Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1082: : Sudden blood induction

Even if the body is gone, there is only one soul left, who can cultivate for 100,000 years, but this person's mind is firm.

Feng Hao said coldly: "We are all people from the Middle-earth God Realm, what do you want?"

"Haha, don't be nervous, I didn't say I want to kill you." Flame Soul Body laughed.

Everyone looked strange.

"I just give you a hint, the flame temperature here is not without a trace."

"At midnight tomorrow, the flame temperature here will drop to its lowest point. At that time, half of you will be able to come in."

"However, you only have time for a stick of incense to search for the Source of Flame Law!"

"After a stick of incense, the temperature will rise rapidly and reach its peak very quickly. At that time, the death volcano erupted, and all life in the volcano except me was wiped out."

The flame soul body laughed.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Really?" Gongsun Yu asked.

"Do you think that a strong man like me will lie to you group of ants?" The flame soul sneered.

Everyone was speechless.

"I am begging for wealth and danger, I decided to stay, tomorrow at midnight, desperate to die!"

"me too!"

"For the law of flame source crystal, fight it!"

Everyone talks to you.

Lin Hao knew that the longer a person lives, the less profitable he will be, and things are definitely not that simple.

This group of Liaotouqing is easy to be deceived, he will not be fooled.

Lin Hao pondered for a moment, and decided to stay and try. Anyway, he had two clones with various methods and was not afraid at all.

After sealing Zheng Jingjing, Lin Hao took out a wooden sculpture and began to carve Zheng Jingyang's doll.

At this time, the trick is naturally to curse the doll, not to ask for a fatal blow, but to make trouble at a critical moment.

Time goes slowly.

Later, two people entered the death volcano, the number reached fifteen.

Time soon came to midnight the next day.

It was late at night, and everyone quietly felt the temperature here.

Sure enough, when the time was approaching midnight, the temperature dropped sharply.

Everyone held their breath, ready to rush out at any time.

At this moment, Lin Hao's cursed doll had just completed a head, and the Ten Tribulations real person would burn his head and not cause death, but it was enough.

"Great curse!"

Lin Hao's eyes turned golden, and a gleam of light swept into the doll's head.

Zheng Jingyang didn't know at all, he was already connected with the cursed doll.

Eventually, the time came to midnight and the temperature dropped to its lowest point.

"Come on!!!"

In an instant, the fifteen people present rushed to the front of the magma pool.

Lin Hao was wrapped in dragon scales, Gongsun Yu was enveloped in a layer of sword aura, everyone used their own methods to resist the high temperature here.

Among them, seven people suddenly burst into flames when they arrived at the magma pool, screamed, and had to retreat.

The remaining eight people jumped into the magma pool.


Lin Hao waved his hand casually and put a source crystal of the law of flame into the body space.

Gongsun Yu also received one instantly.

Then, everyone else gained.

Zheng Jingyang also harvested two source crystals of the law of flame.

At this time, everyone was seizing the time to seize the law source crystals, and had no intention of dealing with other people. Anyway, there are enough fire law source crystals.


Lin Hao took out the head of the cursed doll before and threw it into the magma pool.

It's just a head, the backlash is small and can be ignored.

However, for Zheng Jingyang, it was fatal.


The doll's head fell into the magma and it was instantly burned.


Zheng Jingyang let out a scream, and his head burst into flames.

"Ah! What is going on! Ah!"

Zheng Jingyang hugged his head and screamed, but in an instant, it burned to the core.

The true monarch of the Ten Tribulations, after going through the undead catastrophe, he would not die if his head fell.

However, this is a magma zone, so you need to pay attention and resist the high temperature with all your strength!

Zheng Jingyang suddenly lost his head, and the true essence in his body suddenly collapsed. Where can he resist!

In an instant, a huge fire ignited all over his body and was surrounded by flames.

"Ah!! Save me! Save me!"


The screams resounded, Zheng Jingyang struggled a few times before losing his center of gravity, falling into the magma pool, burning nothing left.

Everyone was stunned by Zheng Jingyang's death, but he didn't pay much attention to it and continued to collect the flame source crystals.

Instead, Zheng Jingjing on the shore sighed, as if something had been released.

At the moment Zheng Jingyang died, Lin Hao threw out a furnace, his clone.

The furnace clone approached Zheng Jingyang's corpse, took his storage ring, and put it in the inventory, and then the furnace clone was burnt completely.

This series of actions was completed in an instant.

"Flying cloud, get it!" Lin Hao smiled secretly.

After solving Zheng Jingyang, Lin Hao continued to collect the law of flame source crystals.

"Hurry up, you only have time for a stick of incense. After a stick of incense, the temperature will skyrocket, hahaha!" The flame soul body laughed.

It was already half a stick of incense before everyone rushed in.

Lin Hao collected five Flame Profound Source Crystals and came to the depths of the magma pool. The others also collected a lot.

Suddenly, Lin Hao looked at the bottom of the magma pool.

His blood became hot.

It was as if there was something under this magma pool connected to his blood.

"There is something in it!" Lin Hao secretly said.

This is Longchi, he is the only dragon here, and it is not surprising that anything connected with his blood appears.

Now is the time when the temperature is lowest. If you don't try it, you may not have a chance in the future.

Lin Hao only pondered for a second before he decided to give it a try.

Immediately, Lin Hao rushed towards the bottom of the magma pool.

"You..." Gongsun Yu was shocked.

This kind of magma pool, Invincible True Monarch will be touched to death, is Lin Hao crazy?

Everyone wondered if Lin Hao was crazy and wanted to die by himself.

But the flame soul body in the distance flashed with surprise in his eyes.

Lin Hao's eyes turned gray, and a terrifying force of law appeared.

The moment he touched the magma pool, the gray law of annihilation descended inside his body.

Under the action of the law of annihilation, a part of the magma below disappeared out of thin air, and a long and narrow empty tunnel appeared. Lin Hao rushed into the tunnel, and the magma disappeared piece by piece wherever he passed.

The surrounding magma flowed quickly, filling the vacancy here, but Lin Hao's speed was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed into the depths of the magma pool, faster than the flow rate of the magma.

"not good!"

Suddenly, the flame soul body on the shore shouted badly and rushed towards Lin Hao.

His eyes were full of anxiety, and he was already cursing away.

"Did this person find anything? He dared to break into the magma pool!"

[Ps: I've been busy recently, it should be gone tonight. 】

(End of this chapter)

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