Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1746: Weird Valley (2)

Chapter 1746 Amazing Valley (2)

Xiaobaihu’s words made Ye Qing’s heart sink to the bottom.

The creatures with purple blood are not too few, but no matter which one is extremely terrible, Ye Qingyi simply does not want to encounter any of them.


Looking at the flesh and broken bones in the blood, Ye Qingying’s heart is involuntarily associated with a creature that has purple blood and emits magical power...

If it is what she suspects, things can be troublesome.

Right now, Ye Qingyi is not sure whether her guess is correct, but even if the guess is proved, she can only go on the scalp.

There is only one way to leave the extremely cold ice field. If I abandon it here, I am afraid that she will not want to leave this secret in this life.

Ye Qing, who has no choice of road, can only play the spirit of 120,000 points, hold the sleepy little demon, and walk with the little white tiger toward the inside of the valley.

However, the more you walked in, the more powerful the magical power became. The little demon who was fainting in his arms would occasionally move his tail in the drowsiness, but now he seems to have completely slept and died.

The doubts in my heart became more and more obvious. Ye Qingyi found more and more large pieces of purple blood on the road, and it was like a piece of film. It seems that the whole valley is dyed as one color, but the strange thing is that under so many bloodstains, Ye Qingyi did not find any body at all.

Except for the tiny flesh and broken bones, even a larger piece of the body has not been found.

Those bodies are like being erased by something.

Suddenly, Ye Qingyi heard a fight of fighting far away. She immediately took out a bottle of medicinal medicine that could temporarily hide her breath from the space ring and picked up the white tiger to find the source of the sound.

Not far from the valley, the **** scene is like a purgatory.

The purple blood can be seen everywhere, and the thick soil will become sticky and moist at the foot of Ye Qing's feet. This time, Ye Qingyi finally saw the source of those purple blood.

A group of figure-like people, faces and twisted monsters, are fighting in the distance.

Most of those monsters licked this back, and the shape of the legs was like a beast, and it was covered in dark brown skin. On the head of the beast, the **** mouth full of sharp teeth was wide open.

"That is... the demon?" Ye Qingyi looked at the group of monsters who were fighting together, and the sound of the bang in his head blew.

Demon, it is a monster that survived in ancient times.

The legendary demons, each possessing the strength of the imperial powerhouse, are **** and cruel, and they are extremely ferocious creatures. They are murderous, and they have the same kind of shackles, powerful demons. You can grow yourself by engulfing the flesh and blood of the same family.

As early as Ye Qingying saw the fleshy and broken bones in the purple blood, she vaguely guessed the identity of the other party, but she did not dare to confirm this. After all, she had never seen the real demon, at first Within the domain, there is no trace of the demon.

Ye Qingyi was also a rumor about the demon after he had arrived in the second domain.

However, Ye Qingyi did not dream of dreaming. In this mystery, there are still so many demons!

What is this in the end?

The demons did not find the existence of Ye Qingyi. They were fighting together. Both camps killed you and killed me. There were always demons falling down. The purple blood was like splashing springs, splashing around, and then The stench that comes is even more disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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