Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 893: The king shot

It wasn't Ye Tiancai's rough charter, but the audience went out to watch the "fights of immortals" one after another, leaving him and Qing Han in the broadcasting hall.

"The young demon king and the Tianmu Fawang immediately fought. It is said that it is a rare war of a century, don't you go to watch it?" The cinema staff came over and asked, faintly dismissing.

"No urgency, no fight now," Ye Tian said lightly.

"how do you know?"

"Because I am the young devil!"

Suddenly, the staff cast a silent look, as if looking at a neurosis.

However, he said that Ye Tianhe and Qinghan watched the movie in the movie theater with gusto. There were heating fans and popcorn to eat, and the melon-eating crowd at the foot of the main peak of Yanshan Mountain was suffering. .

As time passed by one minute and one second, the weather gradually turned black and the temperature became lower and lower, but the main devil and the young devil never appeared.

"Mad, what about the young devil? Why don't they show up?"

"Shouldn't you be afraid, hiding?"

"Probably not. In the morning, I also saw a post saying that the young demon king threatened to take the head of the Tianmu method king."

"It's just talking big, concealing the guilty conscience. Go back, this battle can't be seen, the young devil is playing us, it's too shameful."

"Day, take off your pants, just show me this?"

"Well, if I were a young demon king, I would have planted it in a dung pit, and suicide would be fine."


The audience complained, one after another. Many people rebuked the young devil and expressed dissatisfaction.

Many more people left the game and didn't want to wait any longer because the weather was really cold.

The drooling voice on the Internet is even heavier. I don't know how many people turned to the young devil fan and even turned black.

The number of people watching the webcast also fell sharply. The number of viewers in the live broadcast room that Huangfu was shocked by broke through the tens of millions, and now it is only one million.

"Juvenile Devil, if you are a man, get out of me. If you kneel down at my master's feet and ask for forgiveness, and be a slave in good faith, my master may spare you a dog's life." Huangfu Jingyun was facing the air. Shout, shout through the air.

"But the young devil is like this. If you dare not fight with my division, then I will fight with you. Within ten strokes, you will have to take your dog's head." Master Danba did not fall into the wind, and tried his best. .

"Isn't the young devil's mother at the scene, and taking his mother as a hostage, I'm not afraid that the young devil will not appear."

I do not know who opened the mouth, and suddenly pointed his finger at Gu Xiaoman.


Suddenly, all eyes looked at Gu Xiaoman, and his eyes were very interesting, as if to say it was pretty good, this method can be operated!

The speaker is careless, but the listener is intentional.

"You devil, you're so disappointed!"

Above the 800-meter main peak, the voice of the Tianmu Fawang came suddenly. His old man had limited patience, and finally he couldn't sit still.

"Give you another ten minutes, and get out of me honestly. Otherwise your mother will follow in your father's footsteps."


A horrible breath erupted, and in the transpiration cloud, a large dry hand protruded and caught Gu Xiaoman.

This big hand and human big hand are generally the same shape, but the size is much larger. I do n’t know how many times. It is as big as a house, as if a small hill fell down from the void and weighed more than ten million. Shivering.

Above that big hand, the holy Buddha's light shone, every pore, every palm print was barely visible, and accompanied by the sound of the Sanskrit singing, like the palm of God shot by the Buddha.


Falling down with one palm, the sky is falling apart!

"This is it?" Shen Yunlong stared.

"Big Brahma God's Palm!" Master Shikong said, and there was shock in his eyes.

Both the Shaolin King Kongmen and the Western Regions Esoteric Buddhism belong to the Buddhism, but the Mahayana and Mahayana are different, and the concept of crossing people is different.

Therefore, as soon as King Tianmu Fawang made this move, Master Shikong recognized it at a glance.

"Is this the Divine Realm? It's too powerful to wipe out the entire hill with one palm."

There was an exclamation on the viewing platform, and everyone had numbness in their scalp, and the spine was cold.

"It doesn't hurt the family. Tianmu Fawang, you are a divine realm, do you feel that you are too harsh on an ordinary person?" Long Xiaoyun shouted angrily.


Su Mengyao didn't say a lot of ruthless words. He started with a knife and fell, and a hundred-foot-long Thunderman sword whistled out, turning it into a peerless sky knife, accompanied by the mighty thunder of the thunder, and slashing at the head of the Great Brahma of Tianmu Fawang.

boom! boom!

Zhao Tianlong also shot. Regardless of the physical injury, the mana was urged to the extreme, and he struck the highest blow in his life. A dragon and two giant fist marks rushed out like two meteors.


A glacial river thrust high into the sky, freezing a sky.

Long Wei's Sima Xuankong took the shot, and the ice-based magical power glowed.

"I'm coming too!"

Liang Fei raised an ice spear in his hands.

Several others took shots, all of which killed the life.

For a moment, the sword in the sky was stunned.

With so many people shooting together, such a powerful attack is enough to shake the three armies and let a small country bow down.

However, under the palm of the God of Heavenly Eyes, it is like a chicken and a dog. It cannot be seen at all.

"Any ants!" Tianmu Fawang sneered.


Su Mengyao slashed into the palm of the Great Brahma, as if it was smashed onto the hardest steel in the world, only a small spark of small sparks, which did not hurt the palm of the god, but the blade was broken into pieces.

The same is true of Zhao Tianlong's Dragon Elephant Fist Seal, which was sparsely shouted.

Sima Xuankong's Frozen Magical Power blocked one side of Tianyu, but it only delayed Dajin Tianshen's palm by one point and failed to stop it.

The Great Brahma's palm is too strong, as if the giant palm that the Buddha took can not be frozen at all.

Several other people's moves also failed to work ~ ~ Destroyed and destroyed by the palm of the gods.

Covering the sky with big hands, as if a Mount Tai is topped, all the people on the top of the mountain are throbbing with their souls, and they can't help but fall to the ground and worship.

As a target of attack, Gu Xiaoman even leaked blood from all seven tricks, and the bone joints in his whole body were almost crushed. But she resisted not falling.

"Tianmu Fawang, you're enough. Doing it to a woman, or a man? Some kind of rush at me, grab me if you want to catch it." Ning Haifeng shouted, blocking Gu Xiaoman.

"Let me do it."

Suddenly, another voice came.

I saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, tall and very white, standing up in front of Ning Haifeng and trying to be a dead ghost.

"Ye Wenhua, there is nothing for you here, die for me." Gu Xiaoman shouted to this uninvited guest.

Yes, this person is Ye Wenhua. ()

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