Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2356: Daxi Imperial City

This is a huge city with no boundaries at a glance, and there are hundreds of millions of people living there.

The towering city walls are densely covered with sacred law textures, and they have survived many wars without falling.

The city is full of spiritual energy, the vegetation is prosperous, the flowers are blooming, and the elixir is fragrant, like a beautiful big garden.

In this beautiful big garden, skyscrapers are rising from the ground, row upon row, there are countless, any random one is thousands of meters high, there are also wide roads, suspended trains, and loud voices...

At night, the lights flicker and the city glows with neon, like a dream city.

In this prosperous world, having such a modern technology giant city made Ye Tian a little lost for a moment, feeling like he was back on Earth, because many buildings were very similar.

This is the imperial city of Daxi, the center of power of Daxi civilization, and the largest and most prosperous city.

The Royal Palace is located in the center of the imperial city, covering hundreds of miles, surrounded by mountains, with large lakes, waterfalls, beautiful scenery, unique feng shui, rolling aura, purple mist, and many floating islands and islands. There are many tall buildings with unique shapes built above, and the road and technology are perfectly combined here.

Because of the opening of the powerful defensive circle, the city was not affected much by the disaster caused by Ye Tiandu Tribulation.

Invisibly, there seems to be an aura of death filling the city, and everyone is very uneasy.

The entire star is suffering from disaster. They know that the imperial city is very unsafe, but they have nowhere to go. They can only pray that the existence will be merciful.

Although there are still hundreds of thousands of imperial guards and countless war killers in the imperial city, no one thinks that these people and these war killers can work, because more powerful war forces have fallen one after another. No, there is no one-size-fits-all.

In the distance, a volcanic cloud was extraordinarily gorgeous and red, like blood splashing in the sky, and a golden avenue spread out from it, leading directly to the outside of the imperial city.

Silently, Ye Tian arrived, stepped down from the sky, and stood on a cliff outside the city, with a vast waterfall falling under his feet, countless creatures dormant, not even daring to breathe.

Including those imperial city guards armed to the teeth, trembling and trembling.

However, the war killers still moved, and thousands of muzzles pointed at them from afar. However, he didn't open fire rashly, and seemed to be still waiting for an order.

"This fellow Daoist, take action slowly."

A stream of light rushed out of the city and turned into the figure of an old man in brocade clothes outside the city.

Although the old man is thin and short, and his appearance is not amazing, he naturally exudes an aura that swallows thousands of miles.

This is an elder of the Daxi Royal Family, and his seniority is even higher than that of the Daxi Ancient Emperor.

"Fellow Daoist, I have no grudges and no grudges against you in the West. Why did you attack me for no reason, kill my clan, and destroy my stars? As the saying goes, God has the virtue of good life, you have power, but you kill innocent people indiscriminately, are you not afraid of being punished by God? " said the elder of the Daxi royal family, gnashing his teeth, filled with righteous indignation.

"Don't say it so righteously, you know what you are, what you have done, and what you have done. I am the spiritual root of heaven and earth in Middle Earth, I turn around and leave, and all my grievances are written off." Ye Tian also said solemnly.

"The spiritual roots of your Middle Earth are not in my Daxi at all, but in the main star of Beichen. If you have the ability, you can ask for it yourself. What is the ability to bully my Daxi?" said the elder of the Daxi royal family.

"I only know that the root of the Middle Earth was stolen by your Daxi. If you lose it, I will of course ask you for it. If you can't get it, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"It doesn't matter if you don't dare to go to Beichen. Give me a little time, and I'll go to the main star of Beichen and invite you back to the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Roots of Middle Earth."

"I can give you time to open the defense formation first." Ye Tian said lightly.

"What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just want to find some people as hostages. If you don't bring back the spiritual roots of the Middle Earth, there is no need for this city to exist."


Hearing Ye Tian's words, all the creatures in the imperial city took a deep breath.

There are hundreds of millions of people living here. Almost all the royal families live here. If Ye Tianhe is taken as a hostage, it will be very difficult to handle.

Daxi's clan elder was still calling Xiao Jiujiu and went to Beichen's main star to ask for reinforcements. It is best to invite Beichen's god-turning ancestor to kill Ye Tian. Unexpectedly, Ye Tian would make such a bad move.

"No!" Daxi's clan elder shouted angrily.

"I said yes, yes, no."

Ye Tian snorted coldly, sighed with his fingers, and suddenly the phantom of the old spiritual mind of the Daxi royal family was directly blown up by the air.

"Little beast, you are so brave. My Daxi has formed an alliance with many life stars in the Beichen star field. If you invade my Daxi star, you are invading all the life stars in Beichen. You think that you are all life stars. Daxing's opponent?" An angry voice came from the imperial city, and it was the clan elder who was roaring just now.

Ye Tian didn't care, and shot directly.

If you want to conquer this life star, you must conquer the imperial city where the power center is located.

Ye Tian started directly, his body soared, standing like a **** in the sky, his purple-gold hair fluttered in the wind, his eyes surpassed the golden lamp, and the gigantic dharma of the tens of thousands of feet towered into the sky, possessing a kind of who would give up on me. , I am the only one who has the spirit of self-respect, and stepped on the great formation of the Great Western Imperial City's moat.

Just being shocked by the qi of the fairy infant, the great formation of protecting the city became unstable.

Many more creatures knelt down on the ground, shivering, and worshiped devoutly.

"Boy in Middle-earth, UU reading tell you the truth, I have already contacted Beichen Lord Star, and the god-turning ancestor will be here soon. If you leave now, there is still a chance of life. Otherwise. The god-turning ancestor of Beichen's main star is here, and your ten lives are not enough." Said the elder of the Daxi royal family.

"Is that the ancestor of the gods? If you dare to shoot at me, kill them together." Ye Tian said coldly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Who dared to say such a big thing when he threatened to kill the god-turning ancestor of Beichen's main star?

This is outrageous!


With the sound of an order, it was said that countless war killers opened fire, and some of the main guns were even at the level of God's punishment, spewing earth-shattering fire dragons, or energy cannonballs like the sun.

As the Great Western Imperial City, the strength of the guards can be imagined.

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, Ye Tian didn't care, only one huge foot stepped down, and the chaotic energy fell, clearing all obstacles and destroying all obstacles.

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