Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1019: : 8 Fang Lei Ting, listen to my orders!

It seems true but not true, but not false! Not an illusion, but better than an illusion!

This is Lin Hao's tactics!

With his current strength, it is still somewhat difficult to kill a true monarch of the Nine Tribulations, especially when the opponent cannot escape.

Therefore, Lin Hao needs to do something extra and use psychological tactics! Let the other person feel fear from the bottom of my heart!

For True Lord Wandu, whether it is physical or spiritual, it is a huge torture!

True Monarch Wan Po took a few deep breaths, and soon forced himself to calm down.

"What about the illusion, it's just a fake, I really think I can't believe it!"

Zhenjun Wandu tried his best to calm himself.

Once in the illusion, he loses half, and he can only win if he exits the environment!

He still underestimated Lin Hao. It's no wonder that last time, he was able to scare the Kunpeng Island Master to piss, because it turned out to have a magical array ability.

True Monarch Wandu sat cross-legged and took out a meditation pill to protect himself from the influence of the phantom formation.

He took out those soul cards and took a closer look. It was still in a burst state.

This shows that he still did not withdraw from the hallucinations.

This is not good news.

At this time, Lin Hao appeared again.

Zhenjun Wandu knew that he couldn't kill him in the illusion, so he didn't rush to do it.

"Lin Hao, let's talk about it, what on earth do you want to do?" True Monarch Wandu asked.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Hao smiled coldly.

"eye for eye!"

Suddenly, Lin Hao moved in an instant, like a blast of lightning, holding a magic thunder sword, and rushing to him.


A sword slashed on the sleeves of True Monarch Ten Thousand Poison, but it made a metal collision sound. It seemed that this dress was also very good.

"Huh! All this is fake! I want to see what tricks you want to play."

Zhenjun Wan Po coldly snorted, with his claws bent and hit Lin Hao's waist.

Lin Hao staggered away, and then slashed with another sword.

This time, his hand was covered with dragon scales, his strength surpassed the limit, even the void shook fiercely, and a crack appeared.

"Huh?" True Monarch Wan Po constricted.


With a sword, the robes of True Monarch Wandu were cut off instantly, blood stains appeared on his chest, with severe pain.

"Is this also an illusion? How can it be so real?"

True Monarch Wan Po was a little confused.

At this moment, Lin Hao's third sword came out.

Lin Hao's entire arm was completely covered by dragon scales, and the devilish energy and the will to annihilate swept through his body, even the Demon Thunder Sword trembled.

"Nine Swords of Annihilation, Sixth Form!"

Lin Hao's Demon Thunder Sword, with infinite annihilation will, slashed with a single sword.

"A sword in the air!"

Lin Hao slashed with a sword, and the space was like a piece of cloth being torn apart. It was chopped off at once. The crack in the space stretched forward from the mouth of the sword, and soon extended to the body of the true Lord Wandu on.

"This is fake! This is fake! This is fake!!!"

True Monarch Wan Po was already completely panicked, raising his head and roaring.

He couldn't help but want to retreat, but it was too late.


With a scream, the space he was torn apart was cut into two pieces with a sword.


Amid the screams, his corpse was drawn into a crack in the space, disappeared, and only one head was left outside.

Before he died, he still maintained a frightened expression.

Even to death, the true Lord Wandu didn't know what was true and what was false! Which one is deadly, which one is not!

With a sword in the sky, the space is shattered. Unless it is a person who has survived the Tenth Calamity "Immortal Tribulation", it is possible for the soul to wander and survive the cracks in the space. The Poisonous Lord is dead.

There was a rustling sound from outside, and it was obvious that other members of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect had landed ashore.

At this moment, the great elder of Wan Pozong took a pile of broken soul cards and anxiously went ashore.

"Sect Master, the main event of the Sect Master is not good, the Yan family attacked our lair, we must go back quickly..."

The great elder was talking, and suddenly stopped.

He saw that Zhenjun Wandu's head fell on the ground, with a pair of green eyes, staring straight at him, maintaining a frightened expression.

"Sect Master?" True Monarch Thousand Poisons face changed wildly.

Lin Hao waved his hand and the fog cleared.

On the side of the island, ten giant warships have docked.

Thousand Poison Sect's army saw the human head on the ground at a glance, and it was the head of Wan Poison True Monarch.

The air is freezing!

The emotion of fear spread among the people.

"Sect Master is dead?"

There was a burst of exclamation from everyone.

The blood eagle was already trembling with fright, and even the True Lord of the Nine Tribulations died unclearly, what did Lin Hao do!

"Everyone from Poison Sect, welcome to my Yinfeng Island, why don't you come sit up and sit?" Lin Hao smiled.

Great Elder Qiandu Zhenjun constantly shook his head and tremblingly said: "Impossible, this must be an illusion! It must be an illusion!"

"Is it?"

Lin Hao smiled slightly, flipped his hand, and an octagonal thunder mark appeared in his palm.

He didn't intend to consume this group of people. Since the true Lord Wanpo died, the remaining miscellaneous fishes would be destroyed.

Especially on the ten battleships, each of them has a True Lord of the Eight Tribulations, and can't keep alive!

The easiest way is Bafang Leiyin!

"Bafang Thunder, listen to my orders!"

Lin Hao held the Thunder Seal in his hand and shouted.


Underground, the law of lightning gathered in Lin Hao's palm. Lin Hao's palm covered with dragon scales burst into blood, and even the dragon scales shattered.

"Sure enough, in the form of a human, it is still impossible to motivate the Eight-Faced Thunder Seal." Lin Hao said to himself.

Lin Hao took a deep breath, his whole body was covered with dragon scales, his hands turned into dragon claws, as if he was half-human and half-dragon.

"No! Go back!"

True Monarch Thousand Poison screamed and hurriedly retreated. All those who had boarded the Yinfeng Island retreated madly and returned to the battleship.

Unfortunately, it is too late to leave now.

I saw a muffled thunder-like sound outside the nine clouds, and the sky was covered by thunderclouds in an instant!

The black cloud presses down on the city and is airtight! Even the light has become dim!

Everyone looked up at the sky, all panicked.

Lin Hao's dragon scales collapsed and bleeds, and the dragon claws clasped the eight-party thunder seal, and shouted to the sky: "Lei come!"


Nine days away, there was a loud roar, and only a purple-black lightning, carrying the power of terrifying thunder, crashed down and hit the top of a battleship.

"Open the defensive array!"

True Monarch Thousand Poisons hissed and snarled, doing his best to create a layer of pitch black mist above his head, forming a barrier.

Unfortunately, in the power of the Nine Heavens God Thunder, it is vulnerable!


When the thunder fell, the battleship's defensive array was smashed into nothingness, and then the entire battleship was hit by the thunder, causing a shocking explosion.


In a burst of thunder, the first battleship shattered, and everyone, including True Monarch Thousand Poison, returned to the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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