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Driven by Ye Tian's mana, Longhushan's Nianli White Tiger and Shishen White Tiger merged into one.

In fact, it was Dragon Tiger Mountain ’s Nianli White Tiger that was swallowed up by the Shenshen White Tiger, refined, and strengthened itself.

Suddenly added a huge amount of mental power, just like eating Dabu Dan, the style of the white tiger has become more powerful, his hair is shiny, his hair is crystal clear, like a steel needle, can fly out and hurt people, it is immobile. Sensually, the terror of his body was released.

This is not only the tiger power of the king of the forest, but also the power of ancient beasts.

It was through an enchantment that the sound of tiger howling was blocked, countless small animals in the Dongshan Scenic Area were shocked, and tourists felt an inexplicable palpitation.

However, Ye Tian ’s “God-Creation” action has not yet begun, it is just a little “energy” to the white **** of the style.

Then, he took out a turquoise elixir from the ring of heaven and smashed it. The vast blue medicine burst out in an instant, like a gaseous crystal glass, shining brightly, extremely gorgeous, but gathered. Without dispersing, forming magical spells in the void.

Within each spell, endless vitality flowed out. The flowers and grass on the ground were only infiltrated for a while, and became more lush. The buds of the buds also bloomed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flowers were full of branches.

Ye Tian's ten-fingered finger movements seemed to be commanding thousands of soldiers and horses. All the charms were moved, arranged and combined, and finally formed an extremely complicated huge rune, which was spherical and just wrapped the white tiger in it.

As you can see, this huge round amulet looks like a small world of enchantment. It is a self-contained, densely flowing and lingering divine pattern. It contains the atmosphere that was developed at the beginning, endless and endless, like the beginning of everything and the birth of the universe.

The white tiger was wrapped in it, being nourished by endless anger, as if a fetus was being conceived.

This is the Aoki Fortune Dan, which is formed by the medicinal power.

Ye Tian took Omu spirit rattan and more than a hundred kinds of spiritual herbs from Longhu Mountain last night, and spent a lot of thoughts, refining a total of four green wood forged alchemy.

Aoki Fortune Dan is also known as Fortune Shendan. The magical effect is infinite. Life and death of human bones and bones are only their most basic medicinal effects. They can even be used to create the world, allowing a barren planet to give birth to life.

However, the requirements for the Aoki forged alchemy are high. There must be a level of nine transfers to the **** alchemy, and even the level of the elixir, and there must be a great power to cultivate immortals.

As a result, the amazingness of the Aoki Fortune Dan is evident!

And the green alchemy of Ye Tian has only the level of mirabilis, which can only make a small piece of barren land into an oasis, giving birth to life, or regenerating a soul.


The amulet of Aoki made a living, endless, and even the aura between the heavens and the earth was motivated, whistling in all directions.

Not only are the auras in the enchanted small world activated, but the auras outside the connected world are also activated.

All of a sudden, the aura of fog arose in the huge world of enchantment, and an aura funnel was formed above the amulet of Aoki, and faced the sealed white tiger inside.

This is not enough!

"Thunder is training, angry and nourishing!"

Ye Tian yelled loudly, raised his hand and threw, and threw the white tiger wrapped in a ball of green Amulet into a thunder pond.

The spirit creature's most feared thing is the power of the Thunder. Although the white **** of the **** God gave birth to flesh under a drop of chaotic blood essence of Ye Tian, ​​he still has fear of the Thunder.

Of course, not only the spirit creatures, the physical creatures, but even the cultivators are afraid of thunder.

Thunder Power is the most supreme power between heaven and earth, and it is the embodiment of the will of heaven and earth. The immortal practitioners crossed the thunder and robbery, which lies in the confrontation between heaven and earth.

Just after being thrown into the thunder pond, Shishen White Tiger was bombarded at that time, his body was bombarded by thousands of ray of mans, and a ray of thunder penetrated into his body, making a loud scream.

However, with the Aoki fortune sign, White Tiger couldn't die. Thunder blasted his body with a lot of holes, fleshy skin, and even cracked bones, but healed very fast.

Can't survive, can't survive, it's too miserable.

Meng Yao and Zhao Tianlong were all frightened, their spine was cold and their teeth were straight.

The Suzaku-style **** is so frightened that his legs are soft and his wings can't move, because it knows that it is his turn when he knows the white tiger.

"Yeah!" Ye Tian sighed softly and shook his head. "This Lei Wei is still too weak."

As soon as he said this, everyone was silent.

This thunder has blew up the white tiger, and the bones have been broken one by one. Are they weak?

However, compared with the real Jiuxiao Shenlei, the mines in this thunder pool are indeed much weaker.

The thunder pond was formed by the underground thunder vein.

Like Longhu Mountain, which has accumulated thousands of years of thunder, the thunder in the mines of Lei Ling is also a secondary mine. After being transformed once, its power is greatly reduced.

Ye Tian sat cross-legged on the edge of Lei Chi, his hand was raised, the golden row of the Lingling fruit on the thunder tree was spurred, and a row of golden rows burst out, like a sharp sword, tearing the void There was a savage burst of air.

The gold line of Ray Mang was intertwined in the void, forming a large piece of rune.

This is Jinxingleifu, also known as Gengjinleifu, which contains the surging Gengjinlei energy!

The Five Elements God Thunder have their own characteristics. Among them, Geng Jin Shen Lei is best at attacking obstacles, attacking directly, and killing fiercely. It is similar to Geng Jin's spirit.

Ye Tian moved again and squeezed out a formula ~ ~ The pieces of Gengjin Thunder Charm in the void changed, and they became a group, turning into Gengjin Thunder Pills. Dazzling, like lightning balls.

"go with!"

Ye Tian pointed with a finger, one Gengjinlei pill flew to Bai Hu, merged into the body, and burst into bursts.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound was trembling, and the white tiger seemed to be hit by heavy bombs, and all of a sudden it burst, leaving no bones and slag, and it turned into a chaotic atmosphere.

However, under the nourishment of the Aoki Fortune Rune, this chaos quickly transformed into a white tiger.

In the eyes of everyone, all veins appeared in the skin of white tiger, which seemed to be human blood vessels and meridians. Then there are the five internal organs and six concubines, all of which have appeared one after another. After the integration of Geng Jin Lei Neng, there is even a metallic color, especially the heart.

However, Bai Hu's faculty seemed to be broken and he did not recover. Although his body became stronger, he was a little sluggish.

Ye Tian didn't care about these, and he used Gengjin Leiwan again and again to train the body of Baihu with Leichi and Aoki Fufu, and then reorganized after breaking up, a total of nine times.

The white tiger is gold, so Ye Tian chose to use Gengjinlei pills to temper its body.

After the ninth turn, Bai Hu's body has undergone great changes, condensing to the extreme, like practicing some kind of golden body, exuding a breath of immortality and immortality.

In the end Ye Tian helped the white tiger gather his soul. He wants to intercept a spirit of his own, and direct the body of Bai Hu.

His eyebrows glowed, and a dazzling radiance burst out into the sea of ​​white tiger knowledge.

At the moment when the soul condensed successfully, Bai Hu opened his eyes violently, and a blood pressure covered Tianyu, breaking through the enchantment, forming a cloud cover covering the sky at a height of 1,000 kilometers, glowing with blood.

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