Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1083: : True dragon form!

"Wind Thunder Phantom!"

Lin Hao's speed increased again, leaving a trail of afterimages behind, but he was soon submerged by the hot lava.

Ahead, the law of annihilation opens the way, and Lin Hao is invincible and indomitable!

With the law of annihilation to clear the obstacles, coupled with the terrifying speed, even the magma that can destroy the invincible true monarch will not touch him.

"It's fast, just ahead." Lin Hao's pupils contracted, and the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Bastard! Stop it!"

At this moment, the flame soul body had already rushed to the surface of the magma pool. With his loud shout, the magma pool there instantly boiled and turned into a giant lava dragon, rushing toward Lin Hao below.

At the critical moment, Lin Hao took out a handful of Dracaena and swallowed it directly into his body.

Later, the Feitianyun that had just been captured was also taken out.

With the supply of dracaena, part of the blood in Lin Hao's body recovered.

"Flush me!"

With a loud shout, Lin Hao took a flying cloud and dived for a long time, avoiding the lava dragon behind him.

At this moment, his law of annihilation has been urged to the extreme, and he will soon be unable to bear it.

"I still have to leave some strength to go back, but I can't die here." Lin Hao gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, he found a hazy haze appeared in front of him, hiding at the bottom of the magma.

Without hesitation, Lin Hao plunged into the mist.

Suddenly, the temperature around him dropped sharply and returned to a normal level, with a hint of coldness.

The nearby magma also disappeared, and replaced by a void filled with mist.

Lin Hao could see the fog here very clearly, it was the ultimate of the law of flame-nine-fold perfection.

At this level, the law of flame is no longer a pure high-temperature killing, but instead brings the highest road to return to the original!

Lin Hao's face appeared pale, dizzy, and that was caused by the law of annihilation urging the transition.

Fortunately, there is such a place. Otherwise, he can only return by burning his vitality.

Although it was hidden deep enough here, it only took Lin Hao two minutes to fall to the limit. Fortunately, the gravity in the dragon pond is large enough, it is much simpler to fall, and it may take ten times a hundred times longer to go up.

Now that he came to a safe place, Lin Hao relaxed slightly.

He continued to explore inside along with the stronger and stronger induction in his body.

After a while, in a dim, he saw a red stone floating in the fog ahead.

This red boulder has an oval shape, the size of a carriage, and the surface is carved with intricate lines.

Lin Hao sensed that it was in this red stone that he felt a sense of blood.

"Hahaha! Unexpectedly, after waiting for two million years, I finally waited for a fellow clan, hahaha!"

Suddenly, a loud laugh came from the stone.

"Who are you?" Lin Hao was surprised.

The voice inside the stone laughed and said, "Young man, I am a remnant soul, you can call me Yan Linghuang."

"Remnant soul?" Lin Hao thought, he might be a master left over in Longchi.

Lin Hao was about to say something, suddenly, an illusory soul body rushed over behind him.

It was the soul body that was burning with flames.

This person is called Mutong, and he intends to calculate all the people here and take all the treasures without any effort.

Who knows, Lin Hao discovered his secret, so he hurried back and returned to this hazy haze.

Mu Tong came to the stone and stared at Lin Hao fiercely.

"Boy, dare to trespass into my territory, and kill you today!"

Without saying a word, Mu Tong waved his hand, and a sea of ​​flame rushed towards Lin Hao.

But suddenly, the flames all disappeared.

Even the flames on Mu Tong's body quickly went out.

Mu Tong was shocked, there is no doubt that it was the stone that shot.


Mu Tong quickly turned his head, held a fist in front of the stone, bent over, respectfully said: "Master, this thief is trespassing on my site. The disciple wants to kill this thief, please allow me!"

Lin Hao understood this situation in his heart.

This soul body should have come here 100,000 years ago and worshipped the "stone" as a teacher.

"You want to kill him?"

A voice came from the red stone.


Of course Mutong wanted to kill him.

Who will allow his secrets to be exposed to outsiders?

He also made a mistake, and he never expected that Lin Hao, a true monarch of eight calamities, would have the strength to rush under the magma.

"Naughty animal, dare to kill the guest who is a teacher! Kneel me down!"

With a loud shout, Mu Tong suddenly felt the boundless pressure on his body, and immediately bent his body and knelt in the void.

"Master's guest..." Mu Tong was completely dumbfounded.

He didn't think that Lin Hao was the master's guest. The existence in the stone had lived for millions of years. Where did the guest come from?

Then there is only one possibility. The master dislikes his potential and wants to change to a successor!

Thinking of this, this strengthened his killing intent, and he must get rid of Lin Hao.

"Master, I am your inheritor. I have spent a hundred thousand years with me You have learned all your life on me. Isn't it OK if I kill someone?" Mu Tong gritted his teeth. .

"Do you dare to question me! Who gives you the courage!"

Roared inside the stone.

"If the master doesn't allow it, then sorry!"

Mu Tong stood up, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and glared at Lin Hao.

He knew that the existence in this stone, although the strength was surpassing the sky, but the means that could be used were very limited, at most to contain his law of fire.

The big deal, he didn't use the power of the Law of Fire, and with his other methods, he could still solve Lin Hao.


The next moment, Mu Tong shot immediately, protruding his illusory palm, and patted Lin Hao.

"Thousand Magical Colored Glaze Hands!"

As soon as Mu Tong shot, Lin Hao seemed to see that countless glazed hands appeared in all directions, slamming them towards him, not knowing which one was true and which one was false.

"Wind Thunder Phantom!"

Lin Hao instantly displayed thousands of afterimages, flashing quickly in the mist, avoiding all Liuli's big hands.

Now, the red stone didn't speak anymore.

Lin Hao was not a fool, he knew at a glance that this red stone was a default.

If this soul's physical ability to use the law of flames, Lin Hao would really be resistant to him, but now, since the other party can't use the flames, it's easy to do.

Lin Hao's body shape instantly changed, transforming into a black dragon.

"The three flowers gather at the top, and the five spirits are coming!"

Lin Hao took out a black dragon picture, and then quickly put it away.

I saw three flowers condensed on top of his head, lifelike, and his spirits skyrocketed.

There are no outsiders here. This is the first time he has fought in the form of a true dragon since he crossed the calamity. Only in this way can he exert his strongest combat effectiveness!


Mu Tong's face changed wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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