Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 947: Yinshan Pie

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Chapter 947 Yinshan School

As soon as the news of the death of the young demon king was heard, many monks moved to hear the wind and gathered early in the morning.

The immortal method of the greedy young demon king is only one of them, and in addition, they want to get a cup of cricket from Longhu Mountain.

With the background of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, a little thing deducted from the gap between the teeth is a treasure.

This battle must be the end of both losses. The young demon king died, and Dragon Tiger Mountain must have been hit hard.

Therefore, as everyone sees at this moment, the people of Longhushan confined themselves in the small world of Houshan Enchantment, unable to shrink.

Many of the schools of the throne of the world's first door are stunned. Fengshui takes turns. Longhu Mountain has been sitting for more than a thousand years and it is time to change people.

A big upheaval in Daomen may happen as a result. The monks who came to the scene were faintly smelling a hint of sap, and the undercurrent was surging.

The Yinshan School's Xuanli palm teaching is very strong. It descends from the sky and falls on the top of the mountain. The whole body is surrounded by evil spirits. Like the same deity, the breath overwhelms the audience, making many monks nervous and breathless.

The noise of the mountain was suddenly quiet, many people kept silent, only a few people were whispering.

The Yinshan School ’s cultivation method is leaning towards the left door. It was originally unheard of in the door, and was even regarded as a demon cult. In addition, in the Daomen horror forty years ago, Yinshan sent Mingzhe to protect himself, unable to shrink, and was even despised and rejected by Daomen.

I saw it in the field at the moment, and a pair of eyes looked at the pair of masters and apprentices in Yinshan.

"The world's gates are gathered here to discuss major events, and the casual repairers will leave." Ouyang Zhi looked around in the field, and suddenly said.

He had dust all over Tsing Yi, with long hair flying, a handsome face, seeming to be elegant and easy-going, but his tone of speech was very domineering, and it seemed that he could not be refuted.

As soon as he said this, the audience immediately fry.

Half of the people gathered in the field were scattered repairers, who came to get some benefits from Longhu Mountain, so how could they leave easily.

Now in the small world of Longhushan's self-proclaimed enchantment, it must have been badly hit, and dare not face the frontier of the world.

As long as you can open the small world of enchantment, the benefits are at your fingertips.

Ouyang Zhi forced to drive discrete repairs, and the wolf's ambitions became clear. The fewer people there are, the more benefits they can get from the Yinshan faction.

He didn't dare to provoke the avenue gates, but the scatterers were dismissive.

Moreover, he can benefit from doing so in various majors, and naturally will not blame him.

Seen in the field, casual repairers fry pans, but the people at the gates are silent and stay still.

However, some thoughtful people can see something deeper:

Do Yinshan faction think that Longhushan is not working? The situation of the world gate has changed greatly, and the card has to be reshuffled. The Yinshan faction wants to replace it and take control of the world's gate.

If the Yinshan faction is really thinking about it, it will be terrifying.

Forty years ago, in the catastrophe, Yinshan sent Mingzhe to protect himself. He could not shrink, and his strength was preserved.

Later, because it was intolerable by the Daomen of the world, the Yinshan faction did not show up in the world, and it closed itself.

For decades, it has been a mystery to what extent the strength of the Yinshan School has grown.

However, no matter how strong the Yinshan faction is, it is impossible to compare it with Longhu Mountain. If you want to take control of the bulls of the world and sit on the first throne of the door, don't even think about it, no door will agree with him.

"What a big tone! Forty years ago, the gates of the world were devastated. Sanshou knew how to make a small contribution, but your Yinshan faction didn't come out, and claimed the gate, and now there is still a face to give orders to me, etc.? A young San Xiu angrily said, holding a three-foot sword, like a Xiu Xiu.

Suddenly, many people agreed.

"Yeah, what is your Yinshan faction? It is your Yinshan faction to get out."

"A tortoise with a shrunken face also has a shame?"

"If I were a disciple of the Yinshan faction, it would be fine to drown in a pit."



Suddenly, Ouyang Zhihu's body shook, and a terrifying breath erupted.

In an instant, he seemed to become a person, his eyes were like sharp swords, full of wildness, his flesh was full, his thin body became burly, and there was a sudden surge of killing.


He pointed out in the air, and a blood-stained finger burst out like a blood-sworded war spear. It was about three feet long and traversed the sky.

"Finger fingers!" Someone exclaimed in the field, recognizing Ouyang Zhi's move of Yinshan to send supernatural powers.

The demon refers to the Yinshan faction, just like the Tianzhang Wulei Palm to the Longhu Mountain. They are all masters of Zhenzong. Only the core foundation can be cultivated, and the practice is extremely difficult.

According to legend, after the demon pointed at Dacheng, the finger strength was as long as one foot, which means that a wall can be pierced by a distance of one hundred feet.

The finger strength of Ouyang Zhitian's demon fingers is only three feet long, and it should be only Xiaocheng.

However, it is Xiaochengjing's demon finger, which is also very scary. Within ten feet, it is comparable to the lethality of an assault rifle. The young sword Xiu is only three feet away from him.


The young sword repair had only time to put his hand on the hilt, and before he could pull the sword out, his eyebrows were penetrated, and a transparent blood hole burst out.


The young monk's eyes widened and he fell to the ground without staring.

"You, kill for no reason, look for death!"

A middle-aged casual repairman standing with young Jianxiu yelled loudly.

There is also a sword hanging on the middle-aged Sanshou, who should also be a Jian Xiu, and the relationship with the young Jian Xiu should be very good, because the two came here together, inseparable.

Seeing that his companion was killed, the middle-aged sword repair became hairless all at once.


The sword in his hand came out of the sheath, and when the figure moved, the sword trembled and stabbed Ouyang Zhi violently.


The sword sings, the sword is dazzling.

As I saw, there was a sparkling light across the point of the sword, which was the sword qi that was stirred up from the point of the sword, and a faint sword area was formed, even the air was completely emptied.

Everyone found out that this middle-aged sword repair is a sword skill everyone!

"This is the famous scholar of the South Nanshan Mountains ~ ~ Sword repair Xu Zishan, very famous in the field of casual repair, one-handed swordsmanship is amazing and has entered the realm of the Grand Master."

"Is Xu Zishan, the master of swordsmanship at Zhongnan Mountain, the one? I heard that he was a mountain villager who accidentally picked up the relics of an unknown sword repairer in a cave, and embarked on the road to sword repair. "

"Yes, it's him."


After the identity of the middle-aged Jian Xiu was revealed, the whole audience burst into a loud noise.

Xu Zishan was shocked with a sword and brought up a sword domain. Ou Yangzhi was suddenly shrouded in horror and his life was suspended.

After Xuan Lizhang taught his hands to be lost, he turned a blind eye and did not intend to save his disciples.

"The light of rice grain, dare to compete with Haoyue?"

But listening to Ou Yangzhi sneer, pointing out again, suddenly a scarlet **** finger burst out.

The strength of his finger is only one foot, only one third of the length of the previous finger, but the finger strength is more condensed. As a matter of fact, the scarlet blood awn is almost turned into a flame and burns. Rising out of the air, instantly surpassing the speed of sound, bringing a burst of thunder.


The sword field brought by the sword in Xu Zishan's hand and this finger Manggang immediately burst open, as if a balloon had been stuck with a needle.

Click, click!

Then, this finger was like a bamboo shoot, and the three-foot sword in Xu Zishan's hands collapsed.

In the end, in the eyes of everyone's horror, Zhimang penetrated Xu Zishan's heart and pierced a blood hole.

A master of Sansho Kendo was killed by a finger.

Suddenly, the audience was dead!

"I see who else dares to chew the roots of the tongue?" Ouyang Zhi said fiercely.

Soon, his body flickered, and he returned to the original Tsing Yi man.

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