Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 948: Who insulted me is dead

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Ouyang Zhi made a strong shot, **** pointed out one after the other, two swords were killed, one of them was a Kendo master.

There was a dead silence in the audience, all the Sanshous were horrified, and their bodies retreated involuntarily to stay away from Ouyang Zhi.

Even the monks of all the majors moved for a while, shocked by the strength of Ouyang Zhi and the amazing power of the Yinshan faction.

Ouyang Zhi is only thirty years old, and looks very young. He was able to slay and kill the Kendo Master with his own hands. It was too shocking, indicating that his cultivation has broken through the mystery, at least in the middle of the mystery.

In martial arts, young masters are rare, and young realms in the realm of magic are also rare. Ouyang Zhi is able to practice in the middle of the mysterious age at a young age, which shows that he has a high level of spirituality and good roots. The chief disciple Li Ruochen of Longhu Mountain may be inferior to him.

"Xuan Lizhangzhang, is your apprentice a little bit past? Anyway, there are two lives." Zixiaozhangzhuang finally couldn't help but say.

"Zi Xiaozhang teaches how to say this. Young people can't avoid death because of their skills." Xuan Lizhang said that it was necessary to protect his disciples.

Zixiao Zhangjiao shook his head and stopped speaking. He didn't want to conflict with the Yinshan faction for a few casual repairs. Moreover, he also saw that He Xuanli couldn't make sense at all.

After Ouyang Zhi killed two swords with a single finger, he restored his elegant and easy-going look. His mouth seemed to be smiling, and he looked harmless to humans and animals.

However, in the eyes of monks, he was clearly a smiling demon king, terrible.

Already there have been casual repairs hindering his provocative power, and he retreated to leave. However, there are still some flesh-and-blood casual repairs unmoved and hostile towards him.

"I'll wait for Sanxiu to join forces, and I'm afraid he won't succeed?"

"Yes, I'll wait for casual repairs, and I'll hold the group to keep warm. We just don't go, I don't believe he dare to kill us all!"

"If you don't agree, you will kill yourself. Do you really think you are a young devil?"

"Huh, compared to the young demon king, is he worthy? If he has half the ability of the young demon king, I will say nothing, and go now, non-stop."

"The young devil will kill without a word. As far as I know, the young demon's kills are all those who provoke him before, all **** people, happily revenge, martial arts, and act as models of my generation. "


A group of scattered repairers warmed up, said angrily.

"Why, you don't agree?" Ouyang Zhi glanced at the talking Sanshou. Although the corners of his mouth still looked like smiling, but there was a sense of killing.

Suddenly, a few casual repairs were indifferent to each other, and they didn't speak very well.

San Xiu Ben is a scattered group. Everyone does not know each other.

Moreover, there is an ancestral ancestor of the Yinshan faction. Although silent, standing still, there is a deterrent from its own body, which is very scary.

"What young devil, what arrogant son, has courage and intrigue, in my opinion is nothing more than a muddy dog ​​with developed limbs and a simple mind. He'd better not meet me, or take him as a slave." Ouyang Zhi went on to say that although his tone was very bland, he was extremely arrogant.

As soon as he said this, the audience fry again, and there was an uproar.

Regarding the young devil as a native chicken tile dog, but also as a slave, dare to say such big things in public, it is clearly that the old star is hanging, and he has a long life.

However, everyone knows that he didn't cover his mouth, he was just bragging, and determined that the young devil was dead and why he didn't care about him. If the young devil is still alive, he would not dare to speak like this if he borrowed his ten guts.

However, he said that such people are wicked and shameless.

However, after all, there was a Master of Divine Realm present, and he was cuddling like a demon. Although the monks were angry, they did not dare to stand up and blame him.

The casual repairers have been scared to pee, and all the road gates are old fritters, and it has nothing to do with hanging up.

"Who do you say is a native dog? Who do you say you want to take as a slave?"

Just then, a fierce female voice came suddenly, with a murderous voice in her voice, so that everyone felt a chill.


Almost at the same time, all the people looked around and saw a beautiful white girl and a burly middle-aged man coming.

The girl in white looks cold and beautiful, as if Ling Chen, the fairy of Guanghan, is stunning in this world. She held a long knife and a pair of beautiful eyes locked on Ouyang Zhi.

That was what she said just now.

"A female disciple of the young devil."

Suddenly many monks recognized the young man, the young disciple's female disciple, Su Mengyao.

Just the day before yesterday, on the top of Yanshan, the young girl emerged and made a headline search. It really stunning the world and even got a name, Meng Yao Fairy.

The big man next to her is naturally Zhao Tianlong.

Zhao Tianlong stared at him with glaring eyes, glaring at Ou Yangzhi.

"Who am I? It turned out that the disciple of the young demon is here." Ouyang Zhi said, ignoring Zhao Tianlong, his eyes brightened, and he went straight to Meng Yao, without concealing the beauty in his eyes.

"It is really a blessing to have such a beautiful disciple. If you are still intact, I can consider accepting you as my priest."

Ouyang Zhi was so arrogant that he wanted to take Su Mengyao as a companion. Everyone still vaguely remembers that Li Ruochen, the chief disciple of Longhu Mountain, also said something similar, and was turned into a dead dog by the young demon king.

Xuan Li's palm teacher twisted his beard in his hands, his eyes flickered, and his head slightly. He seemed very satisfied with Su Mengyao as his apprentice.

"Disgrace my teacher, die!" Meng Yao uttered a coquettish expression, and her beautiful eyes, like water, bloomed with two chills.

She was tolerated by others, but she could not tolerate her master.


The purple electric yin thunder knife came out of the sheath, and on the bright blade body, numerous purple electric thunder wires were entangled, like a thunder sword, which had not been split yet, but it had made people feel the chill and the monstrous murderousness.

"Sister, let me do it." Zhao Tianlong took the lead and took the lead.

But at this moment, among the monk crowd, a middle-aged man with a thin body and bright black hair came forward, his body moved, blocked in front of Zhao Tianlong, and carried a mad dragon sword, murderous. Look at each other's eyes.

This person is the head of the Wu family in the northwest, Wu Jianghe. The young demon king hated him for killing his father. He wanted to confirm the death of the young demon king.

At this moment, he is going to do something with the disciples of the young demon king, and make the young devil pay some price.

"I don't want to kill a woman, so I'll kill you!" Wu Jianghe said aggressively, glaring at Zhao Tianlong.

Before Zhao Tianlong responded, he rushed towards Zhao Tianlong.


He slashed with a large knife in his hand, splitting it vertically and horizontally, infused with surging real elements, he split eighteen swords in one breath, like eighteen angry dragons, with a sword and light sword in the void, and the chirping sound was almost a sword. Howling the storm, flooding the void, engulfing the earth, howling swept away towards Zhao Tianlong.


As I saw, the blade of the storm was overwhelmed, smashed and destroyed, and the hard rocky ground was cut into a few feet deep, as if a trench plowed by an iron plough had spread to Zhao Tianlong's feet.

"Good swordsmanship, Wujia's crazy dragon swordmanship, it really deserves its reputation! The disciples of the young demon king are afraid that they will be more fierce."

"It is indeed after the Sword Master, Grand Sword Master, this sword has a faint mood of Sword Master."


Many monks exclaimed, eyes wide.

Over there, Su Mengyao didn't hesitate to shoot at Ou Yangzhi.

The purple electric yin thunder knife flickered, and when it was waved, a large ray of ray knife flew out, like a giant thunder dragon, and it was penetrated in an instant, making a terrible tear .

Although there is only one Rayman sword, compared with the one that Wujianghe cut at the moment, it is more than ten times stronger.

With this crown of swords, Su Mengyao gave a killer, and wanted to set Ou Yang to death.

"Your master Master Devil is dead. You are still working for him. It's stubborn!" Ouyang Zhi sneered ~ ~ and pointed out.

"Finger fingers!"


A condensed sky demon finger blasted away, traversing ten feet of void in an instant, and confronted with the ray knife cut by the purple electricity thunder knife.


Just listening to a dull sound, Ouyang Zhi's demon fingers broke instantly, while the Rayman sword did not shake a minute, tearing the sky, and exploding a ray of thunder.

"What?" Ouyang Zhi suddenly stared, seemingly unbelievable.


Then he successively pointed out several fingers. Each finger had the power to shake the earth. The master didn't dare to strike, but like an egg hitting a stone, it all broke down and couldn't work.

At this time, the arrogant and thrilling thunder sword has been chopped on his head, and when he lifted his eyes, he saw a ray of sky, like a flash of lightning, shining brightly, reaching the extreme, and cultivating endless power of destruction. .

"court death!"

Ouyang Zhi's pupils shrank, and finally he couldn't calm down.

Between the flashes of light and flint, he reached into his arms, took out a piece of golden rune paper, and trembled suddenly. The rune paper spontaneously ignited without fire.

"Gold armor!" He yelled.

As I saw, when the rune paper was burning, a golden light shone on his body, and a pair of translucent golden armor emerged, wrapping him from head to toe, and holding a golden war halberd in his hand.

With the armor in hand and holding a war halberd, he immediately set Ou Yangzhi's majesty against him, like a golden armor god.

"Yinshan School ’s golden armor rune, a higher-order spell, has the dual effects of protection and combat. In terms of protection, it can carry a real-life blow from the peak of the realm, and the fighting power that erupts can also kill a peak of the top. Reality is real. However, the time limit for Jin Jiafu is very short, only half a minute, "said a monk.

While he was talking, Ouyang Zhi held the golden war halberd and stabbed out with a sharp halberd.

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