Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 891: Photographed flying

The real human being did not know what to do, nor did he meditate on the spell. He just raised his hand gently, and suddenly his palms were shining, the sun was shining, and numerous purple electric wires were entangled.

Then he shouted

"Thunder comes!"


There was a void riot, and the thunder exploded, shocking Jiuxiao.

In the dark clouds, a thick thunderbolt was attracted, as if the galaxy was pouring down, fell into the palm of a real human being, and turned into a huge thunderbolt.

Raising his hand to indirectly lead to lightning, what kind of power is this? What means?

天罡 五雷 掌, instantly condensed!

Every day, everyone was shocked, as if facing a god.

The masters of ordinary magic spells, just like Li Ruochen just now, need to chant a spell, and may even have to take a position, pedal various fixed steps, communicate the world, and it is very time-consuming.

The more powerful a spell is, the more time it takes to cast it.

This is a big flaw in the technique.

There were many masters of martial arts fighting with masters of martial arts. Before the spells were cast, they were shot dead by masters of martial arts.

At this moment, the real human beings are performing the Lei Fa at the moment, just like the master of martial arts, and he has killed himself in the hands. There is almost no time lag and it is too sensational.

This shows that his cultivation of the Ten Thunder Five Thunder Palm has reached an unbelievable realm. One thought is like a sacred realm in which legends follow the law.

"Longhu Mountain is indeed the first ancestor of the gate, and with just one hand holding five thunder palms, you can press countless gates and not lift your head." Shen Yunlong was extremely shocked, his eyes widened and his eyes bright.

The first appearance of Wu Tianzhang Wulei was at the Grand Masters Conference of Wujia in Northwest China last year.

However, the real person in Wuyao's palm is too rough. He only glimpses the doorway, and even Li Ruochen's can't compare.

"In the world of martial arts, in the world of martial arts, the five sacred palms of the heavens can be called a supreme supernatural power, which is almost unsolvable. This is the so-called, the thunderbolt breaks the myriad ways!" Wu Canghai began to praise the words of praise. .

Even the Shaolin King Kong's Master of Void is moving, his brows are locked, it seems he is weighing something.

On the hill opposite the main peak, two golden beams of light broke through the clouds and looked over here.

Obviously, Tianmu Fawang was also attracted by this law of Tianji real person.

"He will be fine, right?" Shen Qingyue Xiu frowned, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Zhao Tianlong, a little nervous.

Ye Yetian is her life-saving benefactor, and Zhao Tianlong is Ye Tian's apprentice. In this battle, she is facing Zhao Tianlong.

Moreover, it is still the stubble that Longhushan people look for first, and evil is first, and Shen Qingyue can't see it as a bystander.

"There are many evils and evils!" Shen Yunlong shook his head and said to his granddaughter, "There is no magical state, almost no one can break the law of real human beings, it is too scary."

宗 Many masters also think so and nodded one after another.

Suddenly, Shen Qingyue's face became a little more serious and worried.

At this time, I saw in the field that the real human seemed to be holding a thunder sea in his hands, and the whole body was shining, like a thunder **** came to life, and slammed into Zhao Tianlong's chest.


With the thunder of your palm, the wind and clouds change, and the sky and the earth change color!

He has devoted a lot of mana to this palm. If Zhao Tianlong is hit, he will have to be severely hit if he does not die.


Suddenly, a knife rang, shocking the world.

Qi Su Mengyao decisively shot, slashing with a slash, sweeping out a thunderous sword blade, as if hanging from the galaxy across the world, straight away to the real person.

第三 "Purple Phoenix Nine Cuts" third form, Xinghe cut!

This is a shocking sword, as if splitting Tianyu all.

The horrible and thundering Ray Mang sword filled with endless murderous power, all the people on the hill felt cold all over the body, their souls throbbed, and their spines were bubbling.

Sui Yilei thundered, and the situation reversed at once, and Longhu Mountain was suppressed.

所有 All the people in the audience were surprised again. The sword in the girl's hand was a thunder weapon.


Although the real person saw that the purple electric Yinyin knife was a thunder weapon, but never imagined that the girl's mighty sword was so arrogant.

分化 Divided the world with one sword, and brought up a gauntlet-like Rayman sword blade. This kind of swordsmanship is almost magical.

大家 Just when everyone thought that the overall situation had timed out, another anomalous change occurred. To everyone's expectations, Wu Canghai shot.

手持 He was holding a mad dragon sword, infused with surging true elements, and the sword revived, stirring up a layer of **** halo.

Buzz buzz, buzz!

The sword is sweeping the world, killing the audience!

"This is the place to watch the war, not the place where you wait for the fight. If you want to fight, go to another place." Wu Canghai sounded thunderous.

During the conversation, the mad dragon and the sword slashed down, facing the Xinghe Sword swept out by the purple electricity Yinlei knife.

This is a sword holy warrior. It is not inferior to Su Mengyao's purple electric Yinyin knife. Both the sword and the world move.

When the sword light shone, a hundred swords shouting out of the sky, wherever they passed, the void collapsed and a black crack appeared.


The two swords fought against each other, as if the two swords cut each other, and they shattered each other in the earth-shattering sound.

Su Mengyao stepped backwards, a hint of blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth. When she wanted to cut it again, it was too late.

Everyone can see that Wu Canghai is intentional.

"Longhushan's old cow nose, do you really think you can kill me?" Zhao Tianlong was violent.

In the face of such a life and death crisis, he did not sit still.

His anger was widened ~ ~ The spirit of spirit has risen, his bones crackled, his blood was like a dragon, his body was filled with a terrifying atmosphere, and his warfare cracked the sky.

This is an invincible faith. A Tao heart is as stable as a rock. Even if Tarzan is on top, it will not change its appearance.


He clenched his other hand into a fist, and blasted it out, facing Tianji Wulei's palm.

Just above the tip of his fist, a ghost image of a giant elephant emerged, filled with a towering fighting spirit, even stronger than the other hand Longquan.

龙 Long fist in one hand, elephant fist in one hand, and two fists together, you can fight the world!

Everyone was stunned again. I didn't expect Zhao Tianlong to make such a powerful counterattack between life and death.

Moreover, his boxing skills are extraordinary, unpredictable, and do not exist in the worldly world.

If you are a general master or a real person in the mysterious realm, you absolutely cannot hurt Zhao Tianlong. But Tianji real person is the strongest in the pinnacle of the mysterious realm, and the horror of the five thunder palms in one hand is absolutely terrifying.


The Giant Elephant Boxing Seal collided with the Tengu Five Thunder Palms and stalemate for a while, but in the end, the Giant Elephant Boxing Seal collapsed, and a Ray Guang Palm Seal captured Zhao Tianlong's chest.

The Tenzhang Five Thunder Palm was consumed by half of the palms of the giant elephant fist print, and it was still too strong. It suddenly took Zhao Tianlong to fly up hundreds of meters and hit a small hill. It was a matter of life or death. Know.

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