Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1040: : Shock the heroes

"Damn old bastard, made me wander at sea for so long in vain." Lin Hao cursed inwardly.

It would be troublesome to catch these people from various places, but Lin Hao has a clone and a lone star! There is also an army of blood queens!

It doesn't take a month, it is estimated that it can be done in a week!

Lin Hao immediately began to act.


In a crypt, a fat man took out a superb spiritual stone, held it in his hand, and said with a smile: "Hey, this is 100 million superb spiritual stones, enough for me to practice for 500 years, wait I am out of customs, so why are you afraid of Lin Hao?"

This fat man was one of the city masters of thirty cities. He was upset when he saw the fortune, but he had never seen Lin Hao's methods.

Before he knew it, he had already consumed a hundred top-grade spirit stones.

If this were the case before, he had only used fifty top-grade spirit stones in a month, and he didn't even have the qualifications to touch the top-grade spirit stones, so it would be so fun like now.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was making a lot of money.

"Hahaha! Give one hundred million of the best spirit stones as you say it is really stupid." The fat man smiled triumphantly.

"Who do you think is stupid?"

Suddenly, a ghostly voice sounded in his ears.

"Of course..." The Fatty City Lord was smiling, and his hairs were standing upright in an instant. He glanced to the side, and his soul was frightened.

He hurried back to the corner of the cave mansion.

Seeing the white-clothed youth suddenly appeared in front of him, Fat City Lord's eyes quickly came out.

"you you you……"

The Fat City Lord pointed to Lin Hao in front of him, and said in shock: "Are you a man or a ghost? How did you find me?"

Lin Hao looked at him with a grin.

"Go to **** and ask Hades."

Lin Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense, slapped him over, and slapped him into meat sauce.

Of course, the head stayed and used to deter others.

At the same time, in a village not far away, a secluded monk was besieged by the blood ant king and was eaten to the point of his head.

A monk hiding in the sky was blown up by Lin Hao's clone.

Then, tragedies unfolded everywhere on Earthly Island.

Those who took Lin Hao's best spirit stone and slipped away were caught one by one, either by Lin Hao or being eliminated by the Blood Ant King.

In just one day, all those hiding on the human island were beheaded.

In addition to these people, five others fled overseas, just a little troublesome and nothing.

Lin Hao immediately took the Lone Star and chased away at full speed.

After the five people slipped away, they either stopped to practice in the distant sea, or they were still moving, for fear of being found by Lin Hao.

The farthest one, fled in a straight line for two months before stopping to practice. This was also Lin Hao's first goal.

The speed of the Lone Star is more than twenty times that of these people.

It only took three days before Lin Hao grabbed the farthest person.

This person was on the way of cultivating, when Lin Hao slapped him over and slapped him in the air, interrupting him.

"How can you find me?" the man exclaimed.


Lin Hao exploded his body, leaving only one head.

I'm afraid he would never think that Lin Hao would find him, and so quickly!

Then, Lin Hao returned on the Lone Star, and eliminated all the remaining four people along the way, leaving no one behind.

At this time, all the 25 people who fled were swept away. When Lin Hao returned to the Human Island, it only took a week.


In the center of Earthly Island, Zhongtu City.

Lin Hao came into the air and landed on the tower.

He took out a row of heads, tied them with ropes, and fell on the tower, totaling twenty-five.

"Look! Who is that?"

"What is he doing upstairs?"


Lin Hao's appearance immediately aroused the onlookers of passers-by.

Zhongtu City is the most prosperous city on Earth Island, where people come and go, and there is a constant flow of people.

Everyone was surprised to find that Lin Hao was hanging a head on the tower.

This is no small matter!

Zhongtu City's new city advocated opposition, and immediately rushed over after hearing the sound. He was the deputy head of the temple before and was appointed by Lin Hao to manage Zhongtu City.

After he arrived, he immediately found the heads hanging on the tower, twenty-five, one not more than one.

"My goodness! These are all people who corrupted the spirit stone before!"

Zhang Ye counted, shocked and speechless.

"There is no one left, all are dead!"

Zhang Yeyu was incoherent, and within a week, he captured everyone back.

As far as he knows, this group of people can stay away from the human island and escape overseas. Two months' time is enough for them to run a long distance, but they are caught back in a week.

At this time, Zhang Ye's eyes looked at Lin Hao changed again. Before, it was awe, now it is fear!

He didn't dare to have any crooked thoughts anymore, and he didn't dare to corrupt a bit, otherwise, these people would be a lesson for the past.

The news of the head hanging in Middle-earth city spread like the wind.

All the high-level people on Earthly Island had heard about this and rushed to visit it.

"These are the people who stole the Lindao Master's best spirit stones, none of them ran away, but they were caught in a week!"

"Unexpectedly, Island Master Lin is so I dare not think carefully."

"Oh! Fortunately, I didn't listen to those people at the beginning. If this runs away, my head will hang up."

Everyone was deeply moved, and they were all restrained by Lin Hao's thundering methods.

At this time, those who had moved their crooked minds honestly followed Lin Hao's requirements to complete the task, and no one dared to slip away.

Lin Hao was idle.

After his actions, no one should dare to run anymore.

He is now thinking, what is the big blessing technique of the old dragon turtle?

He has a big curse, one of the three thousand avenues, supreme magical powers!

Is this great blessing technique also a magical power?

Lin Hao touched his chin, and after a moment of indulgence, he felt that he couldn't hide it.

His every move, any change in expression is in the eyes of Dragon Turtle Fairy, if he wants to hide something, the old Dragon Turtle will have a grudge in his heart even if he doesn't say it.

So Lin Hao directly asked under the ground, "Old Dragon Tortoise, what is your big blessing technique, can you tell me something about it?"

The dragon turtle immortal was silent for a moment, and smiled:

"You ask what this does. This is the old man's secret. How can I tell you?"

"Cut! What's the secret, isn't it just a supreme magical power, think I don't know?" Lin Hao said casually.

At this time, the Dragon Turtle Immortal was shocked and fell into silence.

Although Lin Hao didn't know the expression of Old Dragon Turtle, since he stopped talking, he guessed it in all probability.

If it is really supreme magic power...

Of course Lin Hao wanted it, but this old dragon turtle would definitely not give it.

"Hehe, you deserve to be a child of the Dragon Clan, you even know this."

After a while, the faint voice of the old dragon turtle came, but the tone changed.

(End of this chapter)

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