Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1039: : Clean up trash fish

Lin Hao nodded slightly, with no expression on his face.

These were as early as he expected.

However, the only thing he could not think of was that of more than 300 people, only 20 ran away! Far below his expectations!

He thought that he would have to run away a hundred people, but only twenty people ran away. It seems that the people on Earth Island are quite peaceful.

If it were in the outside world, with the treacherous nature of those monks, it would be nice to be able to come back twenty.

"Huh! Island Master Lin gave a lot of the best spirit stones, but there is always a day out, as long as they come back, they will be captured immediately!" Zhou Tong said fiercely.

"That's right! These wolf-hearted people, run away if they are corrupt, they should be killed!" a city lord shouted.

Everyone is so excited that they can't wait to slash the corrupt!

Of course, they also wanted to see Lin Hao's reaction in their hearts. If Lin Hao didn't act on this, it would only cause more corrupters.

Lin Hao pondered for a moment. He didn't stand in a stalemate in this aspect for the time being. Instead, he said, "Those who stole the spirit stone and escaped, don't mention it for now, let's talk about you first.

"Since you are back, I will check the completion of your tasks. If you are fishing in troubled waters and cutting corners, I will severely punish you!"

"Yes!" Mu Qing respectfully said: "Lin Dao Master please check it out."

"Okay! I'll go to your Dongwang City first. You stay here and don't move around."

Lin Hao urged the teleportation formation, and his figure disappeared.

"Disappeared?" Mu Qing asked in shock.

Just a minute later, Lin Hao appeared again.

He looked at Mu Qing and said calmly: "You did a good job, you barely pass."

Mu Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, clasped her fist and said, "Fortunately, I am not insulted."

Next, Lin Hao began to examine Zhou Tong's West Return City.

The same minute later, Lin Hao reappeared and said, "Barely qualified."

The stone in Zhou Tong's heart also fell.

Lin Hao used the teleportation array to shuttle back and forth on the human island to test the accomplishments of those people.

The purpose of this is to observe their management capabilities! Pick out the elite and get rid of trash fish!

Some people are not suitable to be the lord of the city, just remove it!

This time, Lin Hao had been busy for most of the day before returning.

Everyone was watching nervously, waiting for Lin Hao's trial.

Lin Hao looked at the more than 200 people kneeling below, and tapped his fingertips.

"You, you, you... whoever I order, come out to me." Lin Hao said.

Those who were spotted all stood up.

All of them panicked, and seemed to vaguely know that they were not doing well.

If Lin Hao killed them, it would be dead for nothing.

Lin Hao looked at the nervous crowd and said calmly: "You, are not suitable for high-level positions. For the sake of your honest return, I don't make it difficult for you, but just strip you away! Now, I give you a chance to go out and elect you I can give rewards to successors who I think are suitable."

Hearing this, everyone was relieved and said, "Thank you, Island Master Lin, for your kindness, the villain must complete the task!"

"Go down." Lin Hao waved.


The crowd retreated and knelt on the edge.

They all know that they have no chance.

These miscellaneous fish were eliminated, and the remaining 100 people were all done well. Naturally, Lin Hao was not stingy. He threw out more than 100 million best spirit stones and rewarded them.

"One million of the best products per person is considered a reward for you." Lin Hao said.

"Thank you, Island Master Lin!" everyone was excited.

Next, Lin Hao assigned them exactly the same tasks, but the time was increased from two months to one year, and the number of tasks was ten times as much as before.

Mu Qing received one billion superb spirit stones, and her hands were shaking.

"Why, have any questions?" Lin Hao said.

"Lord Lin, you are not afraid, I am like those people, I take the spirit stone and run away?" Mu Qing asked in surprise.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's eyes looked over.

Those escaping examples are right in front of us, it is hard to guarantee that no one will be moved! After all, this is a huge sum of money, a hundred times more than their reward!


Hearing this, Lin Hao burst into laughter suddenly, as if he had heard something extremely funny.

Everyone was taken aback by this scene.

"Run? Do you think that those guys who stole the spirit stone and ran away, I can't do anything with them?" Lin Hao smiled.

Everyone looked blank, not knowing what Lin Hao was going to do.

Those people are hidden away, can they be found on such a large human island? Some are even far away from overseas, making it harder to search.

They didn't think that Lin Hao could get those people back.

"If you have the courage, you can try! I just remind you that those who slip away will be quietly hung on the towers of Middle-earth City by me in a month. If you don’t believe me, you can Go and see."

Lin Hao smiled, but there was a trace of cruelty in that smile.

Zhongtu City is the largest city in the middle of the human island.

Although everyone was suspicious in their hearts, they all planned to and wait a month to visit Middle-earth City to see if Lin Hao can really bring those people back.

As a result, Lin Hao assigned the task ten times the amount before, and once again spent 100 billion Supreme Spirit Stones.

"Go down, I will check in a year." Lin Hao said.


Everyone withdrew silently.

In the end, Mu Qing stayed, and she hesitated: "Lord Lin, I still have questions. What's the point of doing this?"

"Do I need to explain to you?" Lin Hao said.

Mu Qing was speechless and had to withdraw.

After everyone had left, Lin Hao looked at the sky and smiled slightly.

"Hehe, it's time to collect debts! How can my things be so easy to take?"

Lin Hao spoke to the underground: "Dragon tortoise fairy, please provide the location of those who escaped."

"Hehe, the little guy has a good idea, he thought of using me!" The Dragon Turtle fairy smiled.

"Those top-quality spirit stones, but I used them to improve the human island. They took them to practice privately. Can you bear it?" Lin Hao said.

"Hahaha! Can't bear it, I will tell you the location of all of them!" Dragon Turtle Immortal smiled.

In an instant, Lin Hao had a few more messages in his mind.

They are all hiding places for those who steal spirit stones.

Some people are hiding on the human island, some people are disguised, mixed with the ordinary people, some are hiding under the ground, and some people simply leave the human island and hide far away in the deserted sea.

A total of twenty-five people escaped, all of whom were known by the Dragon Turtle Fairy and sent the specific location.

Lin Hao realized that this old **** could see everything clearly! Even the waters tens of thousands of miles away from the human island know it!

It means that since the moment he appeared in this ghost place, he was known by this old man.

(End of this chapter)

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