Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 897: Sword breaking

The **** behind the head of the Emperor Tianmufa turned into a golden light wheel, like a millstone, destroying the might of the sky, first blasting the great dragon of the veins, and then struck Ye Tian.

The speed of the golden light treasure wheel is too fast, almost comparable to a hypersonic aircraft, bringing up a streamer phantom in the void, so fast that it is almost impossible to capture by human eyes.

In the face of such a powerful blow, Ye Tian finally had a touch of movement.

He had to admit that King Tianmu is the most powerful opponent he has encountered since his rebirth. Not only has his physical body refined and refined like gold and steel, he has also created the so-called immortal rainbow body. The skill of the technique is also breathtaking, which almost represents the earth art. The highest standard in the legal realm.

He is more than Xiao Qingtian. He is at least one step higher, and there is at least one small realm gap.

He has come to an end on the road of the divine realm, and Xiao Qingtian is still halfway.

It is not that Xiao Qingtian's talents are inferior to him, but that he is many years older than Xiao Qingtian and has been in the realm for a longer time.

However, this is the case, he is still a little far from the congenital earth fairy.

In the rumors, he was a quasi-earth fairy, and touched the corner of the earth fairy, but it was an exaggeration.

First of all, his accumulation is not enough, and secondly, the laws of the earthly world are incomplete.

Congenital is the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. In a place where the law is incomplete, it is difficult to perceive the existence of the law without sufficient accumulation.

再 No matter how powerful the God Realm is, after all, it belongs to the Hou Tian Realm. Innateness is a true watershed for Xiuxian.

Only when he breaks through the innate, can he be truly embarked on Xiuxian Road.

He did not reach the congenital at the end of the day after tomorrow, because there is a big gap between the two.

Unless you have superior qualifications, or use all kinds of Baodan, Baoyao, otherwise you can only stop for the rest of your life.

The King of Heavenly Eyes is now approaching the innate divide. Going further, he will have no way to go, and that gap is doomed to him. He is not the sorrow of himself, but the sorrow of all monks in the world.

In the fearful eyes of countless people, Ye Tian started his hands, and pointed like a sword, and chopped out fiercely.


A dazzling swordman broke through the air from his fingertips, and suddenly became large, turning into a giant sword.

The giant sword was three feet long, as if it were a pillar of heaven, straight into the sky. The sword is like a dragon, reflecting nine days, with the rotation of the sun and the moon, surrounded by stars, so extraordinary that it looks like a peerless soldier.

The next day, the Moon and the Sword came out, and suddenly the world changed colors. Even across a long distance, I can feel the sensation of the sword, making the scalp numb, and like a thorn in the back.

"I have a sword, I can break all ways!"

Ye Tianyao pointed, Sun Moon Divine Sword when the air force split.


I listened to a crisp sound. The golden light wheel, like the millennium **** disk, was split in half by the sun and moon sword, just like hot knife cutting butter.

The golden light wheel condensed as the essence, it was split into two halves, neither burst, but turned into two streams of light passing by Ye Tian's body.

Boom! Bang!

I heard two loud noises. Two mountain tops several kilometers away were smashed, and they were cut off dozens of meters high. Two mushroom clouds emptied, and the ten-mile Yanshan Mountain was shaken violently, as if hit by a heavy missile In general horror scenes, the sky is falling apart, the rubble is falling, and the sun and the moon in the sky are dim.

"Too scary." Countless people stared and exclaimed.

"Ah, it's a pity!" Many others hate.

If such a shock is hit on the young demon king, he will definitely die, but unfortunately it will break him.

Wu Wucanghai's eyes almost bleed, holding the mad dragon sword, mana has been urging, buzzing, I can't wait to rush up to chop Ye Tian now.

The Wu family is the family of the sword sage, and it cannot be tolerated. Ye Tian abolished Wu Hongtao's practice, which made the Wu family ashamed and became a joke in the martial art world. Wu Canghai, as the head of the family, could not bear it.

In order to restore the glory of the Wu family, he came with a sword of the mad dragon, and was ready to die, as long as he could kill the culprit, Ye Tian.

The three people in the Bai family also hate their itchy teeth, especially the owner Bai Wanshan, who is almost anxious

Jumping. This battle can be said to be related to the rise and fall of their Bai family, and even life and death.

"What kind of sword is this sharp?"

"What is this? If I read correctly, this sword is also used when the young demon king of the Aurora small country cuts down the **** Joseph. One sword splits a 100-meter-tall skyscraper in half."

"Sacred soldier, this must be the legendary soldier!"

"No wonder he dared to speak wildly, breaking a sword!"

Uh ...


At this time, a sword screamed to frighten nine days and ten places, the sun and moon divine swords came out of the sky, and slain the king of Tianmufa.

Qi Yetian chased after the situation, this time he moved his hand first.

The next Sun and Moon Divine Sword is a flying sword, which Ye Tianshen reads is the scope of the Sun and Moon Divine Sword to kill the enemy.

The dazzling sword is bright and dazzling, as if a silver waterfall hangs on the sky, and the tragic atmosphere is overwhelming, reflecting the sky and the sky.

"not good!"

Wang Tianmu ’s face turned wild, and a terrifying crisis came to mind.

The breath pervading the Divine Sword of that day and moon was too horrible. He seemed not to be facing a sword, but a level above the congenital earth fairy and even the earth fairy.

错 This illusion is not illusory, but real, because the Sun and Moon Divine Sword is a land fairy soldier ~ ~ The last master Wan Jianzhen Jun Xiu has even reached the level of Zhunjindan.

Although Ye Tian has washed the imprint of the former owner of the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, it is impossible to completely clean it, just like the geese have left the sound, the water has left the marks, and some things cannot be erased. Wan Jian Zhenjun, all the masters had their marks left before.

At this moment, Tianmu Fawang feels the subtle imprint of the master of the Sun and Moon Divine Sword. Although his breath is weak, his mind is throbbing.

"How can he have such a magical soldier? Is his master an earth god?"

Wang Tianmu ’s heart shook suddenly, and there was a throbbing movement in the stable Taoist heart.

What kind of level is Piandixian? He can only look up to his existence in this life, like the nine-day god, beyond sight.

He is brave and invincible, that's just the same realm. In the face of the earth fairy, he will also have a feeling of shaking the tree.

"Yes, it must be. If there wasn't a Master Dixian, how could he be so young at such a young age?" He became more determined in his heart.

If Master Ye Tian is really a land fairy, this battle is no longer necessary.

How could he dare to offend Dixian in a divine realm?

"Juvenile, I sincerely ask you, is your master an earth fairy?" Tianmu Fawang asked, his expression dignified.

At the same time, he waved his cannon, and a secret teaching tool descended from the magic pestle to meet the sun and moon sword.

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