There is no suspense, Elena, the "angel's pupil", successfully hypnotized Zhang Hongwei, and the trial proceeded as scheduled.

Unlike other hypnotic effects, Zhang Hongwei still looks like a normal person. He is not stupid, his eyes are bright, but his mind is controlled by Elena. No matter what Elena lets him do, he will do it, let him speak, and of course he will not refuse.

Unless a top master of spiritual power is present, maybe there is a clue that ordinary people can't find it messy.

Therefore, in this trial farce, the small Aurora country won the battle.

The underground prison is more than ten kilometers away from the Supreme Court. In order to ensure the safety of the prison car, the Aurora small country has dispatched special forces and is fully responsible for the security of the escort.

I saw that the **** convoy lined up in a long way. One wheeled armored chariot opened in front, another wheeled armored chariot ran in the back, and there were a number of Hummer military vehicles in the middle. Each one was lethal. The huge heavy machine guns were controlled by two special forces armed to the teeth.

There is also an armed helicopter hovering in the sky, tracking it all the way, not only equipped with organic cannons, but also a number of air-guiding eggs.

This battle was too grand to fight a small local war. In the history of the aurora small country, no prisoner has ever enjoyed such super-standard treatment.

Boom boom!

The **** convoy whistled across the street, as if a torrent of steel and steel was so powerful that it ignored the existence of traffic lights. Wherever it passed, all vehicles and pedestrians evaded. If there is a vehicle in the way, the armored chariot driving in the forefront will ruthlessly run up and push it to the side of the road.

Although this is rude, it is necessary to prevent someone from robbing the prisoner halfway.

"Captain Bill, does the Chinese young demon king really have one? A sword can split thousands of tons of steel warships into two?"

In a Hummer military vehicle, a young special forces driver suddenly asked a smoking man sitting in the front passenger seat.

His tone was skeptical, and he couldn't believe it was true.

"What? Do you think our authorities are talking nonsense, deceiving the world, and getting compassion?" The smoking man's brows suddenly frowned, his face was serious, and his right hand stretched out the window, shaking his ashes.

He held an assault cloth gun in his arms, rubbed it brightly, held it with his left hand, and stayed alert while smoking.

His name was Bill, and he was the captain of the special squad escorting the prison car.

This is an ace special team named Tianlong Special Team. It is one of the most elite special teams in the Aurora small country. It has represented the country in international special forces competitions many times and achieved good results. The special task force has a total of twenty people, each of which is a special forces king selected through heavy selection.

This time the escorting task, all twenty special forces of the entire special task force were dispatched.

"No, of course I don't doubt that my authorities are lying, but I think this thing is too incredible. A human being so powerful is almost comparable to the gods in mythology."

"Since my authorities won't lie, then this thing must be true. You don't need to doubt it anymore." Captain Bill said faintly, looking out of the window vigilantly. In fact, he is not clear about the true insider of this matter. After all, his level is not very high, and he can't touch too high-level things.


"Nothing. But Jack, you are still too young to know enough about this world. As we all know, what we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg of this world. This world is not as simple as we seem, and anything weird happens. It's not too much. "

Captain Bill is not very old, only in his thirties, but he is old-fashioned when he talks, just like a sophisticated elder.

However, in terms of Israeli military career, he is indeed a veteran.

"Maybe, this world is not as simple as we seem. There are many incredible things we don't know. If this is the case, Captain Bill, then we may have trouble, a lot of trouble."

The special forces driver Jack, who was driving, suddenly became nervous, with a panic in his face, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

A special soldier king who could not change his face when Taishan collapsed to the top feared that it must have suddenly occurred to something extremely terrible, which was about life or death.

"What do you mean? Do you think there might be someone to rob the prisoner?" Captain Bill squinted.

"It's not possible, but it will! The Eastern Powers will definitely obstruct the trial. Their best way is to rob the prisoner halfway." Jack was terrified.

"Then what? Do you think we will lose?" Captain Bill spread his hands and sneered.

"I know our firepower is very strong, but Captain Bill, have you ever thought that Hua Guo can have a young demon king, will there be a second young demon king? If the second young demon king comes to rob the prisoners, do you think How do we win? "

As soon as Jack said this, Captain Bill's expression sank.

If there is a second young demon king, they have no chance of winning!

In addition, hundreds of thousands of troops from a small Aurora country were assembled to face the young demon king.

In fact, why not have a second young demon king get out of the horse, a lower level of existence out of the horse, you can beat them fart.

"If there is really a second young demon king to rob the prisoner, then we pray to God for blessing!" Captain Bill said with a deep breath.


Just then, caught off guard, a sudden loud noise came from the sky.

The armed helicopter, which tracked throughout the sky, suddenly exploded violently. It was planted in the blaze of fire and the deafening noise.

Jack's eyelids jumped wildly, just now faintly saw a fire flew from a building on the side of the road, and then the helicopter exploded.

The fire was special, blue, narrow and small, unlike any weapon he knew.

When it comes to Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. The prisoner must have arrived. He judged in his heart that his palms were tense and sweaty. Not that he was timid, but was frightened by a godlike oriental monk like the young devil, because there would be no chance of winning.

Since someone dared to rob the prisoner, he must have made every preparation.

At this time, the convoy traveled to the old city center, with narrow streets and old houses on both sides.

The helicopter crashed, knocked a house down a corner, and eventually smashed it into a narrow street, bursting into a blaze of fire, almost blocking the entire road.

In addition to the deaths of a few people inside the helicopter, several innocent citizens were also victimized.

The originally orderly streets were suddenly chaotic, and screams kept coming and going. All the pedestrians were frightened and rushed to the shops near the streets.

"Enemy attack! Car No. 1 cleared, No. 8 car, No. 9 car, No. 10 car left to fight, and the rest of the vehicle rushed towards it." Captain Bill took out the intercom, roared, and gave a very rational order.

The leading wheeled armored chariot accelerated sharply and crashed into the helicopter wreck in the sea of ​​fire, trying to kill a blood path.


The armored chariot was really fierce enough, and the wreckage of the helicopter was knocked out more than ten meters away and pushed to the side of the road. A narrow passage of three or four meters wide was cleared enough for the vehicles behind to pass.

At this time ~ ~ I saw a man with a ghost mask on his head, standing abruptly in front of the road. He was extremely tall, with wild long hair, and a scull in his hand. Blinking scarlet blood, and a silver long sword exuding terrifying killing.

Seeing this person, the armored chariot ran into it without thinking.

At the same time, the man with the ghost mask moved, and his body was rushing, pulling out a shadow. The long sword in his hand fell down to the ground, splashing a long string of dazzling sparks. When he slashed out with a sword, the ignition light instantly turned into a long flame.

Almost instantaneously, this long, flaming dragon sword smashed onto the armored chariot.


Like hot knife cutting butter, the armored chariot was split in half by a sword, which was almost equally divided.

In everyone's horrified eyes, two more masked men appeared and rushed into the convoy from different directions. One of them held a large steel crossbow and fired a blue light arrow, which was comparable to the power of a heavy artillery strike, which blasted the tailed armored chariot into a mass of scrap iron.

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