Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1020: : The sea is boiling

Everyone in Wan Pozong was so scared that their souls were almost lost, and they drove the battleship with all their strength and fled towards the distance.

Lin Hao held the Thunder Seal again, blood bursting from his palm, his hand bones shattered.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

This time, all nine thunders!

Nine Thunders fell from outside the sky and bombarded nine battleships.

The thunder and lightning roared, and the flames turned the barren sea into a sea of ​​fire. With nine deafening explosions, none of the nine giant battleships were left, and they were all shattered to pieces.

All of the Ten Thousand Poison Sects on the nine battleships were left, and the entire army was destroyed.

Lin Hao's body returned to human form, his face extremely pale and bloodless.

He looked at the wreckage of the battleship sinking slowly in the sea of ​​fire, and said loudly: "Come here! Go and search for storage rings in the sea!"

Until this moment, the Lone Star Gang in the rear appeared one after another.

It's just that everyone's eyes are a little dull.

Hei Peng was the first to react and scolded: "Aren't you going?"


The Lone Star helped the crowd rush out of Yinfeng Island and flew towards the place where the battleship in front had sunk.

Lin Hao retracted the eight-point thunder seal, the blood on his face was gone, and blood stains faintly remained on his body.

"Seven days of retreat, no visitors for seven days."

Leaving such a word, Lin Hao's figure disappeared.

He used the eight-point thunder seal to almost squeeze the essence and blood in Lin Hao's body, and suffered extremely severe backlash, and even the meridians were severed clean.

Ten battleships, if you want to destroy them all in an instant, without letting go of a single person, there is no other way than the Eight Thunder Seals.

If he hadn't had the body of the dragon clan, he would not have the ability to spur the Thunder Seal of Eight Tribulations if he was replaced by a real person of Seven Tribulations.

The price is extremely cruel.

It takes at least seven days to recover and have the ability to refine alchemy and heal injuries, but it may take a month to fully heal without sequelae.

During this period, Lin Hao was not allowed to be attacked in any way, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

This is also the reason why he sold the Yan family's favor, which is the safest way.


At this moment, far in the lair of Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

The Yan family's army is burning and looting in more than 30 islands of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, and no one can stop it.

This time when attacking the Lone Star Gang, Ten Thousand Poison Sect almost came out of the nest. Only three Eight Tribulations True Monarchs and a group of low-level disciples were left behind in the sect.

Yan Chaolong, the patriarch of the Yan clan, was about the same strength as True Monarch Ten Thousand Poisons. Under his leadership, he easily broke through the defensive formation of Ten Thousand Poison Sect and began to kill.

The Yan family did not let go of any member of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

In just one day, the 30 islands of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect were ransacked over and over, and everyone was killed.

In fact, the decision to attack Wan Pozong is still quite controversial among the senior Yan family.

Some elders believe that this is the Lone Star Gang using them as gunmen.

However, Yan Chaolong had his own plan.

Anyway, their Yan family will face Wan Duzong sooner or later, so it's better to attack him first and kill him by surprise.

"My patriarch, the looting of all 30 islands is complete, and the Sect Master of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect will be back soon, shall we withdraw first?" the elder said.

"You first withdraw, I will wait here, and I will go after two moves with True Monarch Wandu." Yan Chaolong said.

"My patriarch, this true monarch of Ten Thousand Poisons is so powerful, will there be an accident?" The Great Elder hesitated.

"Even if I lose to him, I can retreat with my whole body. Just rest assured." Yan Chaolong said solemnly.

"Yes!" Everyone had to retreat one after another.

In this way, all the troops of the Yan family left the Wandu Sect, leaving only Yan Chaolong.

"According to the time, Ten Thousand Poison Sect will return in one day at most, I don't know what the scene is?" Yan Chaolong thought to himself.

In fact, Yan Chaolong was still wondering what the scales of True Monarch Sea Snake meant.

If the Lone Star Gang really has the ability to kill True Monarch Sea Snake, then these ten thousand poisonous sects are purely seeking death.

He just wanted to know the ending of the battle between Wan Duzong and the Lone Star Gang.


Two days passed in a flash.

Yan Chaolong waited by the side of the island. Don't say Wan Duzong was ten battleships, he didn't even see a single person's shadow.

"It's weird, I copied their old nest like this, so I don't want to come back and have a look?" Yan Chaolong looked suspicious.

When he came over, True Monarch Wandu should have known it for the first time, and he should come back immediately.

However, now he has been waiting for almost three days and has not returned yet.

Yan Chaolong continued to wait, and another day passed.

As a result, there was still no shadow.

Finally, Yan Chaolong could not sit still.

Even if the other party is dragging things, it should be resolved now, and as a result, the people of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect have not yet appeared.

Well, it is very likely...

The ten warships sent by the Wandu Sect were all destroyed?

Yan Chaolong hardly dared to think that this Lone Star Gang had such a great ability?

On the deserted island, suddenly, another two days passed.

Yan Chaolong has been 100% sure that Wan Poison Sect will not At this time, the boat of the Yan family has arrived, and the leader is Yan Jing, the elder of their family.

"Patriarch, something big happened!"

Across the distance, Yan Jing shouted.

"What's the big deal?" Yan Chaolong asked strangely.

"In Nakajima! On the tower of Thousand Island City, the Lone Star Gang has hung up bodies again!" Yan Jing shouted excitedly.

Yan Chaolong became interested when he heard it.

Last time, the Lone Star Gang hung the gold and silver corpses on the tower of Thousand Island City to provoke the owner of Kunpeng Island.

This time, I don't know what dead body was hung up again.

"Did you hang up the body of True Monarch Ten Thousand Poison?" Yan Chaolong smiled.

"Yes! Not only Wandu Zhenjun, but also..."

Yan Jing's pupils contracted to a point, waving his hands, exaggeratedly said: "There are also the corpses of True Monarch Sea Snake, Xiao Cang, and Xuemo, all hanging on the tower."

"What are you talking about?!" Yan Chaolong looked startled and jumped up directly.


While Lin Hao was in retreat to recuperate, he ordered the people to hang the bodies of True Monarch Sea Snake, Xiao Cang, and Xuemo on the tower of Thousand Island City.

By the way, he also hung the remaining head of True Monarch Wandu.

And to publicize, this is the fate of offending the Lone Star Gang!

At this moment, it wasn't just the Yan family who was alarmed.

The entire Thousand Islands waters was also like an unprecedented storm, and everyone was boiling.

Some time ago, they were still guessing who did it. They could kill three top five players in a row!

Some people are still mocking Lin Hao's behavior on the auction floor, sneering at his behavior of sending 300 billion yuan, thinking that the Lone Star Gang is a mob.

Who knows, now, the truth is finally revealed!

This Lin Hao is the real hidden giant!

(End of this chapter)

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