Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1045: : Prototype of Star Swallowing Thunder Array

Outside the human island, sit Huahai.

On the third day after Luo Tao issued the notice, thirty Seven Tribulations True Men, five Eight Tribulations True Monarchs, and two Nine Tribulations True Monarchs were recruited.

The rebel lineup expanded again!

Now, there are sixty Seven Tribulations True Men, eight Eight Tribulations True Monarchs, and Three Nine Tribulations True Monarchs.

Coupled with himself, this lineup is jaw-dropping!

However, the two newly-arrived true monarchs of the Nine Tribulations made their own demands. After killing Lin Hao, they would control the temple and become the new deputy hall masters.

In this regard, Luo Tao agreed!

When he becomes the island owner, he will regret it.

At this time, Luo Tao suddenly saw a beautiful white figure in the distance, stepping on the sea, floating over.

This is a beautiful woman with a light body and an immortal temperament. Both her figure and appearance are beautiful.

"Master Muharu?"

Seeing the familiar figure, Luo Tao immediately stood up excitedly.

Mu Qing is the true king of the Ten Tribulations!

The three main island owners on Earth, Mu Qing, Zhou Tong and Wang Shan, Wang Shan is dead, only Mu Qing and Zhou Tong are left!

He never expected that Mu Qing had come!

"Haha! Island Lord Muqing came to the humble house, and it was brilliant!" Luo Tao laughed excitedly.

He didn't know whether Mu Qing was an enemy or a friend, but now that he is here, 80% of them are friends. Otherwise, she would not come alone.

Mu Qing landed on the deck.

"I heard that you are hiring people here, planning to deal with Island Master Lin?" Mu Qing said.

"Yes!" Luo Tao smiled.

"Your notice says that by joining the True Lord of the Nine Tribulations, you can get 10 million top-grade spirit stones, but it doesn't say how many True Lords of the Ten Tribulations will get." Mu Qing said leisurely.

Luo Tao immediately understood, and quickly laughed: "Haha, as long as Muqing Island Master joins, the best spirit stones are not picked at will? Of course, I know that Lin Hao gave you a lot of spirit stones, I guess you are not here for them. Yes, come on, what do you want?"

Luo Tao waited quietly, smiling.

Mu Qing's strength was enough to be equal to him. Lingshi was not important anymore, her status was important.

"It's very simple, after killing Lin Hao, give me the position of island owner again." Mu Qing said calmly.

"It's easy to talk! At that time, we will both be island owners!" Luo Tao nodded repeatedly.

"Well, that's it, I'll join you." Mu Qing said.

"Hahaha!" Luo Tao laughed loudly.

"Congratulations to Lord Luo, another general!"

"Congratulations Island Master Luo!"

"Congratulations Island Master Luo! Overthrowing Lin Hao's rule, the day is ready!"

Everyone congratulated.

Luo Tao smiled openly. Originally, Mu Qing was not part of his plan. As a result, he was already pretty sure!

"Hei Mazi, send a letter to Zhou Tong Island Master to see if he is willing to join." Luo Tao ordered.

"Yes!" Hei Mazi went to work immediately.


time flies.

Regarding Luo Tao's notice, Lin Hao did not send anyone to destroy it. Even if the rebel army grew, the outside world was also talking about it.

Some people say that Lin Hao's good days are coming to an end and will be replaced by Luo Tao. Some people say that Lin Hao has escaped long ago, leaving only an empty temple.

And those high-level officials who had been assigned by Lin Hao for five years also stopped their actions, came to the temple, visited Lin Hao, and sought a solution.

It's a pity that the temple's restrictions are wide open, no one can enter, and it's not clear what's going on inside.

In this regard, everyone had no choice but to go back.

Some people were sitting under the temple mountain to guard, and some people found a place to hide.

There are a very small number of people who have simply left the human island, away from the dispute, and come back when it is over.

Lin Hao's "inaction" also made everyone speculate whether Lin Hao was at the end of his life, and there was really no way he could do anything with Luo Tao.

"Lord Lin, meet me anyway! Discuss countermeasures!"

"Although Luo Tao is strong, we may not be able to fight together if we join forces!"

Under the temple mountain, many high-level officials shouted, but Lin Hao just didn't open the restriction.

"Oh! No, Island Master Lin may have already run away!"

"It's over, Luo Tao is going to dominate!"

The high-levels who have been waiting for a long time are all ashamed and can only leave one after another.

Lin Hao was silent on this side, but Luo Tao was mixed.

With Mu Qing's joining, Luo Tao left Zuohuahai, drew directly to the shore, occupied a city as a stronghold, and continued to recruit troops and horses, even more unscrupulous.

And Lin Hao's men, hiding in hiding, and fleeing, lost their hearts.

The ending seems doomed.

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Hei Mazi returned with news.

"Lord Luo, Zhou Tong is gone, I haven't found anyone." Hei Mazi arched his hands.

"Gone?" Luo Tao frowned slightly.

"It should be because he ran away. He didn't dare to defy Lin Hao or face you directly, so he hid." Mu Qing said calmly.

Luo Tao pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Well, as long as he doesn't help Lin Hao, we have won this battle." Luo Tao sneered.

Luo Tao's team is also full of confidence.

Lin Hao's heart is lost and he will lose!


On the temple, Lin Hao hung in the air, and a huge formation was shrouded in the mountains where there was a terrifying thunderstorm, and the space was slightly distorted by the magnetic force.

Before and after, but it took a week to complete the formation.

This array, called the Star-Swallowing Thunder Array, can use the electromagnetic field of lightning to trap people in the array.

According to rumors, after this burst of success, it can swallow a star and blast it into debris! Hence the name Swallowing Star Thunder Array!

Lin Hao set up this formation for the purpose of cutting grass and rooting out.

Used to deal with the True Lord of the Nine Tribulations, how many deaths there are, the True Lord of the Ten Tribulations may be a little troublesome. However, today's Lin Hao is not what he used to be. He controls a heavy rule of lightning, and with the help of the power of the formation, he can easily kill.

Of course, this is just a rudiment, a real star-swallowing thunder formation, but a terrifying formation that can swallow the stars.

With the assistance of the best spirit veins, the prototype of the Star Swallowing Thunder Array only consumed 50 billion best spirit stones.

"Waiting to come home."

Lin Hao sat quietly at the door of the temple, the formation was hidden, quietly waiting for the arrival of the target.

Earthly Island, in Zhongtu City.

As the largest city on Earth Island, it has now been occupied by Luo Tao.

After trial and error, Luo Tao discovered that Lin Hao didn't dare to show up, just waiting for him to attack the door.

Luo Tao's team has also expanded to more than two hundred people.

"What a **** Lin Island owner, but a rat!"

"It's better to kill directly up the mountain and occupy the temple!"

"With so many of us, Lin Hao is vulnerable!"

In Middle-earth City, Luo Tao's team is full of confidence.

Luo Tao looked at the awe-inspiring crowd and smiled slightly.

"Go! All attack the temple!"


Following Luo Tao's order, more than two hundred people set off in a mighty manner and flew towards the distant temple mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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