Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 832: Ghost Face 3 Hunk

Only ten seconds before and after, the Tianlong special team responsible for escorting the prisoner lost one armed helicopter and two armored combat vehicles. This was the most powerful firepower of the whole **** team, and it was abandoned without firing one shot.

The opponent seems to have only three people, but the combat effectiveness is really horrible, beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding, like the gods in the same myth and legend.

A sword can split an armored chariot, what is this **** that is not a god?

Although it is not as thrilling as a sword that splits thousands of tons of displacement steel warships, it is enough to weep.

The three uninvited guests all wore ghost masks and wore big cockles covering their entire bodies. They didn't know who they were. However, in terms of their size and posture, they are a bit like Orientals.

The man with a wild long hair and a sword held the armored chariot with a sword force, and remained in shape. He rushed out from the middle of the armored chariot that was split in half, and another sword was split. A Hummer military vehicle at the rear.

He seemed to be awakened by the fire power, able to sway the element of fire between the heavens and the earth, a sword split, the sword gasified into a dazzling dragon of flame, unmatched.

The man holding the steel crossbow was not easy. The arrows he uses are not ordinary arrows, but have been blessed with energy, added various magical powers, and have the effects of armor breaking and bursting. One arrow is comparable to the power of a heavy cannon, even a wheeled armored chariot. It can be destroyed, not to mention the Hummer military vehicle, which is far less protective. Even the helicopter flying in the sky was shot down by him.

After shooting the last armored chariot with a single arrow, he fired his bow again.


The crossbow is off the string, and a bright glow blooms, and a dense and strange pattern emerges.

Then I saw that in the twinkling of light, each fascinating pattern was transformed into a small arrow of energy, one arrow divided into hundreds, and under the guidance of the main arrow, it seemed like a meteor shower passing through the sky, covering the sky and escorting the convoy. Shooting away, indiscriminate attack.

At this time, the third ghost-faced man rushed directly to the middle of the convoy.


This is a fierce man, carrying a large alloy warhammer with a large grinding disc in his hand. A long iron chain is tied to the hammer handle, which is wrapped around the arm. He weighs hundreds of kilograms and rushes out, just like a wild ancient The beast, thunder struck step by step, stepped on the concrete floor by a big footstep, and the ground rumbling.

His body is very large, no less than two meters tall, with a wide waist and round waist, five big and three thick, and a faint golden halo permeating his body. This is his body's breath, which can block the bullets of small and medium-sized firearms.

The two front and rear armored tanks were destroyed, blocking the entire road, and the convoy was unable to move.

"All the personnel, fight! Guard the prison car!" Captain Bill yelled at the walkie-talkie and issued a combat order.

In fact, needless to say, the special team members who had reacted were already firing, and tongues of fire were spit out from the muzzle.

The prison car was the focus of their protection. The ghostly macho of the portable alloy warhammer rushed to the prison car recklessly, which became the nail of the eyes of almost all the special forces.


Three assault rifles spewed out tongues of fire, and the bullets hit like raindrops.

However, the alloy warhammer ghost-faced macho didn't even look at him. The pale golden halo on his body was just like the same iron bell shirt with a golden bell cover, with amazing protection, even blocking every bullet.

The legendary sword is inaccessible!

The squadrons widened their eyes and were horrified.

However, it is the iron bell shirt of the Admiralty cover, which has a degree of protection. When a vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun spewed out a long tongue of fire, and pulled out a fan of death, the pale golden halo on the alloy warhammer ghost face shattered.

This vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun is nearly as powerful as an assault cloth gun. It uses a * head, which is several times larger than an ordinary warhead. It can easily penetrate thick armor and can even destroy tanks.

"court death!"

The ghost-faced man immediately became furious, and the bursts in his eyes shot two sharp chills, which were as murderous as the same demon king.


He threw it hard, the alloy warhammer in his hand was thrown violently, and he heard a savage sound of air breaking, as if a shooting star cut through the sky, and the heavy machine gun that protruded the tongue was smashed into a blast, and immediately burst into a mass. Iron, the two manipulators were also taken out by Zhen Fei, half-blooded.


His arm trembled again, and he pulled back, the iron chain tied to the hammer handle stretched, and the alloy warhammer flew back again.


Suddenly a loud noise came, and a fire broke out in front of the team. The ghost-faced man holding a silver sword and a wild long hair was drowned. He had just struck a Hummer military vehicle and was hit by a rocket.

"Huh, I don't believe you can't kill you!" Said a special commander with a rocket on his shoulder and a cigarette in his mouth.

"Fire dragon, Mad, won't you die?" The ghost-faced macho holding an alloy warhammer growled, blurted out of fluent Oriental Mandarin.

The ghost-faced man holding the steel crossbow was also surprised, his eyes widened and he came over. At this time, the arrow he fired was divided into hundreds of small energy arrows, like a meteor shower, attacked indiscriminately, and harvested many lives.

"Kill, kill them, use heavy firepower!" Captain Bill roared. He pushed the door of the car, jumped down, and tore off a dark plastic object from his body. When he bit his teeth, he smashed the metal warhammer ghost-faced man.

The young special forces Jack in the driver's seat also kicked the door open and touched a gun in his hand.

At this time, I heard a roar that seemed to come from hell: "What's the name, it's not dead!"

Then, a terrible scene happened, a figure appeared in the sea of ​​fire, spinning rapidly like a gyro, and the sword in his hand split a horrific sword horror. The sound of the chirping sword slammed the blaze of flames that enveloped him. Change, instantly turned into a huge flame tornado.

In everyone's horrified eyes, the figure walked with the sword, soaring flames of tornado, advancing all the way, chopping all the way, just like a meat grinder, wherever it went, the earth broke apart, and every Hummer The military vehicle was smashed into iron dust.

"No, escape!"

The special commander with a rocket on his shoulders reacted quickly and jumped out of the Hummer military vehicle. But the others are still in the air, and the man is split by a flame sword and his body is cut in half by all.


Suddenly another burst of skyroar came from the void, and it was the Metal Warhammer ghost throwing the Metal Warhammer, which blasted a hand smashed by Captain Bill.

Jack was almost scared.

"Come on, follow me and rescue the prisoner." Captain Bill yelled at him ~ ~ All these moments of life and death, Captain Bill has not forgotten his mission, he turned to the back The prison car rushed.

However, as soon as he came to the back of the prison car, he wanted to open the rear door. Suddenly, a large alloy warhammer smashed into the air, his head burst into a mist of blood.

Jack just came over. Seeing this scene, he almost did not scare.

At this time, his wisest choice was to flee, but he didn't. He was still concerned about the task of bringing the prisoner alive to his destination.


He opened the back door of the prison car and was about to rush in. Suddenly, he felt dumbfounded again. There were four people in the carriage, all of them Western faces, where the Oriental prisoners he wanted.

"you guys?"

"Child, your battle is over, leave the rest to us." A tall, wide-bodied man stood up and smiled at him.


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