Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1086: What a pity? (1) make up

Chapter 1086 is a pity? (1) make up

"What a pity..."

The **** of falling snow is closed with a pair of eyes, but the corner of his mouth is slightly raised, and a smile that is shocking to the heart is sketched out.


10,000 years ago, between the mountains and the seas of Qinshan, it was the time when the flowers were shining, the bright flowers could be seen, and the birds could be heard, and the natural wind could be heard.

A man dressed in white, the man who looks like a dust, walks in the sea of ​​Qinshan.

"You are the **** of falling snow... My name is Yunyun, I am from the Central Plains, I am watching you."

The beauty of the woman is like a self-painting out of the ordinary, beautiful people can not bear to touch.

The **** of falling snow looked at that beautiful face and couldn’t help but jump.

I don't know how many spring and autumn, the woman became the goddess of the world, and led the people with the **** of falling snow to a more civilized glory.

However, after the Spring and Autumn Period, the woman's divine power was squeezed out a little.

With the exhaustion of women's divine power, the world is filled with resentment.

The ancients smashed the statue of the woman, destroyed the temple, and let the resentment pollute the faith. It was a dark age.

"I want her heart."

Among the temples, the **** of falling snow holds the blade of the heavens. If the madness is gone, the sword is killed and the ancients pay the price of countless lives.

However, in the end, several top family powers appeared and joined forces to suppress the Snow King.

"I want her heart..."

In the end, the **** of falling snow seems to compromise. In the face of thousands of strong people, it seems to be a shackle without any emotions. After the woman’s heart is swallowed and left the temple, it will not be seen for a long time.


Suddenly, the king of falling snow opened his eyes, and there was a **** in his heart, which went straight to the sky.

At this moment, under the unbelievable eyes of Ye Qingying, I saw a beautiful woman who appeared in the form of a virtual shadow, and stood beside the king of the snow god, with a beautiful smile on her lips.


The **** of falling snow used all his strength and wanted to grab the woman. However, the palm of his hand passed through the woman's body, which was a kind of ambiguity.

Ye Qingying looked at the beautiful woman with a trace of complexity in her eyes.

At this moment, Ye Qingyi finally understood everything that was said between the 弑天刃 and the falling snow god.

That woman... should be the strange woman of 10,000 years ago.

Ten thousand years ago, she had admired the King of Snow, and was willing to stay for him on this continent.

The **** of falling snow, not hesitating to bear countless original sins, incognito for a long time, only to leave her heart with her heart, to resurrect her again.

Years of age, years...

The **** of falling snow, for a long time, he did not hold the last hope, and accompanied by loneliness.

And the strange woman, after her death, her lingering obsession with her lover is also hidden in the heart.

Today, the **** of falling snow has been robbed, and the appearance of the woman who has become a strange woman has appeared here, guarding the most important person in her life...

When the woman waved, the blood was thundered and shattered and disappeared.

"My name is Yuyun... From the Central Plains... The Snow King, I am watching you."

The woman looked at the snow **** in front of her, and kept repeating the words of the two when they first saw it.


The **** of falling snow, the body trembled, how strong the man, but can no longer bear it, whispering.

The scene of 10,000 years ago seems to reappear.

When the strange woman died, the Snow King took her heart and came to a small tree. No one knew where the small tree grew.

After the small tree grows into a giant tree, the snow **** is originally dyed with long hair, but it has turned into white.

Thirty years under the tree.

I don't know what year it is.

Seven chapters are updated, six chapters are updated daily, one chapter is supplemented, what?

(End of this chapter)

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