Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1081: : Flame Soul Body

Behind him, someone came in one after another.

Ye Fei, Gongsun Yu, and a group of strangers, most of them young people, including the Zheng family youth who attacked Xiao Long yesterday.

After seeing Lin Hao, the Zheng family's youth immediately stared.

"Where is my sister? Hand her over!" Zheng Family Youth scolded angrily.

Lin Hao patted the sack behind him and said with a smile: "She is inside. As long as you hand over the cloud magic weapon that you escaped yesterday, I will return her to you."

"you wanna die!"

The young man from the Zheng family scolded angrily. Then he looked at a middle-aged man beside him and pleaded: "Senior Feng, please take action and capture this thief. My Zheng family will thank you in the future!"

The man surnamed Feng glanced at Lin Hao, then looked at the magma pool in the distance, stroked his beard, and smiled lightly: "Wait, let's get the flame law source crystal."

"But..." Zheng's youth gritted his teeth.

At this time, Lin Hao released Zheng Jingjing from the sack, tied her with a rope, and shouted:

"I order you to hand over your treasure now, otherwise, I will throw your sister into the fire pit, just to test the temperature."

"See if your sister is important or that treasure is important!"

Lin Hao sneered, his eyes were cruel.

Such a scene drew discussions from everyone present.

"It's funny, someone who came out from nowhere, dare to fight Zheng Jingyang!"

"This person can capture Zheng Jingjing and let Zheng Jingyang suffer. It should not be underestimated!"

"I heard that Zheng Jingyang has obtained a flying cloud, but it is tens of thousands of miles away. This person should be for that cloud."

"Thousands of miles away, I want these treasures too."

The people in the death volcano were eagerly discussing with each other.

"Brother, save me..."

Zheng Jingjing's face was blue and purple, and said with difficulty.

Zheng Jingyang gritted his teeth and pleaded again with a man surnamed Feng, to no avail.

The man surnamed Feng is not familiar with the Zheng family. If he is outside, he might sell the Zheng family a favor, but in Longchi, there is no reason to deal with Lin Hao.

In the end, Zheng Jingyang could only helplessly say: "Jingjing, sorry, after you die, I will avenge you."

As soon as he said this, Zheng Jingjing froze instantly, her face whiter than paper.

She did not expect that her brother would give up her life for a treasure.

"Have you heard? Your life is just a fart in his eyes!" Lin Hao sneered.

Zheng Jingjing didn't even have the strength to resist, and she sat on the ground with a "puff", her face like ashes.

"Brother, I didn't think you would be this kind of person." Zheng Jingjing said in despair.

"Jingjing, blame this culprit, if it weren't for him, neither would you or me!" Zheng Jingyang said.

"Hahaha! If you didn't attack me, I would capture her? That's ridiculous." Lin Hao laughed.

At this time, Gongsun Yu came over and said, "Master, do you want me to kill this surname Zheng?"

"No, this kind of waste is not worth exposing you." Lin Hao replied through voice transmission.

"Yes!" Gongsun Yu nodded.

So far, the relationship between Gongsun Yu and him is only known to a small number of high-level officials in Dancheng. This group of people does not know it, and it can be regarded as Lin Hao's hole card.

Lin Hao failed to exchange the Feiyun Treasure, and was a little disappointed. Zheng Jingjing lost his value and could only feed the ants.

Next, everyone began to study the magma pool here.

The temperature of the magma pool undoubtedly exceeded the endurance of everyone. Some of them tried to approach, but they couldn't bear it when they approached a distance of one hundred meters.

Ye Fei frowned and said, "I have to trouble the patriarch. I don't know if the patriarch can do anything."

He took out a summons order and sent a message to Ye Huan.

However, he learned that Ye Huan was dealing with a big chance in the lonely desert and had no time to come.

"I'll try!"

The previous man named Feng stood up and said.

He is Feng Hao, a well-known strong man in the Middle-earth God's Domain. He has reached the invincible true monarch, two-star combat power, and the strongest among the people present.

Feng Hao is old and has limited potential. The reason why he came in by himself is purely because he is alone and has no descendants.

Feng Hao let out a low cry, gathered all the true essences, condensed into a piece of earth-colored armor on the surface, and flew towards the magma pool.

When he approached, the surface of his body quickly lit up.

When he approached twenty meters, in the end, he still couldn't support it and had to retreat back.

"It's a pity that I control the law of the earth, and the defense against flames is too poor. If I were a monk of the law of fire or the law of ice, I might be able to survive it." Feng Hao sighed.

Even he couldn't help it, and everyone present lost their confidence.

As time passed, more and more people came behind, and soon the number reached thirteen.

These thirteen people, all from the Middle-earth God Realm, were helpless in the face of this hot magma pool.

Just at this time.

"Hehe, this death volcano hasn't been so lively for a long time."

Suddenly, deep in the magma pool, there was a harsh chuckle.

Hearing this laughter, everyone stared at the past, held their breath, and stared at In this magma pool, there are still people?

Under the magma pool, a flame figure floated out, wrapped in flames, only a pair of black hole eyes could be seen.

Everyone was shocked and emerged from the magma pool. What kind of horror is this?

Lin Hao also had serious eyes.

To submerge in the magma pool without dying, this is not a simple approach, according to his guess, I am afraid that the strength is close to the Hedao realm! Or, the other party has special means.

However, when Lin Hao took a closer look, he found that this person had no physical body!

Just a soul body burning with flames!

I saw the soul body in front floating out, suspended above the magma pool.

"Who are you?" Feng Hao asked.

"Like you, I am the one who came to Longchi back then. It has been 100,000 years since then." The flame soul body smiled.

The audience was shocked.

This man has been here for a hundred thousand years!

In other words, this person was still very young, and now he has become a boss.

"Back then, my body couldn't bear the high temperature here, and was burned directly. Fortunately, my magical powers saved my life and left my soul alive."

"Now, relying on the Source Crystal of the Law of Swallowing, one hundred thousand years later, my Law of Fire has reached the third level, which can be called invincible under the realm of Harmony!"

"Even if you don't have a physical body, your little dolls are all ants in front of me."

The flame soul body sneered.

Ye Fei frowned and said, "Since you are so strong and strong enough to dominate the Nanfeng Region, why not go out?"

"Hahaha! The source crystals of the law of flames here can make me swallow continuously. My understanding of the law is getting stronger and stronger. It is a holy place for cultivating unquestionably. Why should I go? I have to practice here for a lifetime, until I am in harmony! "

The flame soul body looked up to the sky and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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