Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1087: What a pity (2)

Chapter 1087 is a pity (2)

"Ancient family..."

Ye Qingying stared at the golden sedan chaired by a few big monsters on the void, and could not help but change his look.

I never thought that the records in the annals are actually true, and what is said is not false.

How strong the hidden ancients are, no one knows, I am afraid that the original **** month of the Holy Spirit, may not be able to compare with it.

The development of things has far exceeded the expectations of Ye Qingzhen.

All of this is due to the chain reaction after the broken wall of the dimension.

The wall of the second dimension is broken, and the outside strong will come to **** the shrine. This makes the **** of the snow gods determined to destroy the world, and the determination of the king of the snow is triggered by the day of the burial that was buried deep in him thousands of years ago. The law, the trigger of the array method, eventually attracted those hidden ancients.

Ye Qingqi guessed that those occult ancients, who were afraid of being the same as the fallen snow gods, were the strongest of the same era, and they were inextricably linked with the fallen snow gods and strange women...

The **** thunder and lightning, still did not disperse, this piece of void, but it was dark, and soon, it was a light rain.

The woman’s illusion has been kept by the body of the Snow God, and her face is as calm as painting.

After ten thousand years, before ten thousand years, I saw it as soon as I saw it.

The **** of falling snow slowly rose and looked at the familiar but strange woman in front of him. The thoughts of Wannian are finally at this moment, and they can no longer be restrained.

The **** of falling snow reached out to the woman, and the five fingers trembled, trying to catch something.

However, the five fingers are passed through the woman's body, except for the air, nothing.

"Yun... is it me... have you forgotten? Under the Bodhi tree, in the Nine-Life Palace, you said this life... I don’t marry..." At the moment of falling snow, there is a hint of hope in the scorpion, as if I hope that Yuyun has responded.

However, the woman did not seem to hear it. She just stayed in front of the falling snow **** and dispelled the **** thunder.

I still remember thousands of years ago.

After the death of Yuyun, the king of falling snow with the heart of the cloud, before coming to the sapling, that sitting, I do not know the grass on the ground withered several times, I do not know how long this black and white alternates.

Day after day, year after year.

Between the years and the moon... The small saplings grow into towering trees, surrounded by fertile soil.

On that day, the long hair of the King of Snow, if it was inked, turned into white.

On that day, he buried all his love in the soil. From then on, he changed his face and changed his name, and he was no longer in the world.

Today, after 10,000 years of falling snow gods, I finally saw the clouds again.

The one who dared to love and hate, always told him that he was not married.

The girl who had exhausted all her power and sprinkled her great love on this continent.

The temple was overthrown, flesh and blood were eaten, and a woman who was strongly unwilling and resentful died.

For thousands of years, he has tried to forget himself, forget the clouds, and not be mad.

At this moment, the efforts of the past ten years are so fragile.

It is the woman who suffers from suffering. At the last moment, the obsession in her heart is still the king of the snow.

Ten thousand years later, the **** of falling snow ushered in a great disaster, and the obsession of Yuyun was finally reappeared.

"You can't hear my voice... you can't hear my voice..."

The **** of falling snow looked at the clouds in front of him, and the heart seemed to be torn at this moment.

The snow is old, but the clouds are still like that, the face has not changed... so familiar... so strange.

(End of this chapter)

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