After Wangshan's death, the temple master below was also finished. He was besieged to death by countless blood ant kings and ate them clean.

Seeing the two die, the audience fell into silence.

Wang Shan, the strongest of the three island owners, ended up like this, which no one had expected.

Moreover, the speed of Lin Hao's final burst and the last sword made the remaining two island owners chill from the bottom of their hearts. If they faced this sword, it would be choking.

This was intentional by Lin Hao. Without sufficient strength, no matter how much money he had, it was just a fat sheep.

The speed and power he showed is to make everyone feel at ease to get their salary, and don't think too much about crooked ideas.

"Senior Lin is too strong! This is only the Seven Tribulations real person, and his strength is almost the same as mine." Zhou Tongdao.

"He still has so many ant legions. To fight against him is to find death!" Mu Qing agreed.

When Wang Shan died, all the blood ant kings stopped.

Then, the blood ant king lined up one after another and walked towards Lin Hao. When they approached Lin Hao, they disappeared one by one, as if they were put in a storage ring.

It is common sense that living objects cannot be stored in storage rings.

But Lin Hao has shown too many shocking things, which is not surprising.

If it were outside, Lin Hao wouldn't dare to expose it so unscrupulously, and he would only dare to play it like this on Earth Island.

Just a moment later, Lin Hao cleared the endgame.

He looked at the people in the temple below and the two island owners, and shouted: "Everyone, from now on, I, Lin Hao, will be the only island owner, the human island, respect me! At the same time, I am also the temple owner, disobeying my order. People, kill without mercy!"

Lin Hao's voice rolled out.

"See Master Lin!"

Fang Xun was the first to kneel on the ground and said.

"See Master Lin!"

"See Master Lin!"

Then, as if a chain reaction had occurred, many cultivators during the Tribulation Period knelt down one after another and saluted Lin Hao.

"Very well, get up all!" Lin Hao smiled.


Everyone stood up.

In this kind of place, people's minds are not as complicated as those outside. They are all for survival. As long as they have the guarantee of life, everyone will not have crooked minds, Lin Hao knows very well.

Lin Hao waved his hand, and a large number of the best spirit stones flew in front of everyone.

"Today is a great day for me, Lin Hao, to become the owner of the island. Each person will be rewarded with an extra 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. If I perform well in the future, I will be rewarded a lot!"

The crowd took it excitedly, and knelt down again.

"Thank you, Island Master Lin!"

The respectful voice resounded across the mountain.

Next, after Lin Hao distributed the best spirit stones, he dismissed the people. These tribulation cultivators had long been eager to go to retreat, so they left one after another.

Only two deputy hall masters and two former island masters remained.

The five people returned to the temple chamber and sat down around the table.

The eyes of the four people all stared at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao knocked on the desktop, pondered for a moment, and said calmly: "I know, you are very curious where I came out, right?"

"Yes!" the four said in unison.

Lin Hao smiled slightly and said, "It's true that I am an outsider, coming from outside the sky."

"Outsiders?" Everyone looked at each other and couldn't understand.

This is the human world, there are people outside?

They had a guess for a long time that there was a vast and desolate sea outside the human island, so would there be other people in the desolate overseas, but for countless years, this is an unsolved mystery.

"Hahaha! Tell you, the world is far more than the human island. The outside world is called the Sky Continent. There are hundreds of millions of human islands, and even outside the Sky Continent, there is a world! Infinite, beyond your imagination." Lin Hao smiled.

"Really?" Mu Qing questioned: "Are there many spirit stones outside?"

"Many!" Lin Hao said, "In addition to the spirit stone, there are many things you haven't seen before, such as...Pills!"

Lin Hao took out a jade bottle, which contained four of the most basic Yuan Yuan Pills, which were used by cultivators during the Tribulation Period, which could recover the true Yuan lost in battle within an hour.

"Pills!" A deputy hall master's eyes didn't blink.

They have heard that there is a profession called alchemist in the world. It's just that there are fewer than five alchemists on the entire human island, and all of them are lucky and self-taught.

Due to the lack of orthodox inheritance, they could only refine the most **** first-grade pill, and the foundation-building monks used it for one use, which was of no value, and they did not pay attention to these.

"Let me show you."

Lin Hao took out the pill and gave everyone one.

They took the Huiyuan Pill and felt the aura in it. The more they looked at it, the more joyful they were, and they carefully put it away.

"It turns out that the pill can be so magical!"

"What a long experience!"

Everyone, you glance at me.

Mu Qing asked curiously, "Lord Lin, can you show me alchemy? I want to see how the pill is refined."

"No!" Lin Hao shook his head and said, "Heaven and earth here are too is not enough to support me in alchemy."

Hearing this, Mu Qing could only sigh in disappointment.

In fact, if Lin Hao used a large number of top-grade spirit stones to stack up and set up a gathering spirit formation, he might be able to refine it, but he didn't bother to experiment, it was unnecessary.

"Lord Lin, can you talk more about the outside world?" Luo Tong asked curiously.

"No need!" Lin Hao waved his hand: "I only tell you that once you get to the human island, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to get out. But I have enough top-quality spirit stones, inexhaustible, as long as you Do things with me at ease, I can keep you worry-free."

"Yes!" everyone said in unison.

"Then, tell me about this blessing first." Lin Hao tapped the tabletop and said calmly.

Hearing this, a deputy hall master said: "My lord, only by passing the assessment can you get blessings and improve your cultivation! It's just that this assessment is magical."

"Magic?" Lin Hao said strangely.

"Yes! The **** is under the ground of this temple. After entering, the **** will provide various difficulty tests according to the situation of the assessing person." The deputy hall master explained.

Lin Hao fell into thinking.

After thinking for a long time, he simply said: "Take me there now."

"Yes!" The deputy hall master nodded.

Under the leadership of everyone, Lin Hao went out from the back door of the temple. In front of him was a tunnel deep into the mountain, which seemed to lead to the ground.

Lin Hao walked into the tunnel.

The deputy hall master led Lin Hao for a long time, dived for about a thousand miles, and came to an empty black square.

The square is about ten thousand feet wide, with long bright lights on the four corners, and in the middle of the square, there is a huge dragon tortoise statue, the whole body is black.

Looking at this statue, Lin Hao knew that this was a real deity with a charm, not the mere stones outside.

(End of this chapter)

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