Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1131: : The last big bet!

However, Jiuyou Demon Venerable had also seen a big scene anyway, but he was slightly surprised for a moment, and then he sank.

"Unexpectedly, you kid has a good talent. I haven't seen you in ten years. What's the matter today?"

Jiuyou Demon Venerable knew that every time this person came over, he would blackmail a sum from his hand.

Since Lin Hao Yuanying's cultivation base, he hasn't stopped.

Of course, the miscellaneous things he took out were not of much use to him, so they were given, but they were always taken advantage of, which made him a little unhappy.

"Like before, make a deal." Lin Hao said.

"What deal, don't you want to lie to me again." Jiuyou Demon Venerable looked cold.

"Hehe, this transaction is the last and the most important to you. Perhaps it can change your destiny."

Lin Hao has a serious way.

At this time, he took out a metal doll.

The appearance of the doll is no different from normal human monks, except that its special structure cannot be produced by all the skilled craftsmen of the Sky Continent!

This is a puppet attached to a soul, which was given to him by the Dragon Turtle Fairy when he came out of the human island.

Attaching a soul puppet allows Jiuyou Demon Sovereign to separate a ray of soul cards, attach it to the puppet, and use the puppet to act.

However, the actions of Jiuyou Demon Lord would not be controlled by Lin Hao.

This is an extremely dangerous move. If you are not careful, the Nine Nether Demon Lord will turn back. The first one will destroy Lin Hao, occupy the puppet, and use the puppet to unlock his own body seal.

This is a big bet, if you succeed, you will live, if you fail, you will die!

Of course, Lin Hao dared to do this, it is not unsure! After coming out of Longchi, he had more methods!

"this is……"

At the moment when the soul-attached puppet appeared, all the consciousness of Jiuyou Demon Venerable condensed and looked at this puppet carefully.

He feels that his soul can be attached to it.

"Nine You Demon Lord, this puppet is called a soul-attached puppet. It allows you to separate a ray of soul into it, attach it to the puppet, and use the puppet to act outside!" Lin Hao smiled.

This sentence just came out.

In the next second, Lin Hao instantly noticed that the Demon Sealing Monument began to loosen, as if something was about to emerge.


A group of gray-black thunder appeared in Lin Hao's palm, annihilating the gods of thunder, and buckled it on the puppet's head.

"If you act rashly, I will destroy the puppet!" Lin Hao scolded.

Hearing this, the Demon Sealing Monument slowly calmed down.

"Speak, what do you want?" A faint voice came from inside.

Jiuyou Demon Lord is a wise man, straightforward.

Lin Hao sneered and said, "I know, if I just want to give you the soul puppet, you will kill me as soon as you appear!"

"So, I need to take some special measures!"

After Lin Hao finished speaking, his eyes were staring at the soul-attached puppet, instantly turning into golden yellow.

"Great curse!"


In Lin Hao's golden pupils, two rays of light radiated and hit the puppet.

Then, the light disappeared.

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign watched quietly, without saying a word.

He couldn't deny Lin Hao's words, because the two knew each other's temperament and there was no need to covertly act.

"Hehe, I don't deny what you said, but do you really have a way to achieve the best of both worlds?" Jiuyou Demon Sovereign snorted coldly.

He had just finished speaking, but the next moment, there was a scene that horrified him.

Lin Hao raised his hand and scratched a blood mark on his arm.

At the same moment, a trace also appeared on the arm of the soul-attached puppet!

Lin Hao burned his body with fire, and the body of the soul puppet became charred.

"This, this..." Jiuyou Demon Venerable was dumbfounded.

Next, Lin Hao used a series of methods to torture himself.

The soul-attached puppet had the same situation.

"It's very simple. If I die, this puppet will bang and die!" Lin Hao said calmly.

The words are simple, the Nine Nether Demons is like seeing a miracle!

This is definitely a supernatural power!

The big curse technique, cast on a puppet that has no cultivation base, the backlash is almost zero.

Lin Hao wasn't sure whether the effect would exist after the Nine Nether Demons possessed the soul, but he could only take a gamble.

"If you don't believe it..." Lin Hao took out another sword.

"Don't! Don't! I believe it! Don't destroy yourself!" Jiuyou Demon Lord repeatedly said.

This soul-attached puppet, but his future body, where can he bear the heart to hurt the puppet?

He was convinced by Lin Hao's appalling method.

All you have to do is to think of a solution after he goes out.

"it is good!"

Lin Hao nodded slightly, and then said: "However, I know the methods of your Nine Nether Demon Venerable very well. Maybe I will secretly use soul skills to control me, so..."

After speaking, Lin Hao's palm annihilation **** thunder reappeared.

He spouted a ball of blood and wrapped the Annihilation Thunder.

Then, he sealed the mass of blood into the soul-attached puppet.

"As long as I have a thought and the Annihilation Thunder erupts, the puppet will turn into nothingness, so I advise you not to move any crooked thoughts!" Lin Hao said coldly.

Watching the blood rush into the puppet's Jiuyou Demon Venerable had nothing to do.

Just now, this thought just flashed through his mind, and it was spoken by Lin Hao!

He knows him better than himself!

Jiuyou Demon Lord gritted his teeth and said: "Who are you and how do you know me so?"

Lin Hao sneered: "Who I am, you will know it from now on! But I know all your means!"

"Your technique is called Useless Demon's Tome, your ultimate move is called Dafan Demon Prison Slash, and you also have a spirit skill for group demon sacrifice..."

As Lin Hao said as much as Jiazhen, Jiuyou Demon Venerable became more frightened as he listened, completely dumbfounded.

How does this man know everything!

After speaking briefly, Jiuyou Demon Venerable was completely sluggish.

Lin Hao said: "It's very simple. I will attach a soul puppet to you. You will do for me. If you agree, I will let you in!"

"I only give you a stick of incense time to consider."

Lin Hao thought inwardly.

There is still time for a stick of incense, the Feilong Palace is coming back, and the army of Youhailong Palace will also be chased and killed!

This time a big bet, only success, no failure!

Lin Hao sat quietly on the ground, waiting quietly.

Time passed by every minute.

Inside the cave, there was a dead silence.


At this moment, Feilong Palace had already surrounded the Eastern Profound Realm for most of the circle, and the three elders of Youhailong Palace had already chased them.

"Hehe, I see where you go!"

Elder Mai stared at the Feilong Palace, chasing after him.

Flying Dragon Hall turned around and flew towards Yanluojiang.

Elder Mai took out a summons order, which showed a string of messages-Master Zongmen, has arrived!

"The Flying Palace is flying south, going to the riverside to block it!" Mai Yi sent the message immediately.

[Ps: It's gone tonight, two more at noon tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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