule, Divine Infant God Rule, Holy Infant Saint Rule, and the rest belong to ordinary laws. Among them, Immortal Infant's Immortal Rule is the supreme law, which overrides and suppresses all laws under it.

This has nothing to do with a person's cultivation. As long as you have a high-level law in control, you can suppress the low-level law, so that the power belonging to the law cannot be displayed.

However, the power of the flesh is not affected.

However, with the physical body plus mana and god-level armament, the Great Western Emperor was only on par with Ye Tian. With his physical body and incomplete god-level armament, how could he be an opponent?

Thinking of this, the ancient emperor of the West was so frightened that he didn't dare to fight, and there was only one thought in his heart, that is: escape.

However, if he wanted to escape, how could it be so easy, the chaotic energy was falling, and the giant palm imprisoned the space, he only felt like there was a 10,000-foot mountain pressing down on him, and it was extremely difficult to straighten his spine.

"Middle-earth child, you really want to kill them all?" The Great Western Ancient Emperor roared furiously.

"so what?"

"Don't think that you have the chance to win, and don't force me and you to die. Otherwise, the emperor will fall, and he will also be buried with you."

"It's like an ant, if you still have the ability, just use it."

Ye Tian said lightly, there was no sadness or joy in his pupils.

The Great Western Emperor grabbed it out of thin air, holding a sky-splitting battle axe in his hand, like the divine axe of Pangu opening the sky.


The incomplete god-level armament also exploded, like the final return of life, with countless light patterns shining, densely packed, dazzling, intertwined out of thin air, and spreading away in all directions at an extreme speed, and finally shrouded the space of 100,000 zhang, turning it into a An earth-shattering avenue to kill.

The breath of endless destruction spread out from the avenues of killing, as if the ancient gods were destroying the world.

Ye Tian, ​​in turn, was trapped and defended by this avenue killing formation, and was continuously attacked.

"Break it for me!"

The Great Western Emperor roared.

Holding the divine weapon to split the sky, he drew strength from the avenues of killing formation intertwined by the incomplete god-level armaments, and the whole person erupted with unprecedented terrifying power. With an axe, it was as if Pangu opened the sky, breaking through layers of chaotic air that fell from Ye Tian's golden palm, which was unstoppable.

Chi Chi Chi!

With this axe, he not only wanted to break Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm, but also gave Ye Tian a fatal blow.

This was the strongest blow he had ever hit in his life, and even his body couldn't bear it, and blood was oozing from his facial features. But he didn't care, just slashed at Ye Tian with an axe, firm and decisive.

Even if the power of the law is not used, the power of this axe is enough to split a Mariana Trench out on the ground.

At this moment, countless surviving Daxi people were with the ancient emperor of Daxi, and their hearts were raised in their throats, expecting that the axe of the ancient emperor could severely injure Ye Tian, ​​or chop him to death.

But the next second, everyone was disappointed.

Ye Tian was only shocked by the air, and a chaotic force surged out, breaking through the avenue killing formation transformed by god-level armament.

Under his palm, the void once again solidified like a rock, imprisoning the Great Western Ancient Emperor's sky-splitting battle axe, and then shattering under the giant palm.

In the end, Ye Tian's palm fell to the ground, and everything disappeared.



"how come?"

For a time, Daxi Xing was dead silent, and everyone took a deep breath.

There are no eggs under the nest, and even the ancient emperors of the West are dead, are they far from death?

All fell into deep despair.

At this time, he saw that Ye Tian raised his palm, glanced at it, frowned gradually, then glanced in one direction, and then chased after him.

In the deep pit of the huge palm print, there was only a little blood and mud, and there was a puppet that was smashed into powder.

It shows that the ancient emperor of the west escaped by the technique of surrogate death.

Today, Ye Tian's spiritual sense is so powerful and his spiritual sense is so sharp, he can find the trace of Emperor Daxi with a swipe.

Whoosh whoosh!

An avenue of golden light unfolded under Ye Tian's feet, leading to an endless distance, one golden lotus one step at a time, one disillusionment one step at a time, and the mountains, rivers and the earth retreated at a rapid speed.

As long as people are still on this ancient star, Ye Tian is not worried about him escaping at all. So he is not in a hurry, and while chasing, he is still watching the stars.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, …

The Great Western Star has been devastated, as if the sky has collapsed and the earth has suffered a disaster. Disasters are everywhere, and sorrows are everywhere. It seems that it has returned to the ancient times, and the casualties are countless.

Seeing this world-destroying disaster scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret.

Frankly speaking, he did not expect to cause such a catastrophic disaster. A star was almost destroyed and shrunk in a circle. Otherwise, he would definitely consider carefully whether to come here to transcend the calamity, or whether to absorb the origin of the avenues of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. Power.

After all, there are many innocent people on this star. The culprits should be those princes and generals.


A tsunami hundreds of meters high rushed into a city, high-rise buildings collapsed continuously, and human life was like a must.

Ye Tian suddenly shot, and with a palm, the tsunami turned back.

A mountain and a mountain collapsed, and a small town in the mountains was about to be buried. Ye Tian took another shot to save the town from hanging.

Just like that, Ye Tian stopped and walked, and he shot when he could, trying to save the innocent as much as possible.

In the end, he followed the breath of the Great Western Ancient Emperor and chased beyond a giant city.

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