The dragon's natural machine is too powerful, and Zhao Tianlong flew out with one palm.

A thundercloud in the sky soon dissipated, leaving only a mess on the top of the mountain, and a flat rock observation platform burst into a crack, as if baptized by fire saturation.

This is just a master-level fight. If you try it, it will have such destructive power. If you are fighting in Divine Realm, you will not dare to imagine the consequences. I am afraid that it will really break the mountain and even level a mountain.

"Everyone sees that, the young demon king repeatedly created murders and rebellious relatives, not only the public enemies of the world, but also became the target of public criticism in China. Today he is trying to escape, and our Master Tianmu will surely handle his head, and the world is quiet To justify the wrongdoer. "

Xi Huangfu stunned into a chat on the cell phone live broadcast, smiling treacherously.

At this time, the number of viewers in his mobile live room was almost over the tens of millions, and the barrage message was like a waterfall. Wow, keep brushing, and you ca n’t even watch it.

Alas, if you look closely, you can still find some content.

"Longhushan is too shameless. It can be bullied and less, but beat the little ones. The old ones come up and despise such people."

"It's really shameful to do such a disgusting thing as the first door in the world. Has the dog been struck by the dog?"

还有 "And the old man who used the sword, the disciple of the young demon king and Long Hushan played against him. What is he doing? Is he determined to live with the young demon king? Are you afraid that the young devil will find him?"

"Yeah, if I were a young devil, I would first hack this old man to death, and then lay down Dragon Tiger Mountain."

"The two apprentices of the young devil are so good! Especially the girl in white can not help but bow down under her white dress."

"The juvenile demon king is mighty, the king of heavenly eyes will lose!"

Uh ...

The drooling voices on the Internet are flying all over the sky. It is Huangfu Jingyun who guides public opinion. Many people still stand on the side of the young demon king, accusing Dragon Tiger Mountain and Wu Canghai.

However, Huangfu Jingyun is very strong and does not care about other people's opinions. Even Wu Canghai and Tianji real people feel good about themselves.

"After Master Wu Lao is indeed a sword sage, the sword just now is enough to win the world and be called the first swordsman in the world." Tianji real person said to Wu Canghai. Everyone knows that he is grateful for the knife that Wu Canghai just cut off. Otherwise, they will be out of business.

"The real person is so famous that he can't become a sword sage in a day. How can Wu dare to call the world's first swordsman? The real person's heavenly Wulei palm is called astonishing. Ghosts and gods avoid obstacles, and the heroes can't stop them. "Wu Canghai's business talked to each other.

Anyone knows at first glance that these are two treacherous and cunning people who are good at calculation and have a deep city government.

However, everyone is very puzzled. Why did Wu Canghai try to help Longhu Mountain and offend Ye Tian? This is a very unwise behavior.


Suddenly, a knife rang out across the world.

The purple electric yin thunder knife and thunder in the hands of Su Su Mengyao were so bright that they illuminated the whole mountain.

The young girl was full of anger, and her thick hair was messed up. A pair of beautiful eyes were murderous and stared at Wu Canghai.

怎么 "Why? You still want to hit me?" Wu Canghai stared at Su Mengyao fiercely.

The mad dragon sword in his hand was once again infused with surging Zhenyuan, the blood was rolling, and the sword shook.

"I said, this is the place to watch the battle, not the place to fight. If you really want to fight, I can accompany you to find a place to play both hands." Wu Canghai went on to say that he was right and right.

After all, he didn't dare to offend Ye Tian too much, before the outcome of the battle between Ye Tian and Tianmu Fawang was unclear.

"Meng Yao, let's stop. Let's wait until Xiaotian comes over." Gu Xiaoman suddenly held Su Mengyao's hand so that she would not be impulsive.

Gu Xiaoman is an ordinary person, and he can also see the strength of Wu Canghai. The knife was just as good as Su Mengyao, and even better.

Su Ning Haifeng also has the same meaning. He can stand for a while and be calm.


Longhushan, you're fine, openly against my teacher. When my teacher comes, you guys look good. "Zhao Tianlong's voice suddenly came from a small hill below.

After that, Tian Tianji's real palm was smashed by his elephant fist, and he was not severely damaged.

A few minutes later, he wobbled back to the mountain, his shirt was ragged, and there was a clear palm print on his chest, as if it had been branded with a soldering iron. It was black and shocking. Under the flesh, several ribs were broken.

"Your Master is already a dead person. I think you are a craftable person. If you get lost, the door of my dragon and tiger mountain can be opened for you." Tianji real man with his hands behind his back, arrogant.

After saying that, he looked at Su Mengyao again, and then said, "And you, little girl, if you are willing to join me in Dragon Tiger Mountain, I can promise you that you are a true disciple and I will teach you personally. You ’re the first to cultivate your resources. In the future, you can become friends with Ruochen and bring them together on the path of cultivation. "

Wu Ming's brazen digging at the foot of the wall is no one.

认 He recognized Ye Tianhui's defeat in the hands of the King of Heavenly Eyes and had no fear.

In other words, even if Ye Tian defeats the Tianmu Fawang, the details of his dragon and tiger mountain are not something Ye Tian can provoke.

"Tianji really deserves the name of Tianji ~ ~ The Prophet of Nobility knows nothing about it, and before the war begins, it is determined that the young demon king will lose."

Suddenly a voice came from the stone steps below, and the yin and yang were strangely ironic. It is a female voice, who soon appeared in shape, although not very stunning, but also called a beautiful woman.

"Long Wei is here." Someone exclaimed.

Suddenly, there was a commotion across the hill.

The talking beauty is naturally Long Xiaoyun, and behind her are several members of Long Wei, including Liang Fei and at least Xuankong.

Ye Yetian is a member of Long Wei, and this matter has caused the world to stir up.

Sure enough, after Long Wei's people came, they went to Gu Xiaoman.

I have a dragon back, and no one dared to do anything, even Dragon Tiger Mountain consciously bowed its head and stopped looking for Ye Tian's disciples.

Next, many people arrived, in addition to the warriors, there were ordinary people. However, they are not ordinary people in the true sense, they are all from the top family of Yancheng.

Although the scenic area is closed, these top families have the ability to open the door to the scenic area.

This battle is about their immediate interests. They are very concerned, so they came to the scene.

Xi Huangfu family, Long family, Xiao family, Su family, Bai family, ...

At this time, a movie theater, Ye Tian and Qing Han, were watching the movie with great interest.

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