Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2520: The strong come

Boom boom boom!

As the terrifying aura erupted, rays of light cut through the sky in the sky, pulling out bursts of train whistle-like piercing sounds, coming from all directions, and finally landing in front of Dongshan.

Every figure fell, and they trampled the ground and shook the mountain, as if Taishan fell down, causing the huge Dongshan to shake for a while, the rocks rolled down, and countless birds and beasts were startled.


The great formation of protecting the mountains from the sea in the secret realm of Dongshan was triggered. The azure light curtain thickened rapidly, and the protection ability increased sharply. It was like one big bowl was buckled upside down. Earth-penetrating missiles can't penetrate.

At the same time, there was also a clanking jingle sound, which was the commotion of the Zhuxian Sword Array, and the terrifying killing spirit swept the world.

As mentioned earlier, after Ye Tian left, there were not a few strong people who came to Dongshan to seek trouble from Beiming Xianzong, but none of them succeeded, and the ending was mostly tragic. Mainly because of the existence of these two great formations.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Is there an earthquake? Or is there a nuclear war?"


At this moment, the entire population of more than 30 million people in Tianhai City was alarmed.

How did they know that so many powerful beings from the West had penetrated into the city before they knew it.

In other words, with these divine realms, innate, or golden elixir, it would not be too easy to sneak into Tianhai City, and even a solid defense would be difficult to defend against.

After all, it is a giant city with a population of 30 million, and it is impossible to have no loopholes.

For this kind of high-level existence, ordinary people are like ants, and they are even too lazy to make a move. This trip is only for the Northern Ming Xianzong.

This is not only the will of the Starstriped Empire on the other side of the ocean, but also the will of the entire West, including those ancient gods who have recovered from the secret realm.

When everyone looked up, they saw one after another figure lining up the sky, or driving a flying instrument, or smashing through the void with their fleshly bodies,... Like a diving fighter jet, the speed was unbelievable.


The first person to rush to the front of the mountain gate was a tall, sphinx-faced alien goddess covered in thick golden hair.

At first sight of this god, many people recognized it.

The ancient Egyptian sphinx, the Sphinx!

It is more than ten meters tall, with sturdy hooves. It looks like a giant elephant standing there. It is covered with rich golden light. Its eyes are as bright as golden lamps. Ripples like transparent water waves.

This is an ancient **** with a real name and a surname in history. It has a long-standing reputation in the whole world. It used to be a giant in the Nile River Valley, and Anubis, the kobold death god, is called the ancient Egyptian gods.

Under the call of the Western Ancient God Alliance, Anubis woke up from his deep sleep twenty years ago and attacked me in the east, but was killed by Ye Tian and died tragically.

Anubis woke up early, and he couldn't wait for the aura to recover, and Xiu stopped innately.

As for the Sphinx, it has already broken through the golden core, and here comes the flame of hatred to avenge Anubis.


A black awn, fast like an electric light, fell beside the Sphinx.

This is a slender old man with a lifeless body, wearing golden armor, wearing a golden crown, holding a golden scepter in his hand, and a vertical eye on his forehead. to the world.

Where he landed, the surrounding vegetation in a radius of 100 meters withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the earth was dipped in black.

"It's the Babylonian king of the ancient Babylonian cave." Someone exclaimed, recognizing this terrifying existence.

The Babylonian Devil's Cave, which is said to be the place where the devil lives, is actually a well-designed mausoleum that allows the dead to be reincarnated in a different way. Just like the secret corpse refining technique in the East, it can revive the corpse.

The king of Babylon also existed in history. He was a king of the ancient kingdom of Babylon. After his death, he was buried in the tomb of the devil's cave. He was buried with hundreds of thousands of people. He absorbed endless death energy and finally reincarnated as a devil.

After the king of Babylon woke up, the empire on the other side of the ocean threw an olive branch, saying that he could help him recreate the glory and prosperity of the great empire of Babylon, and he only needed to do something for them.

Then the king of Babylon came here.

Soon, more rays of light descended, blocking the gate of Dongshan Beiming Xianzong.

"Ancient Tianzhu's Ganesha, Yaksha, Asura, and Destruction Gods. I went to Tianzhu Kingdom. It's really a big deal. All of a sudden, four ancient gods, one golden elixir, and three congenital gods appeared. How much hatred does the country have?"

"The Huangquan God in the Mysterious Realm of Huangquan in Dongying and the Baqi Great Snake God in Gaotianyuan are both quasi golden elixir."

"The Feathered Serpent God in the South American jungle was killed by Ye Tianren before, but now there are three more. It's terrifying, and the cultivation level has reached the innate level."

"The golden sea **** of the Inca Golden Sea Temple, the innate peak, is also a quasi-golden core."

"The old wolf ancestor of the Nordic Demon Wolf Tribe, Fenrir. My God, this old wolf is not dead yet, and has become a golden elixir. It is said that it opened up the magic wolf secret realm in the North Pole."

"Dark Castle..."



Recognizing the powerhouses of these dark worlds, the 30 million people in Tianhai City all took a deep breath.

One, two, three,...

Roughly counting, there are more than 30 strong people in total, and the worst ones are also in the realm of gods.

In the past, it was almost unimaginable that so many strong people appeared together. It was very rare to see a god, and worship it as a god.

Before Ye Tian left the earth, he almost killed the gods and earth immortals in the mundane world.

Who would have thought that after the aura was revived, the innate powerhouses in the divine realm would spring up like mushrooms after a rain, and even Jindan would not be uncommon.

For a time, people in Tianhai City were panicked, and a terrifying atmosphere shrouded everyone's hearts.

Even if Tianhai City is equipped with a peerless killer, even nuclear weapons, but in the city, how can they dare to take action rashly?

If you provoke these guys, you will not be able to massacre the whole city.

But countless war killers still aimed at them, and tens of thousands of soldiers were mobilized to raise the cordon and evacuate the crowd.

After all, this is a showdown between extraordinary powers, and it is best for ordinary people not to get involved, even if it is a state violent machine, because it is not enough to watch.

"Damn, these guys are so abominable, take advantage of it."

"Yes, several guardians of Beiming have all gone to Yandu City. Now is the most empty time."


The citizens of Tianhai were outraged.

At this time, the TVs of many families were watching the live broadcast. Outside the capital of Yan, the oriental human race and the alien beast kings had already fought, and several guardians of the Northern Ming Xianzong could be seen.


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