Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2521: 1 group of bandits

After the big change in the world, the earth expanded by more than ten times. The distance between Yandu City and Tianhai City has changed from thousands of kilometers before to tens of thousands of kilometers now. Even if Miyamoto Taro and others received the news of distress, they thought It may not be too late to come back.

"Don't worry, Beiming Dongshan has a peerless formation, and it has the ability to kill Jindan. If Nascent Soul is out, it will be difficult to break through." Another person said, maintaining optimism.


Suddenly, another holy white light lit up from the sky, illuminating the sky and the ground.

A giant wooden-shaped square spaceship fell from the clouds. The speed seemed to be slow, but it was actually as fast as lightning.

The ark was made of an unknown sacred wood, shining with holy brilliance, with dense runes, just like the legendary Noah's Ark.

"It's the holy ship of the Holy See, isn't it the Adam Emperor? Isn't he in retreat, hasn't he broken through the Nascent Soul?"

In Tianhai City, there were countless exclamations, all of which were extremely frightening.

What kind of terrifying existence is Adam Emperor?

Only half a step away from Yuan Ying, the legendary half-step Yuan Ying.

If he took the shot personally, the great formation of Beiming Dongshan might not be able to hold it!

Two years ago, Adam walked out of the Garden of Eden, regarded himself as an emperor, and established the Holy See again to compete with the Empress Qinghan of the Eastern Holy See, and became the leader of the Western Shinto Alliance.

If he came, it would be desperate. Unless the old Dragon King of the Dragon King Palace was willing to take action, there would be no one in the eastern land to be his opponent.

However, he said that the only person who can be identified in this world is the old Dragon King of the Dragon King Palace.

And the half-step Nascent Soul is not the emperor Adam alone.

According to reliable sources, the supreme deity of the Eastern Ying Gao Tianyuan, Amaterasu, is also a half-step Nascent Soul, and is at the critical juncture of breaking the level.

In addition, there are the ancient gods of Brahma in Tianzhu, Hades, the underworld king of Olympus, the father of the thirteen blood ancestors of the dark blood family, Cain...

The difficulty of Nascent Soul, it is difficult to ascend to the sky!

Eternally ago, it took hundreds of thousands of years to produce a Nascent Soul on the big star in Middle-earth. Now that the spiritual energy has recovered, it is still extremely difficult to prove the Nascent Soul.

Whether these half-step Nascent Souls can prove the Dao Nascent Soul, and who will be the first to prove the Dao Nascent Soul, is hard to say.

Now these old guys who have been sleeping for a long time are secretly accumulating strength, striving to break through first, because those who break through first will bring about avenues of suppression for those who break through later, and breakthroughs will become more and more difficult.

According to rumors, the Adam Emperor in the Garden of Eden is the closest to Nascent Soul, and has faintly been able to have a sympathy between heaven and man, and the worst chance of breaking Dan Ningying.

Most of these half-step Yuan Ying old guys are relatively close to the West, not to mention the Adam Emperor in the Garden of Eden, who is the mortal enemy of the Qinghan Empress, Hades, the Hades of Olympus, and his two brothers, God Both Wang Taizhou and Sea God Bo Xi were buried in Ye Tian's hands. With this **** feud, Hades, the Hades, could not be friendly to the great powers of the East.

The Great God of Amaterasu in the Eastern Yinggaotianyuan, at this moment, sent the servants Baqi Orochi and Huangquan God to the foot of Dongshan Mountain, and he has already expressed his attitude.

Brahma, the ancient **** of the ancient kingdom of Tianzhu, did not have many grudges with my eastern country, but he volunteered to stand in line with the Western Shinto Alliance. At this moment, four gods descended under his command and attacked the Beiming Xianzong.

Therefore, it is imminent for me, the great powers of the East, to join forces with the Dragon King Palace to form the Eastern Immortal Dao Alliance, because only the old Dragon King of the Dragon King Palace can restrain those ancient gods who are just around the corner.

However, at this moment, outside the capital of Yan, the alliance has not yet been formed, but the fight has already started, which is really worrying.

"Maybe, it's just a small fight, and eventually an alliance will be formed to face the West together." Some people still have hope.

Countless people from the Eastern Powers are also looking forward to this alliance. After all, without the help of the Dragon King Palace, my Eastern Powers will be under great pressure.

What is even more worrying is that, taking advantage of the fact that all the powerful figures of Beiming Xianzong have gone to Yandu City, there is only one female emperor left in Beiming Xianzong. Dangping Beiming's old nest, captured and killed the Empress.

"Female pseudo-emperor, don't you get out soon? If I wait to kill it, it will definitely be a river of blood, a mountain of bones, and no armor will be left." The sphinx from Egypt, the Sphinx, a lion's roar , the sound was like thunder, and the ear drums of the 30 million people in Tianhai City were buzzing for a while.

Boom boom boom!

The sound waves were mighty, like a tsunami sweeping the sky, causing the great formation of the ocean that enveloped Dongshan to shake.

The Sphinx was full of golden light and anger, as if wearing a layer of golden clothes, shining brightly, and a huge lion head faintly appeared above the human head, as if it had transformed into a **** lion, sending out a landslide and tsunami. the sound of.


It suddenly raised a big paw and patted the blue boundary membrane of the Great Ocean Array.

The big claws instantly turned into a size of dozens of feet, and a large pyramid seal was also transformed, intertwined with runes, and held in the big claws, like a mountain, majestic, heavy, oppressive The void will collapse.

Pyramid Mahamudra, a supreme secret of Egyptian Shinto!

At the beginning, Anubis, the **** of death, also used similar magical powers, but it is far from being compared with the Sphinx. After all, this is a Jindan Zhenjun.

"It's the Sphinx, it was the first to shoot."

"So strong, worthy of being Jindan Zhenjun."


The oriental people in the city exclaimed.

"I'm coming too."

The King of Babylon gave a deep drink, and immediately shot, the death scepter in his hand slammed to the ground, and immediately shot a black smoke column, straight up to the sky, and then spread suddenly, like a black sky, facing the east mountain. Submerged away, it seems to cover the entire mountain protection formation.

The surrounding environment instantly turned from daytime to darkness, the temperature dropped below freezing in an instant, and frost condensed on the vegetation.

After everyone looked at it, they realized that what kind of smoke column is this, it is clearly countless evil spirits, condensed together, and formed a long river of black energy.

The King of Babylon deserves to be called the Demon King of Hell, and his hand alone shocked countless people.

Legend has it that after his death, hundreds of thousands of people were buried with him, which is simply sensational.

"Hahaha, the same power system of darkness and underworld, the king of Babylon, I will help you." The God of Huangquan of Dongying laughed and suddenly came out of the crowd.

Just as he roared, strange rays of light burst out from his body, filling the void, like a turbid wave, instantly turning the surrounding space of dozens of meters into a yellow sea of ​​turbidity.

This sea of ​​turbidity is purely made up of resentment and death, with terrifying power of death and ghosts, any creature will fall into reincarnation as long as it is contaminated by a trace.


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