Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1892: Breakthrough (1)

Chapter 1892 Breakthrough (1)

At that time, Liu Ruofeng was not a poisonous emperor, but he was already very talented. Everyone knew that he would become the next poisonous emperor, so everyone was very respectful to him.

But who can think of it, he was the girl he saw, fell into such a big face, almost became the laughing ground of the second domain.

Ye Qingyi played a haha, she is very clear, Liu Ruofeng looking for Emperor Jiuyi is definitely not such a simple thing, but Long Hao does not seem to say much.

If you want to know your mother's business, I am afraid I have to go to the second domain to investigate.

The crisis has temporarily retired, but it is not forever safe. With the sky not bright, Ye Qingxuan and Long Hao and others have not gone through this, respectively, to find the exit of the secret.

Long Yu, they were injured. Although they have not found the clues of Emperor Jiuyi, they dare not stay here.

Ye Qingying, they even want to leave this secret place earlier, and the province is affected again.

Knowing his mother's name and family, Ye Qingyi is very satisfied.

Before leaving, Ye Qingxi told Fu Emirates to let it temporarily escape. When the province came to the Wanpo Valley people, they could not find them, and they would marry the Emirates.

Fu Emirates naturally understands that before Ye Qing’s departure, Fu Emirates handed over a brocade to Ye Qingyi, saying that her mother was left behind by her mother, and that Ye Qing was opened after she was out of the secret.

Before the Bai Lixi, they have been looking for the export of the secrets. There have been some clues. This time they did not have much effort, and they found the exit of the secret before the sky gradually became whitish.

When she saw the export of the secret, Ye Qingyi finally breathed a sigh of relief. When she tossed it down, she was really tired.

Finally, I took a look at the mystery. Ye Qingyi and other people immediately escaped from the secret.

Between the whirlwinds, Ye Qingyi once again returned to the island and looked at the wolf how many people looked. It was really a little dumbfounding.

But when Ye Qingyi wanted to stretch her body, her body suddenly surged a strong force.

"What happened?" Jiang Shaobai looked at the gradual strong halo of Ye Qingqi, and could not help but glimpse.

The Bai Lixi and Mu Feiruo on the side are also very surprised.

"Ye girl is like this, it seems... is it going to break through?" Bai Lixi frowned slightly.

They have once entered a fairyland, and when they are inside the secret, they don't have much feeling. However, one of their companions has gained some adventures in the secret.

The man did not react at first, but after leaving the secret, his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds.

"The power of the secret secrets within the secrets will not be revealed in the secret. Ye girl Xu has obtained certain opportunities in the secret. She did not notice it. Jiang brother, you take her to rest, she is like this. I am afraid that it will take a long time to break through." Mu Fei if hurry.

Jiang Shaobai did not dare to hesitate, and Ye Qing, who had some vague consciousness, carried a lift and took Ye Qing and Xiao Baihu directly to the rest of the island.

Ye Qingyi did not know what happened to her. She only felt that there was a flame in the body burning, and her body was constantly showing a circle of orange light, and her body temperature was rising.

Rao is separated by clothes, and Jiang Shaobai is reddened by Ye Qing’s body.

Ye Qingying’s consciousness has become very blurred. She seems to be in the darkness, and there is a little bit of orange light shining around her. The light looks like the spirits in the secret.

(End of this chapter)

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