Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1033: : Money can really do whatever you want

"Are you not here to help?" Wang Shan shouted to the bottom.


The Lord of the Temple rushed up and was surrounded in a flash.

But the two deputy hall masters were both stunned in place and did not step forward.

"You two are not here yet?" Wang Shan scolded.

"I'm sorry, my lord, we chose to follow this senior."

The two deputy hall masters took the initiative to walk to Lin Hao and knelt down.

"Hahaha!" Lin Hao was overjoyed immediately.

Wang Shan's face was dark.

While he was angry, the Demon Thunder Sword, with an aura of annihilation, sprinted past again, cutting off one of his arms.

"Ah!!!" Wang Shan screamed.

After losing an arm, Wang Shan's offensive frequency decreased again, and it is estimated that it will be a matter of time before he will be consumed.

They didn't know that at this moment, at the foot of a mountain in the distance, two monks with strong aura were looking nervously here.

They are a feminine woman and a young man with yellow hair.

These two were the other two island owners, and they rushed over as soon as they heard Wang Shan's call for help.

They just hesitated after looking at the tide of blood ant kings in the distance.

"My goodness, there are ten million ants, bigger than a human!" the yellow-haired young man was surprised.

"These ants actually have the strength of the Seven Tribulations Real Humans. If they become spiritual stones, how much would they have!" The feminine woman was also shocked.

The two looked at each other, and the soft woman asked, "Should I help?"

this is a problem!

Both of them hesitated.

If this is to help, maybe he will fall into that situation and be consumed alive.

At this time, in front of them, a young man in white suddenly appeared with a smile on his face.

"who are you?"

The two backed vigilantly.

"Don't be nervous, my name is Lin Hao, these blood ant kings are all summoned by me." Lin Hao smiled.

Hearing this, the eyes of the two of them were bigger than copper bells.

"It turns out that you are attacking Wangshan!" The yellow hair shouted.

"Where did you come out? There are only 800 cultivators during the Tribulation Period on Earthly Island. I remember everyone's name. I have never heard of Lin Hao!" said the gentle woman.

"Hahaha! I am too lazy to explain to you, now I will give you a chance."

Lin Hao raised his hand, and a pile of superb spirit stones piled up in his hand appeared.

"In the future, I will give you 10,000 top-grade spirit stones every month. Otherwise, you will be besieged by the Blood Ant King just like Wang Shan." Lin Hao smiled.

At this time, the two of them seemed to be struck by lightning.

They looked at the top-grade spirit stones piled up in Lin Hao's hands, and their eyes couldn't wait to stare in.

"It's true, really the best spirit stone! This is not an illusion!" The two said in shock.

Zhou Tong wanted to rush up to hug him.

Mu Qing bit her red lips and said angrily: "Do you think that money can buy me? I'm the master of the island!"

"Too little? Then add another ten thousand!" Lin Hao waved his hand, and another ten thousand top-grade spirit stone appeared.

At this moment, Zhou Tong's eyes were red, and he was short of breath, almost unable to help it.

Mu Qing scolded angrily: "It's great that you are rich!"

"Haha! Sorry, money can really do whatever you want!"

Lin Hao smiled slightly. At this moment, a large number of cultivators appeared behind him, all of them were in the temple, and even the two deputy hall masters were bought by him.

"Island Lord Zhoutong, Island Lord Muqing, just follow Senior Lin, and keep enough spiritual stones!" A deputy hall master smiled.

Mu Qing flushed.

"I agree!"

Suddenly, Zhou Tong next to him rushed over and put 20,000 best spirit stones into the storage ring.

"Senior Lin, the younger one will mess with you from now on!" Zhou Tong said with a smile.

Seeing this, Mu Qing finally gave in.

"I agree too." Mu Qing bit her lip and nodded.

"Haha! Watch! Five thousand per person!"

Lin Hao threw his hand and threw a large handful of the best spirit stones onto everyone's faces.

"Hahaha! Great, it's true!"

"Developed! Hahaha!"

Everyone was submerged in the ocean of the best spirit stones, dancing with excitement.

Zhou Tong was rolling all over with joy, where is the least bit of an island owner?

Mu Qing was also affected by everyone's emotions, tears in tears of excitement.

In front of the best spirit stone, Wang Shan is a fart!

I have to say that when the two of them can't help Lin Hao, the best spirit stone is the most advantageous weapon of lethality.

They save a bit of use, and consume five hundred best spirit stones in one month, so they can barely maintain their cultivation base.

Moreover, they can't practice martial arts, can't practice formation, can't comprehend the law, otherwise it will consume too much, and the spirit stone cannot be used.

This month ten thousand, the extra spirit stones can practice martial arts, formations, alchemy, comprehend the rules, and learn from each other. This is something they can't even think of!


After a stick of incense.

Wang Shan is no longer good, his whole body is covered with scars, not to mention the flying fish sword formation that resists Lin Hao, even the blood ant king can leave wounds on him.

"The two bastards, why aren't they here yet!" Wang Shan roared.

At this time, Wang Shan turned his eyes and suddenly saw two other island owners coming not far away.

"Zhou Tong, Mu Qing, you just came here, help me get rid of these beasts!" Wang Shan shouted.

Who knows, the two island masters hadn't heard of them, standing quietly behind Lin Hao, bending over like two servants.

"You..." Wang Shan was stunned.

"Island Lord King, I'm sorry! The person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. Senior Lin can summon so many blood ant kings, and all of them can consume you to death. We can't follow your footsteps!" Island Lord Zhou Tong laughed.

Although Mu Qing didn't say anything, she obviously tacitly agreed.

Wang Shan was stunned.

How can there be such a teammate?

I bought some spirit stones at random and bought the two of them. Is there still a king?

"Senior Lin, I surrender! I don't want 20,000, I only want 10,000!" Wang Shan shouted.

Lin Hao looked at him silently with a smile on his face like a fool.

"I only need five thousand! No, three thousand!" Wang Shan shouted again and again.

Lin Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and the magic thunder sword appeared in his hand.

"Feng Lei Shun!"

Lin Hao's body instantly disappeared and appeared on top of Wang Shan's head. His arms were already covered with dragon scales, and the power of the dragon broke out completely.

"A sword in the air!"

Lin Hao gathered all the power, annihilated the will, the power of the dragon, and the power of the devil energy, and a sword fell at Wang Shan's forehead.

With one sword, the void can be broken outside.

In this space, the space can also be distorted, shaken violently, and finally landed on Wang Shan's forehead.


With a scream, Wang Shan's body was divided into two, and then the entire body was strangled by the terrifying annihilation sword energy, turning into nothingness.

The power of terror strangled the soul.

However, in such a place, no one has the concept of reshaping the flesh, and the destruction of the flesh basically represents death.

(End of this chapter)

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