Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 894: 6 don't recognize

The Ye family also came. The ancestors and grandsons came together in three generations. The grandfather Ye Changqing, Ye Wenhua, Ye Lang.

"Take care of Xiaoman." Ye Wenhua turned back and said to Ning Haifeng, there was a bit of fortitude and a bitterness in his eyes.

Xi Bai's family is here too. The old man Bai Wanshan, the son Bai Songhai, and the daughter Bai Susu.

When I saw Ye Wenhua's old enthusiasts, she was so strenuous. Bai Susu had jealousy in her heart, and she hated it, even though she was determined to divorce Ye Wenhua and leave Ye family.

Million Mountain is smirking with a smile on his face.

This battle has not yet begun, Ye Tian lost in momentum, and really played less and less.

Ye Tian lost, which means that the Ye family also lost.

When the Ye family loses, it means that the Bai family is about to rise. Take the Ye family and replace it, and ask the top family of Yancheng.

"Leave him alone. This kind of scumbag is not worth it. When the marriage is divorced and the property is handed over, my brother will introduce you a better one."

Seeing Bai Susu clenching her teeth and the urge to hit someone, Bai Songhai yanked her arm.

"Grandpa, Dad, he ..." Ye Lang nervously.

"Just let him go!" Ye Changqing sighed.

I was so serious on the occasion that there was a bitter drama, which made people speechless.

"Your wound is healed, it seems to be your son's credit. Why don't others appear?" Tianmu Fawang's voice sounded.

"Master, stop talking nonsense with him, slap them all to death, not afraid that the young devil will not show up." Huangfu shouted.

"What young demon king, I think the young rat king is pretty much the same." Master Danba also said sarcastically.

I just heard his old man's voice fall, and suddenly a voice came from the air:


Accompanying this voice, a palm carved like gold glaze fell from the sky. Although it is not half as large as the palm of the heavenly God, Brahma, the golden light in bloom is countless times, like a small sun.

On top of the golden palm, endless runes are lingering, full of mysterious breath, that is the flow of Tao Yun.


Chaos Golden Light Palm and Great Brahma Palm collided.

In everyone's horrified eyes, the Tianmu Fawang ’s palm that can destroy thousands of troops, and the palm of the army that swept through thousands of troops broke apart from the middle, as if the glass was broken, spreading out numerous cracks, and finally burst with a bang .

接着 Then, a golden lightning burst down into the sky, the comet was generally dazzling, and it came quickly, and a pair of golden feet came towards the hill of the second major peak.

"No, retreat!" Danba shouted.

He wanted to dodge, but it was too late.


Ye Yetian stepped on his face, half of his face was smashed, just like being struck by a dog, his bones were smashed.

"Master, save me!"

Xie Huangfu fled in a panic, but also failed to run away. He was stepped on the chest by Ye Tian's other foot, almost all his ribs were broken, and his chest almost did not step out of a big hole.

The two guru masters who were still aggressive one second before, became two dead dogs the next second, fell to the ground and were trampled by Ye Tian, ​​and the blood flowed to the ground.

The huge mountain is a dead silence!

Hundreds of people were all trembled, their teeth rattled, and their spines were chilly.

However, there was an uproar on the Internet, because Huangfu Jingyun's mobile phone was broken and the live broadcast was interrupted. The war started, but everyone couldn't see it, they were so anxious to scold their mother.

"I'm sorry, I just watched a movie with my girlfriend. It came a little late." Ye Tian said lightly, looking at the 800-meter main peak.

The Juvenile Demon King appeared, bathed in golden divine light, blond golden eyes, and abundant gods like jade, calm and calm, but there was a breath that made all beings tremble.

负 He stands proud with his hands, motionless, standing on the top of the mountain, like a golden idol, standing between heaven and earth.

He was late because he had to accompany his girlfriend to watch a movie. The reason was far-fetched and sensational.

At the moment of the Great War, calm and calm, this shows that he has full confidence and does not even regard the King of Heavenly Eyes as his opponent. Instead of everyone taking it for granted, he flees and flees.


Above the 800-meter main peak, a horrible wave swept the world, and the translucent sea of ​​clouds was scattered, breaking the clouds and seeing the sun and the moon. The body of a skinny old man was finally seen by everyone.

"Is he the King of Heavenly Eyes?"

Many people exclaimed, can't believe that this looks is not amazing, the old man who is skinny and skinny is the Tianmu Fawang.

"You **** it!"

The Emperor Tianmu was roaring. He didn't talk very much. He was a Changhong. He came up with a lore and punched out a punch.

He cultivated the undead rainbow body, the physical diamond is not bad, and thinks that body skills are invincible to the world.

In general, he prefers to use physical skills to kill the enemy, because of its simplicity and high efficiency.


He punched out with a punch, and suddenly there was a riot in the void. A golden fist print seemed to be swept away in a day, and the glorious Huaguang could not be seen directly.

The King of Heavenly Eyes follows the fist, and the person and the fist seal are combined into one.

This scene is horrifying, the Tianmu Fawang is like a **** of heaven, pushing the day.

Jain Day was like a chariot, breaking through three times the speed of sound, and rumbling rumbling across the sky, making Changlong tremble violently, as if he couldn't bear it, and it would break apart.

The meticulous teaching of the Supreme Fist Seal, the Day of King Kong Fist Seal!

Kickboxing moves!

拳 This fist is too appalling, as if it was opened at the beginning, destroying everything, sweeping everything, all invincible, irresistible.

All the people on the observation deck of the Zizhu Peak were horrified, because the fist of the King Tianmu is too scary, and the power of the gods can blast the whole mountain. If Ye Tian can't resist the fist, all of the above Everyone has to die.

But I saw that Ye Tian was still too calm, with his hands behind him, and didn't mean to shoot.

Huh! Huh!

He flew kicks with two feet in succession, leaving only half a life of Danba Division and Huangfu Jingyun, like two artillery shells being fired out, and slamming into the Tianmu Fawang.

This trick is cruel and spicy!

No trick wins trick.

What horrified everyone was that in the face of two disciples flying like a cannonball, the King Tianmu had no intention of closing down and no sign of evasion.

Other people follow the fist, as if the gods are pushing the big day, the eyes are like lightning, the thin body repeatedly overflows with radiance, and a ring of gods is shining like the sun.

虽 Although he is a living Buddha, he is more like a demon. He has no compassion, but only indifference and invincibility.

"he wants……?"

"No, isn't the venomous tiger poisoning, that's too hard."

Uh ...

In the horrified eyes of everyone, 嘭 嘭 two trembling sounds came out, and two blood mists appeared.

Wang Tianmufa is too powerful ~ ~ The cruel hand is extremely extreme, and one punch will kill two disciples.

"My son!" Huang Fu screamed in triumph, with a sad look on his face.

Master Huang Fuliang even had two eyes and one black, and almost fell to the ground.

The Qiliner of the Huanghuangfu family just hung up like a joke.

Ye even Ye Tian dumbfounded his tongue, never thinking that Tianmu Fawang was so cruel.

"You don't deserve to be a teacher." Ye Tian scolded, poked out a hand, and clenched his fists.

As soon as I saw, a golden fist swelled indefinitely, like a golden mountain, which resonated with the world and made a booming sound.

Suddenly, he flew out, stepped out of the air, and rushed towards the King of Heavenly Eyes at several times the speed of sound.

He hit hard, he was asking for it.

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