Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 898: Truce is good

"It's just a casual repair, there is no master, and there is no master of immortality." Ye Tian faintly responded.

Sunda reunited with the true immortal reunion, but also needs a master, which is simply the best of the world.

He said, even if he wanted to find a master, no one in this world is qualified to be his master!

不可能 "Impossible! You must have a Master of the Earth Fairy. I feel the breath of the Earth Fairy from this sword."

The King of Heavenly Eyes did not believe and insisted on his own judgment.

He has not touched the immortals. The reason why he feels that the breath he feels belongs to the immortal level is because he has come to an end on the road of the divine realm, and the level above him is at least the immortal.

Suddenly, there was an uproar down the mountain.

"What the **** is Dixian? Very terrible?"

原来 "It turns out that the divine realm is not the ultimate, and there is a fairyland on it."

"The divine realm is so horrible. How terrible the land is, I dare not imagine."

"Earth Fairy, that's the real nine-day Fairy Fairy. It can move mountains and seas, and turn clouds and rain."

"It's a pity that the earth fairy hasn't been out for a long time. It belongs to the memories of the ancient times."

Uh ...

Everyone talked and talked.

The words of the Emperor Tianmu are too shocking, so that everyone is not calm. He said that he felt the breath of the earth fairy from the sun and moon sword, and many people believed that it was true. Because of his existence at this level, the sense of consciousness could discern the truth, and it was impossible to tell lies.

Ye Yetian was young enough to have such a worldly behavior. If it was self-taught, I am afraid that even ghosts would not believe it. And if he has a master, at least he must be a fairy, because he is already a god.

Of course, if he is really self-taught, then he must have secret recipes for cultivating immortals, far exceeding the various cultivation codes existing in the human world.

"Grandpa, may there be earth immortals on the earth?" Shen Qingyue's eyes were wide and round, and she asked Shen Yunlong.

"It may not exist. The earth is huge, there are all kinds of wonders. I have heard that there are many secret worlds on the earth, where there is a world of its own, and there are earth fairy living in it, it is possible."

"Is it like the Arctic Oasis little world not long ago?"

不错 "Yes. The emergence of the Arctic Oasis is the best proof. There are many secret places on the planet, and there is life in them."

Uh ...

Master Demon King may come from a secret world, where there are earth immortals, and many people make such judgments.

If that is the case, then his background is terrible, and no one dares to offend.

As soon as Lu Dixian came out, the great empires of the world had to bow their heads.

The Benben Juvenile Devil is not from the small world of the secret fairyland, then there must be a Supreme Masterpiece on him, leading to the Dixian Avenue. Perhaps, it is only by virtue of the Supreme Masterpiece, that he has the current practice.

Suddenly, many people's eyes warmed up.

If you can get the Supreme Masterpiece of the Juvenile Demon King, I dare not say that you will be able to achieve the immortal, and it is very possible to achieve the **** state.

"You're really a treasure boy!" Longhushan taught Tianji the real man chuckled, very gloomy, not kind.

He is still one step away from the divine realm, and the Taishang palm teaches the oriental crane to the end of the path of the divine realm. What is lacking is the Supreme Master's Guide to Guide.

"Ye Xiaoyou, what you have said in the past is a wonderful way to help the husband, and it's important to talk!" Xiao Qingtian hidden in the dark smiled and said to himself.

He is very self-knowledge, knowing that he has no hope in this life, and pinned his hope on Ye Tian.

"You can't believe that I can't help it anymore." Ye Tian sneered, wearing the Sun Moon Divine Sword, rushing towards the Tianmu Fawang.

"Let ’s just stop truce!" Tianmu Fawang suddenly retreated. He didn't want to offend an earth fairy, otherwise, not only his own security and danger, but the entire esoteric religion might be destroyed.

"If you want to go on a truce, you can break your hands and kill your martial arts."

The Emperor of Heavenly Eyes suddenly felt hairy and yelled, "You young, don't you deceive people too much!"

"You ruined my loved ones, and you still have a face saying me

Bullying too much? "


A terrible loud noise came from the void, and the Sun and Moon Divine Sword and the Demon Pestle confronted each other. The sky was violently swept by the sky, as if to be penetrated.

Jain Demon Pestle is a supreme magic weapon of Tantricism. It has been nourished for hundreds of years with the power of sentient beings, and has been blessed vigorously by successive Tantricism masters. A single blow can cut the ordinary **** state.

As soon as the surrendering magic pestle came out, an immeasurable amount of Buddha light suddenly appeared, as if a round of sky hangs, and the chanting sound rang through the world, and the Sanskrit sounded, as if the sound of the road was rolling, deafening and trembling.

Wherever the light of the Buddha shines, and the chanting of the scriptures spreads everywhere, all people are at peace, showing the color of compassion, as if being crossed.

Wu Ke was such a powerful esoteric sacred magic weapon that he could not withstand a blow in front of the sun and moon sword.


He struck a sword and split the magic pestle from the middle into two pieces.

In the stunned time, Buddha light rushed to the sky, swords swept the world, and a horrible energy raged in all directions, shaking the sky and shaking the mountains.

The weather in Yeye is like blood and rivers, and the golden light is like the sea, and the waves are so high that it has opened the realm of chaos.

In the realm of God, a golden lotus swayed, and it absorbed the sentient beings gathered in the magical pestle.

The sentient beings' mind is also a cultivation resource, a form of energy, just like Reiki.

Not only Buddhism, but like the Holy See in the West and Islam in Asia, they all practice spiritual training.

In the current era of lack of aura, the practice of gathering sentient beings to practice is a good way of practice.

Therefore, the Taoist gates of the world will fall, but the Buddhist gates, the Holy See, and the Islamist gods will flourish, because their cultivation is not affected by the decline of spiritual energy.

"Juvenile, do you really think I'm afraid you can't do it? I miss your youth, it's a buildable thing, I can't bear to kill you ~ ~ Don't know how to deal with it." Tianmu Fawang sang.

Xie Yetian ignored it. After a sword split the falling magic pestle, he slashed directly at the Tianmu Fawang.

In the empty space, I saw a sword-horse straight up into the sky, like a pillar of heaven, running through the sky and underground, killing people, and it was scary and cold.

The sword is as strong as a dragon, and the sword is like a surging sword. It destroys the dead, cuts the sky, tears the earth, and nothing can stop it.

Da da!

Many people's teeth trembled.

"Oh, heaven, this is the so-called swordsman of Dongying!"

"Juveniles are terrible, they have superb physical skills, their skills are superb, and even Kendo is superb."

"Is he really self-taught? I don't believe it anyway!"

Uh ...


The sword slammed into the sky, ringing through the sky.

Killing is like a sea, making people desperate.

Ye Ye Tian moves really, will slay Tianmu Fawang.

The King of Heavenly Eyes also wanted to cease the truce. At this time, he had to fight 120,000 points.

"go with!"

He fired his cannon and fired nine dzi.

Uh ...

Qi Tianzhu exploded in the sky, and Guanghua shone, forming nine invisible barriers in front of him.

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