Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1046: : You are looking for a dead end!

Below the temple mountain, more than two hundred people gathered in a mighty manner, soaring into the air, looking ahead.

Everyone held a lot of superb spirit stones.

If Lin Hao dared to release the ant tide, they could fight to the end to see if it was their best spirit stones or Lin Hao's ants.

In the distant sky, many people gathered too, all of them were watching the excitement, and there were many Lin Hao's subordinates. They didn't have the guts to face this group of rebels. They just wanted to see how Lin Hao ended today.

Among the crowd, an old man poked his head out. This person had already "escaped" and passed through Zhou Tong, who was disguised.

"Lord Lin, Dao Lin, it's not that I refuse to help, but the opponent is too strong, and I can't do anything!" Zhou Tong was miserable.

Even Mu Qing had surrendered to the enemy, and Lin Hao didn't show up, so he could only hide it and protect himself!


There is a restriction at the bottom of the mountain, full of mist, and everyone can't see what is in the temple.

Luo Tao stood at the forefront, looking at the restriction in front of him, and said loudly, "Lin Hao, I know you are inside, so why don't you come forward and make money with kindness?"

After the sound came in, there was no response at all.

"Lord Luo, will Lin Hao already run away?"

"Yes! This month, he hasn't moved at all, and even the announcement you issued has not been sent to tear down. Maybe he left early!"

Someone commented later.

Luo Tao thought for a while, and found it reasonable.

Lin Hao had a lot of money, but he couldn't beat it. The big deal was that he took the spirit stone and escaped, and found a place to hide, so he could still enjoy his life, why bother against him?

Besides, now that the weather has reached him, he is really not afraid of Lin Hao playing tricks.

"Huh! Pretend to be a god! Give me a break!"

Luo Tao clenched his fist, his fist turned into a lion, and slammed forward, like a meteor, falling on the restraint.


With an explosion, the prohibition was destroyed by Luo Tao, and disappeared into nothingness!

At this moment, the scene ahead is revealed.

Everyone's eyes looked over.

I saw ahead, Lin Hao sat on the roof of the temple, his eyes closed, as if waiting for them.

"Lin Hao didn't run?"

"Go together!"

Everyone couldn't help but stunned, then rushed up aggressively.

When Luo Tao saw this, he followed behind and walked into it.

The crowd onlookers in the distance saw it and shook their heads and sighed.

"Oh! Since this Island Master Lin is inside, why didn't he discuss with me? If I waited to join forces, maybe I could fight for it!"


Many of Lin Hao's subordinates all sighed. Now that Luo Tao's climate is complete, it will be difficult to make a comeback.

Luo Tao walked up the mountain and came to the temple.

He looked up at Lin Hao and said with a smile: "Lin Hao, I'm here to negotiate with you. I hope you will show some sincerity!"

Lin Hao opened his eyes, glanced at him calmly, and said calmly, "Negotiations? No need! are not qualified!"

When Luo Tao heard this, his eyes were completely gloomy.

Luo Tao's men were also stunned, their eyes red.

He is more than two hundred people, at least the Seven Tribulations real person, Lin Hao dare to be so rampant that he can't die!

"Lin Hao, do you really think that your little ant can deal with us? It seems that you can't cry without seeing the coffin!"

Luo Tao's eyes were cold, and he shouted: "Come on! Get Lin Hao back for me!"


Immediately three people rushed up first. They were the Three Swords of Greedy Wolf. Together, the three of them could rival the True Lord of the Nine Tribulations.


As soon as the three of them shot, they saw three sharp sword auras turning into wolf heads, attacking Lin Hao's front door in three different directions.

Lin Hao didn't change his face.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The flying fish sword array flew out from behind, passed over the wolf's head, and instantly cut the wolf's head into nothingness.

"Rewind!" Greedy Wolf Sanjian hurriedly retreated.

"Cut!" Lin Hao slashed in the air, and the flying fish sword formation united as one, passing by the three people's necks, instantly beheading their heads.

Greed the wolf three swords, die!

Luo Tao narrowed his eyes, but in no rush, the death of the three people did not affect him, but instead saved him expenses.

"Go together! Grab Lin Hao, life and death!" Luo Tao waved.


In an instant, more than two hundred people rushed away in a violent manner, each performing their unique skills, and heading towards Lin Hao!

Mu Qing squeezed the sword in her hand, an anxious color flashed across her eyebrows.

Luo Tao stared at him closely, but he wanted to see how powerful Lin Hao's ant tide was.

However, as everyone approached, the ant tide did not appear.


Lin Hao stood up, raised his hand, and shouted, "Today, I will let you see and see, what is it?


Under everyone's feet, a huge formation instantly appeared, covering everyone in it.


With the emergence of the formation, the terrifying thunder and lightning gathered in the center, forming a powerful lightning electromagnetic field.

Then, indescribable gravity erupted from the ground.


When the gravity erupted, those dazzling moves were all attacked by lightning and exploded into nothingness. Then everyone seemed to be plunged into a quagmire and nailed to the ground The speed dropped sharply.

"What kind of trick is this?"

"Ah! I can't walk anymore!"

The complexions of all the people caught in the formation changed wildly.

They felt that there seemed to be an electric current running in their bodies, paralyzing their limbs.

Luo Tao also felt paralyzed.

Under such gravity, it is difficult to even walk, let alone fly.

"What the **** is this?" Luo Tao frowned.

Mu Qing was also stunned.

On the human island, they had never seen a formation, just heard of it!

Is this the formation?

At this moment, no one can move, and only the cultivation base of the True Lord of the Nine Tribulations can move, and the True Lord of the Ten Tribulations can barely fight back.

"Smash this thing!"

Luo Tao's reaction was fast enough, shouting loudly.


Everyone gathered their life's strength, burned their blood, and blasted towards the ground.

However, those powerful moves that can open the mountains and break the mountains, at this time, can't turn up any waves, as if swallowed by the underground.

At this moment, Lin Hao clenched his fists, and all his true essence poured into the ground.

With the full urging of the formation, Lin Hao's face appeared pale.

"Swallow me!"


At this moment, the power of devouring broke out!

At the center of the formation, a lightning ball appeared, bursting out a terrifying magnetic attraction, drawing everyone towards the center.

That lightning ball, like the core of gravity, saw a figure flying into the sky and flying towards the center.


When the first person touched the ball of light, in an instant, the limbs decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye, first skin, then flesh and blood, and then bones.

Just a few breaths, the whole person is like being dissected, turned into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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