Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1891: Emperor Jiuyi (4)

Chapter 1891 Emperor Jiuyi (4)

Under the heavens, there are only two copies of this poison.

Except for Liu Ruofeng himself, only the emperor who has disappeared will be there.

Only a moment, the suspicion in the heart of Liu Yanran and others, with the appearance of thousands of ancient poisons, instantly dispersed most of the time.

"This thing was given to me by your master. I saw that I had never thought about it with your Master. But if you don’t know what to do... I really want to see if this poison has Liu Ruofeng. It was so powerful at the beginning."

Said, Ye Qingyi seems to want to activate the black ball.

"Predecessors are angry!" Liu Yanran completely stunned.

Once the black ball is activated, the poison inside it will spread out. Regardless of the holy deity, once it is infected, it will die in no time.

When Liu Yanran was in the Wanxue Valley, he was repeatedly warned that he was not allowed to touch the poison, and naturally he knew that the poison was so powerful.

"Roll." Ye Qingyi snorted.

Liu Yuran and Liu Rusu can only have a white face and take people back.

They are not opponents of Emperor Jiuyi, but now they know that Emperor Jiuyi is in this secret, so it is easy to handle.

At the moment they retreated at that time, ready to immediately find the secret exit, and report the whereabouts of the Emperor Jiuyi to the Van Gogh Valley.

Looking at the people in the Wanxu Valley, Ye Qingying was secretly relieved.

The dragons and other people who have been holding a string have finally relaxed.

"Thank you for the help of Ye girl." Long Hao stepped forward, grateful opening.

Although he felt that Ye Qingqi’s strength was not influx, he did not think that Ye Qingyi could calm down in front of Liu Rusu and others, and did not reveal the slightest foot.

Long Hao originally planned to let Ye Qingyi temporarily delay the time, and then let the monsters here deal with Liu Rusu during the day, but did not expect that Ye Qingyi’s performance was so good, and they directly scared Liu Rusu. .

If she does not know that she is a fake, just look at the gas field, Long Hao is about to believe that she is the emperor.

The dragon's eyes on the side looked at Ye Qing's eyes and became complicated.

"No, I just hope that you don't put me in, and there is this thing, and I will give it back to you." Ye Qingyi raised his hand and returned the thousand-year-old poison in his hand to Long Hao.

She was also wondering before, where the dragon's confidence came, she dared to pretend to be imperial.

It was originally guaranteed by the remedy and the poison.

Long Yan looked at the thousands of ancient poisons that Ye Qingyi had thrown away at random, and he was shocked and hurried.

"Ye girl, this thing can not be so casually littered, otherwise if we accidentally activate, all of us will die." Long Hao smiled and opened his mouth, this thousand ancient poison was still in the family before the departure of the nine aunts. Long Hao has been collected on the body, I did not expect to be able to use today.

Those who settled the Wanbao Valley, everyone is relieved, but they are very clear that the departure of Wanpo Valley is not a once-in-a-lifetime. They must want to send the news back to Wanduo Valley. I am afraid that it will not take long, and the large forces of the Van Gogh Valley will appear.

"That said ... that Liu Ruofeng, so anxious to find you nine aunts, is because of love and hate love?" Ye Qing pretend to ask inadvertently.

Long Hao obviously paused, but then he smiled: "We are not very clear about the elders, but when the aunts refused Liu Ruofeng, it really hit him."

(End of this chapter)

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