Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 896: Cotai Wheel

The tenth mile of Yanshan's vitality is controlled by the King of Heavenly Eyes, as if the volume of a large lake, turned into a torrent of torrents and washed out like a dam on a dike.

I did not expect Ye Tian's method to be more horrible, and raised his hands to call out the dragon of Yanshan's veins.

The dragon with a long vein is a hundred feet long, the thickness of the hill is small, it has heads and horns, scales and claws, but it is vivid and lifelike, just like a real dragon, and it even emits the sound of dragon chanting.

Only Zhongling Yuxiu's mountain can give birth to dragon veins.

Yanshi Lishan can give birth to a big dragon, which shows that this is a mountain of spiritual beauty, with a wealth of humanities, and is worthy of being the ancestral mountain of the imperial city.

Countless people were stunned when they looked up and down Laoshan.

I control the power of heaven and earth. This is the real battle between heaven and man. It is like two immortals fighting, destroying heaven and earth. It is that all modern heavy firepower looks inferior to them.

"This is the strength that my warriors are after!"

宗 Many masters exclaimed, his eyes were hot, and he couldn't help dropping two tears.

Many people think that the guru is already the most powerful person in the world. I didn't expect that in front of the divine realm, it was just like a chicken and a dog, and it was not enough to see. Once the divine realm stomped, I didn't know how many masters could be stepped on.

I saw, the Baizhang Earthen Dragon ran across the void, so large that it was heartbreaking, as if a dam had been built to intercept the scour of the vitality torrent.


The giant dragon swept its tail fiercely, the sky exploded, and the waves of great vitality collapsed, as if the mountains fell apart, and the scene was too shocking.

The tide of vitality was originally washed away by Ye Tian. After being torn down by the dragon of the earth veins, a more horrible scene occurred. A huge amount of heaven and earth vitality swept in all directions, sweeping everything, indiscriminate attacks.

The clouds in the sky were scattered, and the mountains on the ground broke apart, and countless vegetation turned into powder.


Laoshan mass landslide, countless crushed stones, countless vegetation, countless snow, under the turbulence of the storm of vitality, paved the sky towards the foot of the mountain.

There were tens of thousands of onlookers there, and when they raised their eyes, they saw that as if the sky had fallen, a breath of devastation lingered on everyone's minds instantly.

They thought they were safe enough at the foot of the mountain, but they didn't expect to be affected by combat power.

"No, run away!"

At the foot of the Laoshan Mountain, there was a sudden chaos, and the wailing came and went.

At this moment, a dragon snarled and roared for nine days. The earth vein dragon opened its mouth wide and sucked for a while, like a whale swallowing a cow's drink. In just a moment, the scattered vitality tide was sucked into the body.

The terrible storm of vitality finally stopped, and tens of thousands of people at the foot of the mountain turned to safety.

The body shape of the Earth's Dragon was also transformed from a hundred feet to a thousand feet. From a distance, it was as if the Shiliyan Mountain was mapped into the void and it was unthinkable.

"Tianmu Fawang, I don't know if I can get your magic eye with this little trick?" Ye Tian flicked his fingers and asked lightly. He stood proudly in the air, hunted in a long coat, his eyes bloomed brightly, and his appearance was as beautiful as heaven.

"Boy, your talent is the only thing I've seen in my life. I admit that I look down on you. However, if you think you can kill me in this way, it is too underestimated about the secrets of my Western Confucianism." , But still remained calm.

"Really? Then you can show what you can do. Let's make it fast."

During the conversation, Ye Tian raised his right hand gently and waved it again.

The giant dragon, as the arm instructed, raised the giant tail, and drew the Tianmu Fawang fiercely.


The roar of the sky was heard in the void, as if the numerous nine-day **** thunders blew, making the sky dome unstable.

The giant dragon swept its tail. This blow was too terrifying. A breath of devastation swept the sky and the ground, sweeping ten miles of Yanshan.

He saw, however, that the King of Heavenly Eyes didn't evade and avoid, with a look of awe, without seeing the slightest fear.

"The Great Brahma Palm!"

He drank softly, and patted it with a slam.

The thunder broke out, and the void seemed to be penetrated.

The dazzling divine ring behind his head suddenly darkened, it was Peng

The majesty's mana was drawn at high speed, turned into a giant palm of a hundred feet Buddha, manifested in the void, really like a mountain, huge and extremely thick.

This is the real Great Brahma Palm, the mana is motivated to the extreme, and it can be reduced to a hundred feet in size. The previous play against Gu Xiaoman was just a few inches, not at all.

Seeing this palm, countless people suddenly felt that they were small, like an ant.

Uh, uh ...

I kept on kneeling and worshipped. Some are sincerely prodding, some are purely coercion.

叶 Even Ye Tian's eyes stared, showing a little appreciation.


I heard a loud noise, and the giant dragon's tail was incredibly huge and was smashed by the palm of the Great Brahma God, turning it into a monstrous vitality storm, breaking the heavens and the earth.

"It's terrifying. This shocking palm can shoot a mountain into a lotus root, which is comparable to the destructive power of a hundred tons of pressed medicine."

Countless people exclaimed.

Xiao Qingqing hid in the dark to watch the war, and when he saw this scene, he also showed a shocking look.

He said to himself that if he faced this shocking palm, the dragon gun wouldn't come out and there would be no way to break it.


A long yelling rang through the world, stern and exuberant, and seemed to perceive the pain, mourning his heart.

After millions of years of gestation, the Earth Vein Dragon has already had a touch of spirituality, so it can be transformed.


The earthen dragon was so tall that the head of the dragon, like a mountain, smashed over the Tianmu Fawang.

He Tianmu Fawang fell down with one palm, and wanted to lift it up again and shoot, it was too late.

Between the electric light and the flint, the ring of God behind his head was zoomed in sharply, gathering the minds of all beings, absorbing endless vitality, and turning it into a golden light wheel.


As if the sound of Lun Road is echoing, spreading for nine days and ten places.

The golden light wheel is gorgeous and dazzling, as if it is being squashed every day, and the radiance is extremely high.

At this moment ~ ~ Tianmu Fawang has a buddha nature, his hands are crossed, Baoxiangzhuangya, his face is full of joy and sorrow, and his whole body glows, just like the Buddha of Xitian came to earth.


The Treasure Wheel vibrated, like a mill-shaped **** disk, flew out across the sky, bringing up a streamer phantom that was so fast that it could hardly be captured by human eyes.


I was another shocking collision. The mountain-like dragon head was like a cockroach and a dog, and was instantly scattered by the treasure wheel.

Then the momentum of the treasure wheel continued, destroying and dying, and letting the dragon's body burst.

In just one flick, a dragon with thousands of feet and veins collapsed, turning into a mighty heaven and earth vitality, feeding back to heaven and earth.


Countless people became frightened again, stunned.

He is obviously more scary than the hand of the Great Brahma.

Golden treasure wheel crosses the sky, comparable to a supersonic aircraft, with a speed of ten times the speed, sweeping everything and breaking everything, it is almost unsolvable.


The Bao Bao wheel rang, deterring the heavens and the earth, the momentum was not weakened at all, the sky was destroyed, the void was torn, and Ye Tian struck away.

"Ye Xiaoer, you should be dead this time!" Wu Canghai stared with a smile on his face.

He is not the only one. Many people think Ye Tian will die.

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