Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 957: 2 divine realms

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The white tiger roared like a thunderous thunder, and the tiger's body trembled suddenly. His blood was turbulent like a tide, and the aura of dense aura in the small world was dispersed all at once.

This blood flew out of the enchantment in an instant, forming a cloud cover covering the sky at a height of 1,000 kilometers. The blood was shining like a huge cloud of fire.

The flesh is like a tide, and the sky is thousands of meters long, which is a sign of becoming a god.

Moreover, from the vision, it is much stronger than the ordinary divine realm. Because across an enchantment, blood can reach thousands of kilometers. If the enchantment is not blocked, I don't know if it can reach a few kilometers.

I'm afraid that at the early stage of the divine realm, White Tiger can fight human monks in the middle of the divine realm.

The animals in Dongshan Scenic Area are not as simple as frightening paralysis this time, but are collectively fainted, and many are scared to death.

This is still separated by a barrier of enchantment, otherwise, people must be scared to death.

Hey, hey!

As soon as the white tiger opened his eyes, two Raymangs containing Gengjin's air burst out, as if they were two amazing swords, which cut through the sky like a meteor, and actually broke through the boundary of the small world, forming two Thick finger holes.

Although these two small caves flashed away and soon healed and disappeared, they were still seen by everyone.


Everyone was stunned.

It's too scary to penetrate the small world membrane.

The boundary film of this small world is as solid as gold soup. It was Meng Yao who used the purple electric Yindao knife to forge ahead with no trace of it. It was too horrible to be penetrated by the eye of Bai Hu.

This is the power of Gengjin Shenlei, and Gengjin Shenlei is best at breaking obstacles and being sharp.

Just now, in the thunder pond nine times to refine the flesh, the white tiger has accumulated a mighty power. Like a volcano ready to go, it is not surprising to suddenly show a stroke of Gengjin Shenlei to break through the boundary of the small world.

At this moment, the white tiger of the **** of style has already had the majesty of the ancient white animal of the ancient beast. The whole body is beating and the sword is screaming, like the king of thousands of beasts, who dominates hundreds of millions of beasts.

Its shape is comparable to a giant elephant, its muscles are high and bulging, and its shape is almost perfect. The breath sounds of its internal organs are bursting like a thunder, releasing the mighty pressure of a storm.

Crackling, and a series of continuous firecracker-like sounds came out of it. This is the opening and closing of acupuncture points, the various vitality between the heavens and the earth, and the precipitation is stored in the acupuncture points. Billowing, towering.

Before, a drop of chaotic blood in Ye Tian was spotted, and Bai Hu only gave birth to five internal organs and six slugs. He did not condense acupoints, and his body was incomplete. Now that the acupoints have been condensed, it has to be said that it is a rebirth change.

As the saying goes, the mystery of one's body is all in the acupuncture point.

People who practice martial arts and those who practice Taoism must know the tricks before they can cultivate successfully.

There are many acupoints in the human body like the stars in the sky. If you practice properly, you will reach a certain level, and the unity of heaven and man can make the acupoints and the stars in the sky sense, and sense the vitality of the heavens and the earth.

The divine realm can control the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and the immortals can control the laws of the heavens and the earth. It is also the credit of the human body, because only when it is sensed can it be manipulated.

The importance of acupoints can be seen!

The white tiger of the **** of style has condensed acupoints. The most important significance is that he can embark on the path of self-cultivation and self-cultivation.

In the training process just now, Ye Tian has already taught it "Chaos Golden Body Techniques-Changes in the Golden Walk", "Chaos Refining Gods" and "Five Elements Chaos God Thunder-Gengjin God Thunders".

These three exercises are all Supreme Immortals, one for physical fitness, one for cultivating spirits, and one for cultivating Leifa, which is enough to turn White Tiger into an immortal master.


Suddenly, the white tiger roared again. The hair on his body stood upright, like a hedgehog. Each hair was as shiny as jade, white as ivory, nourishing the thunder, throbbing the air of Gengjin, and sending out endless ears. The sound of Ming, like a sword with millions of handles, refers to all directions. Once released, it is definitely an indiscriminate attack.

Zhao Tianlong and Wuji Real Life were close enemies, and immediately released their guardian breath.

Su Mengyao even pulled out the purple electric Yindao knife in case of accident.

And Ning Haifeng, because of his low skill, had not yet repaired his body suffocation and had no knives to defend himself.

Of course, Shishen White Tiger finally subsided, and there was no indiscriminate attack.

Its body is now dominated by Ye Tian ’s spirit, which is equivalent to Ye Tian ’s clone, but it is not complete.

The method of avatar is not so easy to cultivate. It must take a lot of effort. Ye Tian now has no time and energy to completely transform Baihu into his avatar.

He used the soul to dominate the white tiger's body, and he could better use it for himself.

"Come on!" Ye Tian waved.


The white tiger slammed on four hoofs, and the lightning generally flew out and rushed to a corner of the small world ~

The Suzaku-type shivered, both expecting and fearing. But in the end, he had no choice but to be sealed by Ye Tian's parcel of green wooden charms and thrown into the thunder pond.

Just like the white tiger-style **** just now, Ye Tian also needs to turn nine to turn to practice the Suzaku-style god.

Suzaku five elements belong to the fire, and the same species as the ancient phoenix.

The Cinghuo thundering fruit on the Leiling fruit tree was spurred by Ye Tian, ​​and all the Cinghuo thunders flew out, constantly intertwined in the void, and turned into sheets of Cinghuo thunder.

Each piece of Binghuo Leifu was grouped by Ye Tianli into a ball, which became Binghuo Leiwan pills, like a little sun, with raging flames, and endless thunder beating.

Among the five elements of thunder, the thunderbolt C is the strongest and most violent. Cultivation is to an extreme extent. A Cinderfire Thunder is a small sun, which can illuminate all things, bring endless vitality, and if it is a nuclear weapon, kill everything and destroy the world.

In the process of refining, Ye Tian also taught three techniques of Suzaku-style God, "Chaos Golden Trick-Change of Fire", "Chaos Refinement" and "Five Elements Chaos Thunder-Cure Fire Thunder" .

With the experience of cultivating the White Tiger-style deities, Ye Tian lightly cooked the road, and in a shorter time, he trained the Suzaku-type deities in nine turns.

After the ninth turn, Ye Tian intercepted a period of his own soul, helping Suzaku to gather his soul.


At the moment of the possession of the spirit, like a volcanic eruption, a fiery red blood rushed to the sky, also condensing a large cover in the sky at a height of 1,000 meters, like a sea of ​​fire spreading in the void, shining the entire city of Tianhai.

Suzaku-style opened his eyes, two shots of the Cinderella thunder burst through, also broke through the small world ’s boundary film, opened his mouth and shouted, and another golden flame of fire burst out, like a fire dragon, burning the boundary film as red as iron.

Another Divine God was born!

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