Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1747: Weird Valley (3)

Chapter 1747 Amazing Valley (3)

Ye Qingying hides in the dark and looks at everything in front of him.

Although the size of the demon is similar to that of human beings, their flesh is extremely hard, and the sword built with the thousand-year-old black iron can not hurt it. In the legend, any strong person of the emperor level sees the only living path of the demon. Only escape...

There is no possibility of a war at all.

But the indestructible flesh, under the claws of the demon family, is so fragile, and the sharp minions can easily tear any hard object.

Ye Qing looked at a tall, demon, and directly towed a demon into two halves with one claw, and even the bones were directly cut off.

This scene, let Ye Qing can not help but hit a spirit.

In the second domain, Ye Qingyi once saw an dagger made by the demon arm in an auction house. The dagger was cut into iron and was invincible...

Today, she really knows it.

The tall demon smashed a bite on the head of the torn demon, and between the sharp teeth, the head was blown directly.

Blood and brains splattered everywhere, and the tall demon licked his own spoils and watched the demons of the hostile camp, arrogant and provocative.

The other demon screamed with anger, and actually grabbed the bodies of those who died and chewed them in the mouth.

This is a kind of creature that is difficult for people to understand. It is a companion to fight together at the moment, but at the moment it has become a source of delicious sources of strength.

A burst of flesh was bitten, and the sound of chewing was introduced into Ye Qing’s ear, and she couldn’t help but numb her scalp.

When the two sides of the demon were unable to open, Ye Qingyi hurriedly took the little white tiger and the little demon and slid away from the dark.

This kind of battle is not something she can participate in, it is onlookers. If it is discovered, there is only one dead road.

Moreover, the identity of her human race only makes her consequences even worse.

But the more you go forward, the more the demon appears. The whole valley is like a war that belongs to the demon. The flesh and blood of countless demons are flying everywhere. There are a lot of demons everywhere, holding a pile of piles. The same kind of corpses are piled up for swallowing.

Even some demon who have not been cut off, seriously injured, watched their bodies being eaten by other demons...

This scene is always challenging Ye Qingying's nerves all the time.

Ye Qingyi can only squat between the demons, swallow a bottle of hidden medicinal herbs, and suppress his sense of existence to the lowest, otherwise if the demon discovers her existence, I am afraid that her end will be better than those The demon who was eaten was miserable hundreds of times.

In the valley, every step, Ye Qingyi was a cautious, and finally got out of the main battlefield of the demon. She just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly saw a waterfall not far from the front. A familiar figure can be seen faintly.

Next to the waterfall, Qiu Yi, who is bloody, is kneeling by the water and wipes the blood from his body with water.

Qiu Wei?

Ye Qing’s heart moved slightly.

Qiu Yi was also one of the few people who entered the secret with her, but they all lost sight of each other under the impact of the Lord of Frost.

After seeing the misery of Sang Yuyu and others, Ye Qingyi did not go forward in the first place, but hid in secret to observe Qiu Yi’s every move.

(End of this chapter)

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